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Retired - Don't Quite Fit
Dec 17, 2008
Hi all,

In view of Scott Worsfold's request that we send any queries to him (see the thread regarding emerald origins) I have sent him an email and quote below a paragraph that is relevant to all:-

"The main reason I am writing is to ask if it would be possible, if you are willing and "them upstairs" permit, to speak to the whole forum direct in an informal capacity. It occurred to me that if maybe Graham could give us a "sticky" thread on the Gems forum, members could place their questions there and you could answer on the forum, thus you could reach more of us in one answer. If you are unable to do this perhaps another representative of Gems could? I think this would save you a lot of time replying to individual emails about possibly the same subject and would be educational and useful for us. Perhaps you would discuss this with "upstairs" and let us have your thoughts. We have far more members who simply read the forum, than those who write posts."

Graham - I'm very sorry but I think I should have spoken to you first before sending this to Scott, but it may all be irrelevant if he cannot comply to my request.

For everyone else, I thought you'd be interested to know what I have done and let Scott know that you would find this helpful (if possible).

Argey xxxx
PS - I have since "spoken" to Graham who is happy to go ahead with this if Scott is willing. xxxx

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