Featured Customer Review....must be literate....


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Jul 26, 2010
Is this insulting or what? :

FEATURED REVIEW QVC defines a Featured Review as a review that is exceptionally well written, exhibits good grammar and spelling, and has a significant amount of text with technical or practical detail.
I don't really think it is, the amount of badly spelled or even barely comprehensible reviews that somehow still get published when we know perfectly valid reviews get rejected is rather astonishing. You'd hardly want to read something out on air that barely makes sense.

Though why they expect their customers to waste your time actually putting a lot of thought into writing a review for QVC hoping it will be read out on air when customer opinion in general doesn't seem to matter that much to QVC us another question...
I am all for good literacy skills but making a point of "awarding" a review with "featured customer review" is belittling to people with valid points to say but who lack good English ability. The Q review system could be viewed as another beating stick to people who are already demoralised.
Is this insulting or what? :

FEATURED REVIEW QVC defines a Featured Review as a review that is exceptionally well written, exhibits good grammar and spelling, and has a significant amount of text with technical or practical detail.

shame this does not apply to some of the presenters whose lack of those very qualities appear not to be a barrier to their continued employment! I know they don't write but some of them have rather limited vocabularies, mangled syntax and a poor command of grammar.
....FEATURED REVIEW QVC defines a Featured Review as a review that is exceptionally well written, exhibits good grammar and spelling, and has a significant amount of text with technical or practical detail.

.... "and is always gushing, never critical."
I have had several featured reviews and more then a few which have been rejected all written in the same style with the same spelling and grammar so there really is no rhyme nor reason to the whole review process which is why I have stop wasting my "very valuable" time and NO longer both to post any reviews.
I wouldn't call it discriminatory, I'd call it quality control. Imagine how badly it would reflect on QVC if one of the featured reviews was misspelled, barely literate and written in caps lock ;)
I wouldn't call it discriminatory, I'd call it quality control. Imagine how badly it would reflect on QVC if one of the featured reviews was misspelled, barely literate and written in caps lock ;)

The contents of Madmax's post would seem to suggest otherwise.
i dont think there's anything wrong with promoting good spelling and grammar. its a shame the powers that be who are responsible for our children's education don't feel the same. things are bad enough in this country, well done QVC for setting a standard.

(says he who always uses lower case on internet forums... pot/kettle!)
I am all for good literacy skills but making a point of "awarding" a review with "featured customer review" is belittling to people with valid points to say but who lack good English ability. The Q review system could be viewed as another beating stick to people who are already demoralised.

goodness LIAM, what cobblers. if they dont have the skills they can go and learn them. its free and it may raise their "morale".
Personally anything that promotes proper English I'm all for! Real English is dying in this country and being replaced with text and gangster speak! Literacy in schools doesn't exist anymore so full marks QVC!

The next (if not current) generation won't be able to spell, write or speak proper English!!

Sorry, rant over!
I tend to agree with many members that there is absolutely nothing wrong in good, well-written English. I don't see that this is, in any way, insulting to people who aren't so good at grammar etc. If we all start being hyper-sensitive (just in case someone is insulted), where will it end? I'm utterly rubbish at adding up but I don't get all worked up (or demoralised) that someone else is much better at maths than me. I can't help thinking this type of over-sensitivity over the last few decades is, partly at least,
why so many people struggle in the first place. That being said, I do think, as long as a review is written well enough that the
points it makes are clear, any review should be omitted.
My issue was the word "exceptionally" well written. Who are Q to demand this when reviewing a pot of cream or 100% nylon.
double standards maybe. but at least its a standard. lets embrace it.

I loathe corruption of the English language, Kwik Save, Kwik Fit, Kost Kutters etc., but Q reviews are for people to submit if they so wish. Not exactly writing your will in front of a solicitor. Unless they want to offer this service next.
I loathe corruption of the English language, Kwik Save, Kwik Fit, Kost Kutters etc., but Q reviews are for people to submit if they so wish. Not exactly writing your will in front of a solicitor. Unless they want to offer this service next.[/QUOTE

I too hate what is happening to the English language and I don't think it is unreasonable of Q to request literate reviews. I'm not saying they have to be gramatically correct, perfectly punctuated and spelt but they should be intelligible. If not, what's the point in posting a review?
I loathe corruption of the English language, Kwik Save, Kwik Fit, Kost Kutters etc., but Q reviews are for people to submit if they so wish. Not exactly writing your will in front of a solicitor. Unless they want to offer this service next.

I too hate what is happening to the English language and I don't think it is unreasonable of Q to request literate reviews. I'm not saying they have to be gramatically correct, perfectly punctuated and spelt but they should be intelligible. If not, what's the point in posting a review?

To get read out on air?

I'd be more supportive of Le Q trying to raise the standard of reviews if it was actually and literally raising the standard of its presentations at the same time.

What's the appropriate phrase here: "lead by example"? :wonder:

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