Elemis TSV 8/11/20


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Heard Ali K say last night that she’d got her Elemis TSV set to try out.
Charlie made a big point in his hour that to his dressing room he shares with Dale, delivered to Dale was a huge supply of Hotel Chocolates to sample.
Craig has been ‘lucky enough ‘ to have the le Creuset set to try, and Pippa was wearing 3 Annie Haak necklaces and said she’d been lucky to be able to wear them for the last couple of weeks. Arn’t they a lucky lot? Perhaps they should be doing the lottery! ( although they seem to have hit the jackpot already)
I hope, if the presenters actually do hand their freebies back, that they don’t get sent out to customers as part of the waitlist orders. Nothing would surprise me. 😳
I'm sick of seeing them all fawning over it when we know full well that they havent paid for it like the rest of us would have to. I would hope though that, under the present circumstances, they dont return them to be sent out but as you say, I wouldnt put it past them.
I'm sick of seeing them all fawning over it when we know full well that they havent paid for it like the rest of us would have to. I would hope though that, under the present circumstances, they dont return them to be sent out but as you say, I wouldnt put it past them.
a lot of this stuff is cheap to make so not such a hardship to give away loads of freebies...now the rest of
I think if they do buy anything, they get a substantial staff discount. The staff in the outlet shop get 20% discount,but I don’t know if that includes items ordered at full price from Liverpool.
Said it before, no wonder the staff turnover is beyond minimal at QVC. On top of their salary the benefits are too lucrative to give up. I cant think of a single product that doesn't have at least one of the presenters been given to take home and 'try'. I don't know why, because despite saying they had 'one to take home and try', they rarely comment on it and certainly nothing negative, so its a pointless exercise as far as the audience is concerned.

I should think its a rare day when the presenters turn up for work and not go home without a freebie.
Said it before, no wonder the staff turnover is beyond minimal at QVC. On top of their salary the benefits are too lucrative to give up. I cant think of a single product that doesn't have at least one of the presenters been given to take home and 'try'. I don't know why, because despite saying they had 'one to take home and try', they rarely comment on it and certainly nothing negative, so its a pointless exercise as far as the audience is concerned.

I should think its a rare day when the presenters turn up for work and not go home without a freebie.
I’m thinking that a diamond 💎 or tanzanite show would be a good one to host - quite fancy a free ring 💍 or nice pair of earrings 🥳💓
I bought from Cosmetize, they have a huge collection of European as well as Afro skincare products. And currently, they give special discounts, especially on skincare products.
But they are a salon as I followed your last link and it was the clickbait. Chanel on the front page but you click and not found other brands as well. Many long time members here recommend brands and websites they buy from. We trust their recommendations as we know them and trust their reviews. You are new here and so far only post to push this website. I get the idea you either own or work for this company. Sorry.

There is a section at the top of the QVC part CHEAPER THAN QVC, try posting there.
They are really pushing this TSV. they keep ‘warning’ us it may sell out before the 8th. Why on earth do they call it a TODAYS special value, when it may not be available on the day?
It used to be at midnight, and worth staying up late to see what it was, and it often sold out quickly.

That was in the days before SCW told you in advance what it was, so you could go to bed early if not interested.

Then it became at 9pm the previous day, but they called it a "preview" as they said it was actually the TSV for the next day.

Now it can be days ahead, so as said above, the name TSV is now meaningless.
I have made a decision and will keep to it. I will not buy anything from QVC that the presenters have “ been lucky enough “ to have tried at home. It’s on a point of principle, I will not spend my money on a product that a presenter has not paid for but wants to encourage me to part with my hard earned money. It won’t be hard because their blogs are full of their freebies and in the backgrounds of their selfies. Not one presenter can manipulate my buying decisions. I can watch, see what’s out there and buy the same, similar or better elsewhere.

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