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Oh, I remember the days of branded soap that you bought in the supermarkets. Palmolive supposedly kept skin young looking. Imperial Leather appealed to those who aspired to the middle-class lifestyle, and lived in the type of homes you'd see on Tales Of The Unexpected, and Bouquet Of Barbed Wire - in today's world, the type of Q viewers who have at least two homes and can afford to give expensive beauty products as gifts to teachers. Camay, Lux, Pears, Knights Castile, which I think was the lower end of the market, then along came Dove. I remember the soap adverts "...Wow, you can't be her mother...well I am, and I use Palmolive." One of my grandmother's would scoff and say, "A bar of carbolic did us back in the day!".
Bouquet of Barbed Wire!! I'd forgotten about that. I was really a bit young to watch that because it was quite risqué but I do seem to remember a scene where Frank Finlay's voice was swapped the Kermit the frog's! Or am I just imagining to check on google!
Oh, I remember the days of branded soap that you bought in the supermarkets. Palmolive supposedly kept skin young looking. Imperial Leather appealed to those who aspired to the middle-class lifestyle, and lived in the type of homes you'd see on Tales Of The Unexpected, and Bouquet Of Barbed Wire - in today's world, the type of Q viewers who have at least two homes and can afford to give expensive beauty products as gifts to teachers. Camay, Lux, Pears, Knights Castile, which I think was the lower end of the market, then along came Dove. I remember the soap adverts "...Wow, you can't be her mother...well I am, and I use Palmolive." One of my grandmother's would scoff and say, "A bar of carbolic did us back in the day!".
Do they still make Imperial Leather? I have one of those labels that were in the centra of the soap hanging about somewhere. No idea why or where it came from.
Did anyone have one of those big metal sphere on a stand washing machine gadget things? You could put them on any surface, filled them with dirty washing, added soap and hot water then you had to turn the handle to agitate the clothes in the hot water before you changed it for a clean rinse. They saved tons on electricity, and my arms were like Popeye's. I saved up for a twin tub quickly after that experiment. I'm trying to attach a link of something similar called the Sputnik but mine was metal.
Something like this? Still available to buy and used by “off grinders” etc.
Bouquet of Barbed Wire!! I'd forgotten about that. I was really a bit young to watch that because it was quite risqué but I do seem to remember a scene where Frank Finlay's voice was swapped the Kermit the frog's! Or am I just imagining to check on google!
They still show it on clip shows. In the middle of a scene, suddenly it turns into The Muppet Show for a few minutes. Then back to the drama, with nothing said about what had happened. Studio heads, "It's okay, nobody will notice." 😂

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