Foxes calling outside my house ...


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Blimey! We get those quite a lot, the first time I heard them call, I was convinced someone was getting hurt it was unsettling at first!
Thanks PJ and ditto dimps..we used to have living under our shed and I used to feed them (rightly or wrongly - but there are a lot of cats around here including ours and I figure a hungry fox might attack them) - lovely creatures, tho I do know they kill chickens and pet rabbits and so on...:eek:( when the cubs frolic about they are a lovely sight and seem to "chirrup", for want of a better word!
Thanks PJ, I tried to listen but as soon as the sound came on my dogs threw their heads back and stated howling.I switched it off before next doors started to complain. :giggle:
Thanks PJ and ditto dimps..we used to have living under our shed and I used to feed them (rightly or wrongly - but there are a lot of cats around here including ours and I figure a hungry fox might attack them) - lovely creatures, tho I do know they kill chickens and pet rabbits and so on...:eek:( when the cubs frolic about they are a lovely sight and seem to "chirrup", for want of a better word!
That reminds me when we first moved into the house we are in now BM, our neighbours opposite us hadn't put a fence up and we could see from the kitchen window the bottom of their garden. One afternoon I saw some little cub faces popping out of a hole on the side and their mum used to come into our garden at night to hunt. it was a lovely sight but one Sunday morning I went to peg some washing out and had a shock when I saw a large fox across our rockery, she/he was alive but couldn't move, we rang the RSPCA who when they came to see it said it had been knocked down by a car and had tried to get back to the cubs! They destroyed it humanely and took it away. Ironically a fence was put up soon afterwards and we don't know what happened to the little ones.
We found a litter of cubs in our compost bin last month (fairly new-born with eyes and ears still shut), a few days later they'd gone. I read online that the young are often minded by other adults foxes while the mother hunts or hides during the day, so maybe they'd been moved like a mother cat moves her kittens. Then a few days after the litter disappeared we found an adult fox dead in the compost bin. It was curled up and looked just asleep, poor thing. A local animal rescue place had already advised us that they rarely "rescue" foxes as they don't cope well with captivity, the cubs would never adjust to the wild if hand reared and they advised not to intervene if at all possible.

I don't mind foxes per se because we have so little large mammals in the wild, however we have had 1 or 2 pet rabbits since my daughter was little and our current bunny Nigel was sadly confined to the house until we were sure the foxes had gone for good. Even so we only allow him outside when we're home and only after 9am and back inside by 4pm. He uses a flap in the kitchen door.

About 5 years ago we lost our beautiful, if bad-tempered, girl bunnies to a fox attack. We heard them and the sound of rabbits in distress is even more alarming than the sound the foxes make. The fox didn't seem to want them as food but just chased them around the garden until their little hearts gave out. They were in a large very sturdy outside hutch but the foxes had pulled the wire out of shape until door frame buckled, the rabbits instinct was to run but because the garden is rabbit proof there was no way for them to escape. It's shocking how strong the foxes' mouths must have been, we couldn't have warped the wires by hand. For a couple of months afterwards Mr.Akimbo was all for buying a cross-bow to avenge their death but I managed to talk him out of it!

Other fox related incidents (apart from the smelly poos on the front garden) include one of my son's footy boots being taken from the front door step which was found in a neighbour's garden with a fox poo on it! What's that all about? Unless the poo was to cover the smell of the boot! :puke:

So if you have rabbits, guinea pigs or chickens please move them from outside into a shed if you can. All of our rabbits have been house-trained to use a litter tray but you have to be careful about the damage they cause biting things (you can't train them to stop that, they simply learn to do it when you're not looking!).

Jude xx
We used to have fox poo by our front door, in exactly the same spot even after we moved it, the smell was bad, it's very strong so got some stuff from Pet City, Used it and never had it again.
I think they are very nice to look at, and I don't like the way the do fox hunting. If they are a pest as so many people say, I wish they would kill them humanely and not chase and tear them apart as in the fox hunts.:mysmilie_468:
we very mistakenly left our rabbit out in its run when the boys were little whilst we went out for the day ...not a scrap left of little Tabby (her name) ...not even any fur....i felt so guilty ....i only hope she died quickly ...i had to put it in perspective in the end as one of my sons teachers had lost her son to suicide the same weekend...but was still sad for bunny ..i love my animals so much it scares me!:heart::mysmilie_492::mysmilie_1::mysmilie_848::mysmilie_7:

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