Enough of the male presenters doing fashion!


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Registered Shopper
Jan 21, 2009
I'm watching Charlie present Slim'n'lift with a model in her underwear. This is toe-curlingly embarrassing! It's like having a bloke standing in the corner of the communal dressing room.

Please, QVC, leave the intimate products to the women presenters!
Bless him. Were you embarrassed on his behalf or was he doing a good enough job of it all on his own?

I am sorry I missed it :)
He didn't seem terribly embarrassed, even when the guest pulled her underwear down practically to the pubes, and asked him to measure her waist! Did QVC really think this one through?
Did you see how carefully he placed his finger on the tape measure so that he wouldn't touch any skin either side? lol

He didn't seem terribly embarrassed, even when the guest pulled her underwear down practically to the pubes, and asked him to measure her waist! Did QVC really think this one through?

They had Craig doing it last time. He took it in his stride too.
I thought this would be a total embarrassment, but he handled it well and noticed that one of the models (Tracey?) had a nice shape.

BTW Is she the model that used to be very overweight? The presenter said she'd lost 7 stone and she looked familiar. If so, she's done very well and looks great.
It wasn't Charlie I felt sorry for - it was the poor model, who had to stand there being discussed like a piece of meat by some pushy woman and a strange bloke. If anything was going to put me off QVC undergarments, the vision of Charlie agreeing I was a lump of lard until I put them on would be it!
i felt so bad for him, it mustv'e been so tough to do that

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I find it funny the way they say woman will not lose weight going to the gym and exercising so just buy slim and lift! then they are busy wobbling all the ladies body parts!what a silly thing to say IMHO.
Exercise and eating sensibly will lose weight. Thats right Fairynuff its all to sell the items, always best to face reality IMHO.
I find it funny the way they say woman will not lose weight going to the gym and exercising so just buy slim and lift! then they are busy wobbling all the ladies body parts!what a silly thing to say IMHO.

What a ridiculous (& really quite disgraceful!) thing for them to say! :mad:
It is a known fact (well a fact known to most people anyway!) that you will lose weight if you follow the one rather obvious rule of using through activity more calories than you consume! Seemples - eek!

I guess Slim'n'Lift does have a place, e.g. if you want to create the illusion of shaving off those last couple of inches to get into that super slinky (OMG, sorry, I used the word 'slinky'.....I know, I know!) dress for that special occasion but to promote it as the way forward because you won't 'lose weight' (either literally or figuratively speaking) any other way is just plain stupid, not to mention irresponsible!
It truly amazes how seemingly intelligent people can waste so much money on diet foods, miracle diets etc when it's not rocket science to work out that consuming fewer calories than the body needs to function or burning off calories through exercise will lead to weight loss.
If you're familiar with "David Copperfield" I always liken it in my mind to Mr Micawber's solution to financial happiness but in the case of weight gain/loss
an extra 3,500 calories = 1 lb weight gain
cutting out or burning off 3,500 calories = 1lb weight loss
i.e. cut back 500 calories a day over a week and you'll lose a pound in weight.
It truly amazes how seemingly intelligent people can waste so much money on diet foods, miracle diets etc when it's not rocket science to work out that consuming fewer calories than the body needs to function or burning off calories through exercise will lead to weight loss.
If you're familiar with "David Copperfield" I always liken it in my mind to Mr Micawber's solution to financial happiness but in the case of weight gain/loss
an extra 3,500 calories = 1 lb weight gain
cutting out or burning off 3,500 calories = 1lb weight loss
i.e. cut back 500 calories a day over a week and you'll lose a pound in weight.

well said xx

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