Regarding item :
Doing it's presentation Lulu says," Why are you doing it on easy pay, you don't need to ? "
Debbie Greenwood says," I know but Lulu sometimes things pass the suits upstairs and they don't notice."
"Oh yes," then says Lulu.
Well this person sat here will let the easy pays or paying the full £250 pass for as the description says a slubby canvas bag with a cat and mouse on it.
As we have food to shop for instead.
It gets worse think I need to turn off the TV.
Lulu has just said during the £395.00 bag presention,
"Oh I need to get one of these, save one for me."
Debbie Greenwood says, "It's got to be said I really need to get a Lulu Guinness bag very soon."
Doing it's presentation Lulu says," Why are you doing it on easy pay, you don't need to ? "
Debbie Greenwood says," I know but Lulu sometimes things pass the suits upstairs and they don't notice."
"Oh yes," then says Lulu.
Well this person sat here will let the easy pays or paying the full £250 pass for as the description says a slubby canvas bag with a cat and mouse on it.
As we have food to shop for instead.
It gets worse think I need to turn off the TV.
Lulu has just said during the £395.00 bag presention,
"Oh I need to get one of these, save one for me."
Debbie Greenwood says, "It's got to be said I really need to get a Lulu Guinness bag very soon."