Ellis Ward


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Jan 13, 2022
I hardly ever watch Ellis. Today I did at 2pm and I was appalled by the amount of times she interrupted the show to play videos of how to get involved and how to send to a friend. Is this common practice with her?
I hardly ever watch Ellis. Today I did at 2pm and I was appalled by the amount of times she interrupted the show to play videos of how to get involved and how to send to a friend. Is this common practice with her?

It's beyond ridiculous with Ellis.
Ellis is such a cheer-leading company Girl - that's the aspect that grinds my gears. It comes across as brown-nosing (sorry Ellis, but it does). She also trains the newbies - or has a hand in it, so she has a lot to answer for there. I do wish she would take a leaf out of Jeff's book. Keep it factual, don't be so sycophantic - there is a reason why Jeff is so popular and that's it. Also, her presenting style with the singing and constant over-the-top fake enthusiasm does feel like kids TV in style. It is easy to feel patronised. (Again, sorry Ellis, as I really think you read here, but it's how it comes over and this is, honestly, how it makes me feel - and I ain't that unique that I will be alone in this.)
Ellis is such a cheer-leading company Girl - that's the aspect that grinds my gears. It comes across as brown-nosing (sorry Ellis, but it does). She also trains the newbies - or has a hand in it, so she has a lot to answer for there. I do wish she would take a leaf out of Jeff's book. Keep it factual, don't be so sycophantic - there is a reason why Jeff is so popular and that's it. Also, her presenting style with the singing and constant over-the-top fake enthusiasm does feel like kids TV in style. It is easy to feel patronised. (Again, sorry Ellis, as I really think you read here, but it's how it comes over and this is, honestly, how it makes me feel - and I ain't that unique that I will be alone in this.)

She's always had a tendency to talk to us like children and come across as patronising in the process - but I could put that to one side because she was one of the better presenters and was informative.

Now she's totally different - she's turned into one of the worst for misleading and over-exaggerated price claims, she treats us all like we're thick by reminding us how to buy every 5 minutes, and she tries too hard to come across as 'everyone's friend' with her 'mumsy' style of presenting.
Ellis is such a cheer-leading company Girl - that's the aspect that grinds my gears. It comes across as brown-nosing (sorry Ellis, but it does). She also trains the newbies - or has a hand in it, so she has a lot to answer for there. I do wish she would take a leaf out of Jeff's book. Keep it factual, don't be so sycophantic - there is a reason why Jeff is so popular and that's it. Also, her presenting style with the singing and constant over-the-top fake enthusiasm does feel like kids TV in style. It is easy to feel patronised. (Again, sorry Ellis, as I really think you read here, but it's how it comes over and this is, honestly, how it makes me feel - and I ain't that unique that I will be alone in this.)
I can't watch her for even 5 minutes - she's like an incompetent PE teacher at school sports day - so hyper, gushing and sycophantic, I keep expecting her to give us a team talk at half time. And her singing's great (Not). It all comes across as totally fake.
Yikes, I can't believe what Ellis' jigsaws have gone for today - £2.99 - I can't remember the original price (£20, £30?) but there was such a huge launch for them and she was absolutely raving about them - more than she normally raves about stuff. I think if they had any of the treasure chest one, I would have got one and I've not bought anything in ages! They are doing price pledges too. They must really need the room, perhaps Mr T has got a shipping container of jade arriving this week.
Ellis is now presenting a collection of AA tanzanite jewellery. She of course couldn’t help herself and said that even though it was described as being AA on the certificates she believes that most jewellers would say it was AAA! She always does this even though it’s obviously AA. They can’t seem to sell anything on its own merit. There’s always a comparison to something more expensive. Leading shyster on that channel is Ellis.
I haven’t watched or bought in ages, but as I’m off until after Easter, I thought I’d watch, just to see if my blood pressure goes up. Nothing seems to have changed, Debz and Margaret are still joining the fray, people still need to be shown multiple times how to purchase, pricing and grading mistakes are still being made. Yep, blood pressure is up and I’m cross. Off to TJC and Chloe!
AA tanzanite jewellery
Completely random. I haven't ventured to the triple A, nor could I, but I did get some AA, coz that's my initials :p But silliness aside, comparison is not the same. Yet another bug bear of mine, if you don't already know. Buy 'what it is', not because of what it looks like. If you wanted to buy what it looks like, you'd buy that and be done with it.
Ellis is now presenting a collection of AA tanzanite jewellery. She of course couldn’t help herself and said that even though it was described as being AA on the certificates she believes that most jewellers would say it was AAA! She always does this even though it’s obviously AA. They can’t seem to sell anything on its own merit. There’s always a comparison to something more expensive. Leading shyster on that channel is Ellis.

