Everyday Beauty-Revitalash TSV 19/01/13


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Revitalash TSV- is it another rip off?

I can't believe the price of this TSV with P&P it's the best part of £100. I think you would have to be mad to spend that amount of money on something that looks trashy to me. It's obviously aimed at the very gullible section of shoppers who believe all this beauty guff they spout about. If you've got this sort of money to squander please give it to charity don't line the pockets of so called beauty companies.
I use Rivitalash lash conditioner and it absolutely works for me, longer and thicker lashes that get frequent comments (had 3 different people comment on my long eyelashes in the last 4 weeks alone). I need a new tube of conditioner but wouldn't use the other products in the TSV so will not be buying. Hope that they may have an OTO later in the day with just the conditioner.

I regularly donate to charity and don't see that buying Rivitalash and donating are mutually exclusive activities.
i think the problem is with the tsv they have bundled stuff together. the hero product sells and seems to be popular so why not put two of the conditioners together with a good price
Whether or not you think that the price is sensible for the product, and it is very pricey, people (including me) have seen significant results from some of these products. I not talking about the mascara and eyelash curler here, which seem, to me, to be add-ons. But a lot of other people who have serious concerns and worries, having had illness and medication too had said that both lash and brow products have helped.
I'm fortunate that my 'need' was purely cosmetic, not post-medical. My eyelashes are definitely longer, more numerous and in better condition. I am not gullible, at least I don't consider myself so. Rather, I am very skeptical, and it was only when the original product came along on several easy-pays that I even considered trying it out. I am glad that I did. Whether or not you, or anyone else, would consider it a worthwhile investment, is a personal choice, but for many of us, the results are real and, in our cases at least, not at all guff or trashy. And as for charitable donations, well I guess we could all do without quite a lot of the stuff we buy, from QVC and elsewhere, and give to charity instead.
I also swear by Revitalash. I have been using it for nearly 2 years now and like Dips am always getting comments on my 'lovely long lashes'. Shop assistants will regularly say to me ' wow you have fantastic lashes'. This is just because of this product. It is not actually that expensive as a tube will last about 5-6 months especially once you get onto maintenance. I would say it is one of the best products I have bought from QVC.

Although I like the lash product and the eyelash primer is also good - I have had that in a previous tsv. I am not interested in the brow product and would not spend £90 on it. I tend to stock up when they have a duo of the eyelash product on, hope they have a oto later.

I also do not think people should be telling me what I should or should not spend my money on :wonder:
If Revitalash is so good at growing eyelashes perhaps the hair dressing fraternity should be looking into using it on thinning hair. I still stand by what I said to me it is ridiculous price. But hey what price vanity. If it is helping people who have had eyelash loss through ill health perhaps you should be able to get it on prescription as the price would be prohibitive to lots of people.
I have never been tempted by Revitalash , maybe because I just can't listen to that patronizing guest, plus imo it is far too expensive for people on a limited income...
I don't know about all the extra items Q seems to feel obliged to add to their TSV hero products (Clarisonic with all the creams etc.), but Revitalash itself works wonders on me. I bought some when I was in New York during the summer and had to use it for more than six weeks (so glad I persevered), but then started to see wonderful results. My eyelashes are longer, thicker, curlier and, for some reason, also much darker. I don't need to use mascara now, which probably also helps their condition.
So, in answer to your question, I don't know if the bundle is worth the money, but I will now gladly pay the (and I feel they must make a ludicrous profit for this product) high price for the basic Revitalash. Having said that, I'm still using my original tube, so over six months now, so not that expensive on a daily basis.
What I do know is that I'm retired and live on a pension and seriously object to being told how gullible (and now also vain apparently) I am and how to spend my money!
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Well, I'll carry on being vain or gullible or both! Fortunately, I'm neither, and I'm also polite enough to allow others their opinion without insulting either their intelligence or personality.
Having spent years using metal eyelash curlers (and doing untold damage to my previously dead straight lashes in the process) I'm quite surprised to see that they're flogging one in this TSV just to bump up the contents.
I do use Revitalash itself and have seen great results with it .... all damage is now nicely repaired and my lashes certainly don't need curling now.
I agree its a mistake to lump all these products in together. This TSV isn't for me (don't need the brow stuff ...don't like the primer ... wouldn't touch the curlers with a barge pole).
I would however have definately gone for a duo TSV of the lash conditioner itself.
Ooh i think this is a toughie , because we all have things we like to spend our money on that others think is frivolous.
My bathroom is like the beauty area of the qvc warehouse. However,Revitalash has never appealed to me because i think its a ridiculous price and i'd rather just use mascara but for others they love it and swear by it, so that's their choice.
I could never get excited about or spend a lot on a handbag but again others do and that's up to them.
My view is, as long as you can afford it then spend it how you like. I am no longer in the same financial position i was. so i buy what i need and occasionally what i want. My priority is always food, bills and whatever is left is for me to spend as i choose. I don't donate to charity anymore but i volunteer for two charities so my conscience is clear.

There is nothing like a job loss or pay freeze to make you re assess your priorities. What i once considered a necessity has now become a luxury and i have become a much more price savvy shopper.
If you've got the money enjoy it,you never know when it might unexpectedly be taken away.
Well, I'll carry on being vain or gullible or both! Fortunately, I'm neither, and I'm also polite enough to allow others their opinion without insulting either their intelligence or personality.
Dips I would not dream of insulting anyone I totally respect the fact that you and anyone else can spend their hard earned money on whatever takes their fancy it's just not something I would spend that amount of money on.
I always like posts that use the initials 'IMO' or better still 'IMHO' as it tends to take the sting out of what on occasion can be posts that some find insulting/offensive.

I have said previously that I won't try this product as I can't/won't commit to the cost of the maintenance programme that has to follow so you continue to see results and won't have wasted the initial outlay. If I suffered from the unfortunate side affects of medical intervention then I may view this differently.

But for now I'm fortunate that a good coat of mascara and an eyebrow pencil does enough :)
Thank you, BettyBoo. Your posts did appear to be criticising those that did make this choice, but I'll certainly accept that was not the intent.

LELover, I also certainly know what it is like to have a dramatic change in financial circumstances (as some of my old buddies on ST.com may remember from 5 years ago). I now only buy what I can afford from either my savings or current month's salary, and went through a number of years when I couldn't buy anything (thank goodness for my beauty draw stash at that point, although it was quite an eclectic mix)!

When I started using Revitalash (before it came in the advanced formulation) I bought my first tube off QVC as I had read up on the product and knew that some people suffered itchy eyes when using it. As I have very sensitive eyes, I wanted to be able to return the product if I was not happy with it. Since then, I've generally bought it from Ebay but it is now becoming harder and harder to buy it at a good price on Ebay as more people have become aware of the product And demand has increased. I bought my last one off QVC in a smaller bundle, but sold off the other items which made the tube of Revitalash more reasonable (although still expensive). I have to confess that I do this a lot, I am very disciplined in selling on parts of kits that are not my favourite things as it does reduce your total cash outlay quite significantly. I do usually try to wait a couple of months before doing so, in order to allow the glut that always appears on Ebay straight after a TSV to have dissipated.
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I am very fair and have sparse eyebrows due to long term medication and I'm afraid Revitabrow eyebrow conditioner did nothing for me. I have also tried Peter Roth's product and that was a little better but not enough to purchase again.

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