Emma Hardie Eye Serum - Milia


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Please please don't all of you assume that acne is always solved by antibiotics because it is caused by bacteria. It is actually caused by over production of sebum that then in turn is affected by bacteria to become acne. Antibiotics work in some cases, not all. In my case the cause was HORMONAL, and antibiotics cleared up an initial crop of acne, but due to the underlying cause, it came right on back. Treat the CAUSE of the acne. My doctor stopped the antibiotics, gave me a high oestrogen pill for 18 months and the spots went within 3 days. I kept taking the hormone pills for the 18 month maximum and the spots never came back. That was 8 years ago now.

I agree about acne is not always solved by antibiotics. Unfortunately though I was put on the pill when I was 16 (after loads of antibiotic courses) to sort out my acne it never did. Eventually at the age of 34 I had a course of Roaccutane (again after loads of creams and antibiotic courses) and that mostly cleared it. Had another course 18 months later and I was over the moon. Roaccutane is very strong and a last resort as I believe it has been linked to depression and suicide!

Now I'm dosed up with HRT and my skin has turned dry - LOL. Hence my interest in skin care.
I've been reading this thread with much interest, not really for myself (though the Raspberry oil sounds really good - I may try it myself!), but more for my daughter. She had a stubborn spot come up on her cheek fairly close to her eye near her nose and it just wouldn't budge. It turned red and was 'solid' and gradually got bigger and was the size of a petit pois!! She is 14 btw. She'd been having the usual teenage spots, not really bad though. So off we went to the doctors, and he gave her some lotion to put on it, well it just dried out the skin surrounding this spot thing, so back we went. Oh, he said, I've changed my mind about this, I think a plastic surgeon should see it. (I actually went into Boots in between these visits and he said, whatever you do don't try and do anything yourself - try and squeeze it or whatever - it needs to be done by a plastic surgeon!!!) So we saw the plastic surgeon (we had to go privately on my husband's work health insurance which thankfully covered the treatment), and said it is a calcifying epithelioma(!), and I can get rid of that for you, so she had a general anaesthetic a fortnight ago yesterday and had it removed! She had the stitch ends trimmed last week (absorbable stitches), and there is just a fine red line left - the stitches are somehow under the skin - he did a fantastic job. As for aftercare - the nurse advised as much massage of the area as she can manage with a simple lotion (aqueous cream) at least twice a day to minimise scar tissue forming and 50spf sun block on it (to minimise pigmentation I assume?) and we see the surgeon later to make sure everything's ok. I am loathe to use anything different to what I was advised to do, but it is interesting about the oils.

Sorry this was long!! Apparently it was just as well we went privately as the surgeon told me that the NHS won't do anything about these, they will only treat things that are detrimental to health/dangerous etc, (cancers etc). Hmmm what about the teenager all the self esteem/confidence issues etc, but I suppose I kind of understand their reasoning :/
I do get the odd one around my eye. Say every few years. I have used the needle before and perhaps mine was not fine enough but did cut the skin. I got one right in the middle of my eyelid and could not get the skin stretched enough to use a needle. So stopped using what I was(sorry cannot remember what) and then every time I cleansed pulled the skin a little tight and massaged the millia firmly. Now its gone.
Daisygirl, I hope your daughter is now OK, and yes I agree it was a good thing you got this sorted out. Snarly, it is indeed Raspberry seed oil I have got, must have had one of my ditsy moments, when my head said one thing and my fingers typed something else! (prefer to say ditsy rather than senior moment). Anyway used it first last night, and will report back in a few days.
Daisygirl, I hope your daughter is now OK, and yes I agree it was a good thing you got this sorted out. Snarly, it is indeed Raspberry seed oil I have got, must have had one of my ditsy moments, when my head said one thing and my fingers typed something else! (prefer to say ditsy rather than senior moment). Anyway used it first last night, and will report back in a few days.