Yep, they have a habit of claiming that everything is 'Paraiba colour' or 'Padparadscha' colour too.

When they sell London Blue Topaz they say "it looks like Indicolite".

The best one is when they sell a 7mm round Zircon and say "Your friends could mistake this for a flawless Diamond. It looks just like a million dollar Diamond".

Yeah, I'm sure that Sally working in a call centre on minimum wage can convince her colleagues that her £30 zircon ring is actually a one million dollar diamond. Sounds totally legit. They won't suspect a thing.
That's the one that I was thinking of when I was 'talking' comparisons.
Yesterday there was a large Ascher cut zircon in 18 ct gold with 16 small diamond accents and you could immediately see the vast difference between the two gems. To me only the diamonds gave any real sparkle. I don’t think I ever saw both in one ring before but it looked bizarre to me.
Yesterday there was a large Ascher cut zircon in 18 ct gold with 16 small diamond accents and you could immediately see the vast difference between the two gems. To me only the diamonds gave any real sparkle. I don’t think I ever saw both in one ring before but it looked bizarre to me.
I suspect that you're right but there may be several reasons for this.

The clarity of both may have been different, the different cuts - and different dimensions within those cuts - will perform differently and, of course, the general issue of cameras wanting to resolve the dispersion, which it views as an error and is why often you see soft focus or sparkle filters applied on video output.

Step cut varieties wouldn't be my choice for a dispersive gem anyway. I have a custom, precision cut unheated zircon that definitely beats a diamond for sparkle.
I suspect that you're right but there may be several reasons for this.

The clarity of both may have been different, the different cuts - and different dimensions within those cuts - will perform differently and, of course, the general issue of cameras wanting to resolve the dispersion, which it views as an error and is why often you see soft focus or sparkle filters applied on video output.

Step cut varieties wouldn't be my choice for a dispersive gem anyway. I have a custom, precision cut unheated zircon that definitely beats a diamond for sparkle.

I totally agree.

Plus Zircon is isn't really respected in the same way as a Diamond is - the Zircon's will no doubt have been poorly cut and done 'on the cheap'.

I've seen some AWFUL step cut stones across Gemporia too. They zoomed in on a step cut stone last week (I think it may have been either a blue Zircon or a blue Topaz - I can't remember which it was now) - and the 'steps' were not parallel to the stones edge. The 'steps' to the right of the stone were 'thicker' than to the left side of the stone. I presume one eyed Willie cut it in Jaipur.

I've seen some awful windowed or 'fish-eyed' Paraiba Tourmalines and Tanzanites too.

The standard of cutting at Gemporia seems to be way down compared to years ago.

I've got some really fiery sphenes that I bought about 10 years ago - but in recent times, I've seen some really 'flat' Sphenes on GC that seem to lack fire.

Gemporia always bang on about clarity and colour - bur they rarely ever talk about quality of cutting. A cut can be 'make or break' for a stone.

A poorly cut AAAA Tanzanite can be less vivid in colour than a AAA or even a AA if its poorly cut and windowed or 'fish-eyed'. So many of Gemporias stones seem to have plenty of colour around the edges these days - but lacking in the centre because they're windowed.
I’ve also really noticed windowing everywhere on Gemporia items over the last year - even ‘luxury’ Loriques. Aquamarines, zircons and step cuts are particularly prone. Presenters always used to claim the company ‘cut for beauty, not carat weight’, but cutting windowed gems is not just from using less skilled cutters, but also a result of trying to maximise the size of the gem. Quantity not quality as usual these days!

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