i was watching last night as well and thought it was funny, he scored 9.5 on the bull-ometer... not only was i moved by peters honesty,
not only was i nearly converted to religion by his knowledge of all things biblical, talking of which... does anyone know waht EASYASTICLES
is? its probably ecclesiasticals.. now that was funny!
'If you are like me, and have a faith, you will know of the worry angel, and it is through theologians and history one of the things that are
given to people when they are christened. As every day a journey we take, but the angel story is not only from the citadels of the churches
of the empires that existed a Million years ago (im sure they didnt have churched a million years ago ha ha). They are from some of the most
extraordinary words written not only from EASYASTICLES, not only from the psalms, not only those from the Old Testament, and the words
of an angel, an angel that can keep you till morning (?) an angel that can guide you thru the night, an angel that can comfort all your sorrows,
and has more than the ability to win the fight, to keep watch on your soul in every day of every moment, in ways that can be un-folded for
you to delight'
and then if all that crap was'nt enough for you... that strange looking bird Clare Rose came on with her unusual looking eye brows, and Peter was
all over her... kissing her and fondling her legs, and telling her that he loved her... OMG wot a couple they made, it made me feel sick so i went to