Thanks, yes she is fine now and very pleased and delighted with the result. I've been looking into all kinds of skin care so as to try and avoid anything like this forming again, ie keeping the pores clear, but maybe it was just going to form anyway, oh all these things we have to worry about!
I agree about acne is not always solved by antibiotics. Unfortunately though I was put on the pill when I was 16 (after loads of antibiotic courses) to sort out my acne it never did. Eventually at the age of 34 I had a course of Roaccutane (again after loads of creams and antibiotic courses) and that mostly cleared it. Had another course 18 months later and I was over the moon. Roaccutane is very strong and a last resort as I believe it has been linked to depression and suicide!

Now I'm dosed up with HRT and my skin has turned dry - LOL. Hence my interest in skin care.

I had a similar experience with acne... in my mid-20s, I suddenly developed acne... And teenage spots were a bit of a concern to me as they left scars all the time, so when I started getting acne I was really worried about it... GPs tried so many treatments and nothing worked until they eventually put me on some strange topical thing that I only found out about because someone recommended it to me (cannot remember the name of it, sorry!)

But, after this, any spot became fear acne was coming back and I do think I had a couple of odd breakouts, and once definitely had an awful reaction to Philosophy but thankfully stopped using the range immediately.

With all that said, I wanted to say I really really hope things will start to settle down for you and that you will find something that works for you. I have fallen in love with some very "natural" ranges which I find works with the skin and in a very gentle way and I personally find these are best for me... not sure if it is okay to name products here, so do not want to say anything wrong, but if it is okay let me know and I'll be happy to add my little contribution!!!
Thanks, yes she is fine now and very pleased and delighted with the result. I've been looking into all kinds of skin care so as to try and avoid anything like this forming again, ie keeping the pores clear, but maybe it was just going to form anyway, oh all these things we have to worry about!

Hi Daisygirl!
What a great result! Well done and hope you find a range you are happy with xx
@DaisyGirl-glad to hear your daughter is better, that would be traumatic at any age, especially a young, developing woman. @Still18InMyHead-thanks for that update. I know all about 'quirky' moments and I think the M.E. illness is blamed for pretty near everything, deserved or not! Haven't we had a nice 'chinwag' over this? 'cept for those boiling-needles! |shudder|yelp|slink away|
Lol Snarly! Glad I'm not the only one RedT! My husband hasn't witnessed it, only done it twice in last 5 years thank goodness. As I only have one little white sucker should I wait before attacking it again?

Not really milia but does anyone remember those sticky strip things that removed blackheads like ripping off a plaster? You could see the blackhead on the strip after!!! I haven't seen them in the shops for ages now.
I had a similar experience with acne... in my mid-20s, I suddenly developed acne... And teenage spots were a bit of a concern to me as they left scars all the time, so when I started getting acne I was really worried about it... GPs tried so many treatments and nothing worked until they eventually put me on some strange topical thing that I only found out about because someone recommended it to me (cannot remember the name of it, sorry!)

But, after this, any spot became fear acne was coming back and I do think I had a couple of odd breakouts, and once definitely had an awful reaction to Philosophy but thankfully stopped using the range immediately.

With all that said, I wanted to say I really really hope things will start to settle down for you and that you will find something that works for you. I have fallen in love with some very "natural" ranges which I find works with the skin and in a very gentle way and I personally find these are best for me... not sure if it is okay to name products here, so do not want to say anything wrong, but if it is okay let me know and I'll be happy to add my little contribution!!!

thanks for your offer. I am pretty well sorted out with the dry skin now. I just have to use moisturiser! I never used anything on my face before except soap and water as makeup slid off with the greasy skin and the dermatologist said that no face creams at all. So I had many years of cheap skin care! It was only after I changed from a Mirena coil plus Premarin HRT to Climagest HRT that my skin dried (about 2 years ago). Funnily enough I started off using a cream for dry skin suggested by the pharmacist (Lotil) but it didn't work and a friend suggested using cosmetic creams. Most things seem to work and I'm happily indulging myself in lotions and potions from all the cosmetic companies. Started wearing makeup too. All at the late age of 58.
Lol Snarly! Glad I'm not the only one RedT! My husband hasn't witnessed it, only done it twice in last 5 years thank goodness. As I only have one little white sucker should I wait before attacking it again?

