Embarrasing Model sharon


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I always think that when something looks a bit naff on Sharon it would look totally gross on a mere mortal such as myself with short stubby little legs and bad posture! She is one of Q's best assets.
Lets be honest. Sharon has done real catwalk and now at QVC wearing the cheaply made tat they sell. She is having fun with what she has to wear.

Who remembers the famous show where the presenter(forget who), said the skirt could actually be pulled up and worn as a skirt. Quick as anything Sharon who was modelling went behind a post whipped off her top and pulled the skirt up to prove it. Everyone in the studio nearly wet themselves laughing at how quick thinking Sharon was and fun too.

doh!!!!! I meant of course worn as a top!:giggle:
I like Sharon very much, she looks good in any thing she is asked to wear and she is truly stunning in red!
She is the best model on QVC IMHO (I am getting like you, using abbreviations :giggle: ). Much as I like her, I agree that she does do the "Flamengo " bit too much. When I watch the fashion program, I want to see how it hangs on a person, the front view, the side view and the back view and all the special things that particular item is supposed to have. She keeps flapping the skirts or dresses, so we cannot get a proper look at the clothes:sad:

What is worse, is, some of the other models are coping her style of "flapping" the skirts.
Imsorry but when i used to watch Sharon when i was a QVC novice, i used to wonder why on earth she was doing all that
hand waving, and prancing" about. Imagine you"ve never seen her before , and all of a sudden she appears on the screen,
please imagine that, your first time seeing her. I thought oh my goodness what is she doing. I thought she looked bit
OTT To be honest. And i"m sorry to mention boobs, but she had hers thrust forward, like one of Madonna"s old bras, far
too much. And ive tried to see what others see, but im afraid in my opionion, she just isn"t like a model selling anything
i"d want to buy. Can you imagine her on "this morning or similar doing all that, they"d wonder what the, is she doing.
Just my opinion of course, were all entitled to it, and i tried to like her, probably lovely person, but .......................
I think Sharon is fabulous and that all her swirling and twirling is very tongue in cheek. I bet she'd be great fun to spend an evening with.
Love Sharon - she is by far the best model on QVC. Sense of fun, lovely girl and stunning figure. She could wear a chip paper and look gorgeous. My other favourite is Joy, who has a very realistic figure for a lot of us and looks great in everything. QVC used to have a petite model, I think it was an Asian girl, who was lovely and let us shorties see what the clothes might look like on us.
I think she's very lovely but her over exaggerared hand and leg flicks and swinging round pillars looks a bit daft...but somehow I don't think she takes herself too seriously!
I would love to see her hair done differently though.

QVC has made me realise that models don't need to be particularly attractive just the right shape and height!
I much prefer Lynn from Ideal World, realistic size, doesn't 'pose' and more our age group.

Sharon as the majority of people have said on here is fabulous - by far the best clothes model on QVC - may I suggest that if you don't like Sharon, then don't watch her! and if you prefer Ideal World and it's more your age group then watch Ideal World - nobody is forcing you to watch if you really don't like her that much!
I would say that would I? How exactly do you know me to presume to know how I respond to things?

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I much prefer Lynn from Ideal World, realistic size, doesn't 'pose' and more our age group.
I really like Sharon and think she hams it up for fun but like you ,think Lynne from IW is lovely too-mid 50s and what a classy lady. Proper old school model too.
We all see different things in people, thats what makes it interesting to see other people"s views and
see their point of view. We cant all like the same people, would be a dull world if we did. I dont think
anyone has said anything nasty. Seen worse written about some of the presenters

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