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Dream Girl

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Jun 5, 2017
…….Davina show

Now we have a new premiere edit show with Davina, flogging her bits and some other brands.

Apparently having rest and taking care of yourself days other than workout days are just as important.
So with days that you can calm down with a bath and a candle, plus a nice spray for the pillow, is how she does it.

So she can be paid to be on air to tell us all about the stuff Q has given her and she can tell us she uses them.
…….Davina show

Now we have a new premiere edit show with Davina, flogging her bits and some other brands.

Apparently having rest and taking care of yourself days other than workout days are just as important.
So with days that you can calm down with a bath and a candle, plus a nice spray for the pillow, is how she does it.

So she can be paid to be on air to tell us all about the stuff Q has given her and she can tell us she uses them.
I've had enough of people stating the ******* obvious. If she's capable of doing it she can sell the benefits of an item but doesn't need to be so condescending.
Didn't we just know it !

According to today's paper, Davina is going to 'trademark' the word menopausing !!!! so she can use it to flog more products like tea towels, pens, candles, bed linens et all.

God on a bike, the scourge of professions used to be (in no particular order), - - double glazing salesmen, car salesmen, estate agents (politicians I'll leave out), but I reckon the new scourge of society are those in marketing. They've already turned our advertising upside down, they latch onto youngsters and promise them great riches as 'influencers', and they'll sell granny out for a 30 second advertising spot if it brought them financial rewards.

So Davina is the new guru of menopause - what bilge. She maintains opening the door on a taboo subject - taboo my a.....se, women talk of nothing else and have done for centuries, so what sodding planet is she on ? 🤬🤬 the same one I suppose where idiot young wives who haven't a clue about cleaning tap into someone called Mrs Hinch - another marketing success.
So Davina is the new guru of menopause - what bilge. She maintains opening the door on a taboo subject - taboo my a.....se, women talk of nothing else and have done for centuries, so what sodding planet is she on ?

It's the thought of kitchenware promoting this that makes me laugh. I know that many women have years of misery & that must be awful; my pause was fleeting, lasted three days when I was 50 & now I get hot episodes every few months but no other issues. Shall I tell her?
Didn't we just know it !

According to today's paper, Davina is going to 'trademark' the word menopausing !!!! so she can use it to flog more products like tea towels, pens, candles, bed linens et all.

God on a bike, the scourge of professions used to be (in no particular order), - - double glazing salesmen, car salesmen, estate agents (politicians I'll leave out), but I reckon the new scourge of society are those in marketing. They've already turned our advertising upside down, they latch onto youngsters and promise them great riches as 'influencers', and they'll sell granny out for a 30 second advertising spot if it brought them financial rewards.

So Davina is the new guru of menopause - what bilge. She maintains opening the door on a taboo subject - taboo my a.....se, women talk of nothing else and have done for centuries, so what sodding planet is she on ? 🤬🤬 the same one I suppose where idiot young wives who haven't a clue about cleaning tap into someone called Mrs Hinch - another marketing success.
Pipa was also spouting on about it the other day; claiming it was a taboo subject and that she’d done a podcast about it as “50% of people were women” so it needed to be talked about.
Apparently she’s on the HRT and everything in the garden is rosy.
So Davina is the new guru of menopause - what bilge. She maintains opening the door on a taboo subject - taboo my a.....se, women talk of nothing else and have done for centuries, so what sodding planet is she on ?

It's the thought of kitchenware promoting this that makes me laugh. I know that many women have years of misery & that must be awful; my pause was fleeting, lasted three days when I was 50 & now I get hot episodes every few months but no other issues. Shall I tell her?
Me too. I didn't even really know I'd had it. I get the hots (you know what I mean) but that's it. I sympathise with any woman who's life has been made a misery by menopause.

I heard Pipa wittering on about her HRT and how wonderful her life is. Hey if it works then fine but I have never needed anything thing like that and I don't like the way people like Davina and many other "celebrities (who you've never heard of)" are non stop sharing their stories to bring attention to themselves (and no doubt make money).

Pipa was also spouting on about it the other day; claiming it was a taboo subject and that she’d done a podcast about it as “50% of people were women” so it needed to be talked about.
Apparently she’s on the HRT and everything in the garden is rosy.
If there's a bandwagon trundling down the road Pipaaaaaaa is the sort who'll get on it & makes a dratted podcast while bouncing along. "Thank heavens I won't have to listen to any more stories about her womb" - my Mr T's comment from a couple of years ago when I was dropped by a so-called friend & we didn't get an invite to her Bank Holiday party. I really hope that in a couple of decades time Ms McCall & the like aren't glorifying their increasing incontinence & banishing the taboo.
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I can’t stand that woman Maguiness who is never off SM flashing her bits in some exotic place whilst crying about her autistic children. Perhaps if she put as much effort into them as she does in SM perhaps I might have some sympathy for her.