Not really milia but does anyone remember those sticky strip things that removed blackheads like ripping off a plaster? You could see the blackhead on the strip after!!! I haven't seen them in the shops for ages now.

Yes, I remember them. Bore was the brand, then other brought them out. I found them awkward, perhaps my nose a weird shape? Clarisonic does the job now.
Yes Donna I am a new convert to Clarisonic having bought the superbargain price one. Suffice to say there is no way I am sending it back, I love it. Use it with Emma Hardie and use the little tubes that come with it in the shower. It has made my fairly good skin into really good skin.
Oh yes I remember those nose plaster things. I've only got a little nose so I used to trim them up a bit and they were fine. Well they were til I left one on for too long and when I took it off it took some skin off with it. Well bugger that I thought!
I ordered today the raspberry, the blueberry and the kiwi oils.
The intended purposes for the oils are
Raspberry - UV protection
Blueberry - aftersun and pore reduction
Kiwi - antiwrinkle, aftersun and pore reduction

Kiwi Seed Oil
Unique oil as it contains a very high level of omega 3 fatty acids (up to 65%) and other micro nutrients. Skin studies have shown that it improves skin condition & protects against moisture loss. Has an excellent after-feel & absorbs easily making it the perfect ingredient in face creams & hair conditioning creams. It is soft & smooth, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

Kiwi seed oil is excellent for treating sensitive and oily and large-pored skin as it helps to rebalance the skin because of the oil’s very low freezing point. It also helps to treat all kinds of skin infections, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, pimples and boils. It is useful in the repair of damaged skin tissue, varicose veins and skin overexposed to sunlight, and reducing or healing fine lines around the eyes, wrinkles and scars.

Its very dry, thin appearance on the skin makes kiwi seed oil a very good anti-wrinkle/skin rejuvenation oil. It helps to give elasticity to the skin and can be used in face oils, serums and in creams.

It’s good for adding to eye and after-sun products.

Thanks Marina, I love it when someone "cites their sources" (echoes of old teachers' voices going around in my head). Must get rid of blackheads on nose. You had me interested in the blueberry, now I'm off to DogpileCom the kiwi oil - I like to search the CanAm web for their take on things (larger search engine). They will know us forumites by our BeauteousFaces or the oil slick we leave behind! ;-)
@ Marina - Glad to help. Do you know about Makeup Alley? Ya gotta know about Makeup Alley. And Paula Begoun (sp). That'll take a few hours out of your day! x Snarly
@ Marina - Glad to help. Do you know about Makeup Alley? Ya gotta know about Makeup Alley. And Paula Begoun (sp). That'll take a few hours out of your day! x Snarly
I go to Makeup Alley to see reviews when I'm tempted to buy something new that's the reason I use it.
Is there something else interesting I can do on Makeup Alley? And who is Paula Begoun? Sounds interesting.
I use makeup alley for new things too but I go from one thing which leads to another eg: Apple cider vinegar as hairrinse. Paula Begoun, 1990s, wrote Don't go to the cosmetics counter without me, appeared on Oprah etc. Details ingredients of items , comparing them for the dollar, which back then, she was a pioneer. Love/dislike her, it seems no neutral ground. Lots on her website, books, her line of skincare, bags ... Just sharing what I know x Snarly
I'd be really interested to know if it has any effect on pigmentation marks. I've got marks that are due to laser treatment and nothing has worked on the buggers. They're not too bad as long as I keep out of the sun ... which I do obviously.

Ooh, Tinkerbelle. I'm sorry you've been left with marks from laser use. I'm halfway through a treatment now and have been warned about them. Could you give me some details of how yours occurred?


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