Those of us who have been through the menopause have had different experiences, some terrible, some not too bad and everything in between. Why do these zelebs think they have invented every single thing in the world - their menopause, their divorce, their mother being ill, their weight loss/gain, their eating disorder, their ……. Loads of people have it far worse than these leeches who are making a fortune out of what others just get on with.
I can’t stand that woman Maguiness who is never off SM flashing her bits in some exotic place whilst crying about her autistic children. Perhaps if she put as much effort into them as she does in SM perhaps I might have some sympathy for her.

Those of us who have been through the menopause have had different experiences, some terrible, some not too bad and everything in between. Why do these zelebs think they have invented every single thing in the world - their menopause, their divorce, their mother being ill, their weight loss/gain, their eating disorder, their ……. Loads of people have it far worse than these leeches who are making a fortune out of what others just get on with.
I need to screen shot your comment because it's spot on! It strikes such a chord with me as I'm coming up 51 and awaiting this "hideous time" which may not even be the case for me. I'm so very bored of these folk too and need a reality check when I get sucked into all the social media shite.
Thank you Loveallthingsitalian
Personally my periods stopped almost immediately so I didn’t have those problems although I started at 10/11 years of age and they were quite heavy most of the time, my last period was in 1997 but the hot flushes went on for many years.

Hot flushes were the worst not helped by working in a very hot office. When the flushes were coming I had a panic attack and needed to get out into fresh air. Mr L would disagree but I don’t think I had terrible mood swings although the hot flushes did get me down and I still get them occasionally even now 25 years later!
Didn't we just know it !

According to today's paper, Davina is going to 'trademark' the word menopausing !!!! so she can use it to flog more products like tea towels, pens, candles, bed linens et all.

God on a bike, the scourge of professions used to be (in no particular order), - - double glazing salesmen, car salesmen, estate agents (politicians I'll leave out), but I reckon the new scourge of society are those in marketing. They've already turned our advertising upside down, they latch onto youngsters and promise them great riches as 'influencers', and they'll sell granny out for a 30 second advertising spot if it brought them financial rewards.

So Davina is the new guru of menopause - what bilge. She maintains opening the door on a taboo subject - taboo my a.....se, women talk of nothing else and have done for centuries, so what sodding planet is she on ? 🤬🤬 the same one I suppose where idiot young wives who haven't a clue about cleaning tap into someone called Mrs Hinch - another marketing success.
Just wait. Women going through menopause will become "people experiencing hormonal changes" to not exclude anyone...
In the meantime Davina can join the ever-growing ranks of patronising zlebs who have just cottoned onto how many millions of otherwise ignored women they can target and merch to... now they are going through their own permanent heatwave.
Here's a thought. Does that silly c...w give a thought to women other than those in the English speaking world ? We're not the only ones who have suffered/battled/endured the 'change of life' ie menopause. The hot flushes do not only attack us in the West, how does saintly Davina imagine Muslim women dressed head to toe in black cope when their temperatures are going through the top of their hijab ? what about Japanese / Chinese ladies ? or even tribal ladies on Pacific islands ? Is she hoping her book will reach these places by steam packet boats ???

Personally my periods started between 10 and 11, and they stopped at 43. Not sure about mood swings as I seemed to be permanently pissed off with hubby anyway - such a plonker, I did get the sweats and had 6 months of HRT before it was realised that it was exacerbating the cause and symptoms of Lupus from which I still suffer, so I was quickly taken off it.
QVC are really missing a trick. Dale should be flogging products for the male menopause.

I grew up with older women family members who opening talked about the Change as they called it, when I was a child. In fact back in the 60s and no doubt before if women had heavy periods it was normal for them to have their womb whipped out. You'll be better for it was the idea.

I thought I was going through the menopause late forties, sweating etc. Turned out I had a dodgy thyroid and was only perimenopausal in my early 50s. So when I did start it properly in my mid 50s I sailed through mine feeling a little warm for about 30 seconds. Now, I did have this rage at times, but I was always grumpy anyway. My doctor did not believe in HRT because of the side effects unless you really needed it.
It was my dodgy thyroid which stopped my very heavy periods, but the freedom of not having to carrying heavy-duty pads and tampons in my handbag all the time made the thought of menopause very attractive.

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