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Dec 14, 2008
So if this ecoegg is so wonderful why was there a huge box of a well known detergent on the floor next to the washing machine in the demo:tongue:
It's crap! We used the Ecoegg for a month and it shifted stains initially but then stopped. We also had mega limescale build up in the drum. We're back to Persil powder and the stains have gone. Save your money, don't buy it

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Debbie Greenwood stood by a stack of detergent boxes and contrasted the effort of getting them home with the ease of ordering ecoeggs from QVC. Thing is I only ever buy and bring home one box of detergent at a time not 6 months worth, so it's no effort. Am I the only Q shopper that doesn't bulk buy and stock-pile Ariel Automatic (or any other well-known detergent) ??

Linda xx
I have one and it is fine for the normal stuff, but if you have heavy or dried in staining it does need a bit of help. I was in hospital recently with my little boy for a couple of weeks and found it invaluable when using the washing machine in the parent's room. It took up hardly any room in the packing and there was no faffing about with bottles etc.

I like mine.
To be fair they did say that you would need to use a pre-stain treatment with the ecoegg.
At the beginning of the year Asda were doing a large box of Ariel for £5, my husband went and bought 6, we've still got 2!
I have no intention of buying it, I work in a hospital and HAVE to was my uniforms at 60 degres with detergent.
I just found it quite amusing that at the same time as they were doing the demo and extolling how wonderful it was there was a huge open box of Persil ! At the side of the washing machine so they clearly dont practice what they preach
i dont work in a hospital but i also prefer to wash at 60 degrees (90c sometimes!) with a good heavy dose of detergent, preferably with as much optical whitener enzymes and surfactants as possible.

washing clothes in cold water is NOT "brrrrrilliant" no matter what the advert says.
i dont work in a hospital but i also prefer to wash at 60 degrees (90c sometimes!) with a good heavy dose of detergent, preferably with as much optical whitener enzymes and surfactants as possible.

washing clothes in cold water is NOT "brrrrrilliant" no matter what the advert says.

Glad to see you around BurlZ. I was watching JB on the Q in the wee hours of the morning last night (?) and he mentioned you!!! I didn't catch what he was saying - something to do with the guest presenter having done his first audition before JB way back then, and BurlyBear was mentioned somewhere in the conversation! Wish I had been listening closer to quote exactly but was a little sleepy at the time!
Glad to see you around BurlZ. I was watching JB on the Q in the wee hours of the morning last night (?) and he mentioned you!!! I didn't catch what he was saying - something to do with the guest presenter having done his first audition before JB way back then, and BurlyBear was mentioned somewhere in the conversation! Wish I had been listening closer to quote exactly but was a little sleepy at the time!

Dear old Jules. bit embarassing really as he is CONSTANTLY talking about me on air! Not to mention the phone calls, "should I do the fashion shows I feel Charlie is overtaking me?, What was I like on that drill demo? Do you think richard jackson really hates me?". I've told him, Julian plough your own little furrow. No-one cares hun, but its not getting through.

If it carries on I'm going to have to start screening calls.... bless 'im
Dear old Jules. bit embarassing really as he is CONSTANTLY talking about me on air! Not to mention the phone calls, "should I do the fashion shows I feel Charlie is overtaking me?, What was I like on that drill demo? Do you think richard jackson really hates me?". I've told him, Julian plough your own little furrow. No-one cares hun, but its not getting through.

If it carries on I'm going to have to start screening calls.... bless 'im

Dream on BB, dream on.

Joined this forum a couple of days ago and have been having a look round. Found this post to be "interesting", cant say that I agree with the statement that the ecoegg is "crap". Bit harsh. I bought one from QVC about four months ago after months of pestering from my sister to try it. I wasnt convinced at all, but gave it a go and honestly I wont be using normal detergent again. Its brilliant, cheap and i think its as good on stains as other normal detergents.

Although, your concerns about the build are sort of valid, I had a funny smell from my machine when i started using the Ecoegg, but the instructions suggested running vinegar through the machine. Apparently, machines get build up or limescale and because the ecoegg is fragranced free, it doesnt cover the smell. I dnt think it is the ecoegg causing the smell. Anyway, vinegar did the trick on my machine, give it a go. Also, I bought my mum one for xmas (sad i know) and I noticed that they now come with a detox tablet which does the machine cleaning thing also, which is gud.

several close friends have also been raving about these ecoeggs for a long time (we really need to get out more lol). There loads of positive feedback on the QVC website, thats what convinced me to buy, well that and my sister nagging.

ttfn x

well i dont think its crap! I thinks it great. Bought mine about 2 months ago from QVC and im convinced it works just aswell as normal detergent and its cheaper. Ive got very sensitive skin and this is the only thing that doesnt bring me out in a rash! It got my stains out, some stains just need an extra bit of help, why else would products like vanish be in the market, they are there to support the function of normal detergents.

anyway i wont go on, just wanted to say i think its great.

well i dont think its crap! I thinks it great. Bought mine about 2 months ago from QVC and im convinced it works just aswell as normal detergent and its cheaper. Ive got very sensitive skin and this is the only thing that doesnt bring me out in a rash! It got my stains out, some stains just need an extra bit of help, why else would products like vanish be in the market, they are there to support the function of normal detergents.

anyway i wont go on, just wanted to say i think its great.

I don't think its crap either,have been using mine for a week and its fine gave the washing machine a dettox first as per the instructions,no odd smells no conditioner needed.
I also like my Ecoegg as it save so much space under the sink. However I have to tell you about their customer services. While at hospital (little boy getting an operation) we were staying in a parent's room and had to share a washing machine and dryer with other parents. Someone kindly put our washing when it was finished into the dryer, but didn't notice the egg and it went in too. The egg is OK, but some of the beads were lost. I wasn't bothered about the wash beads, but figured I needed some of the tourmaline ones. I called their customer services this morning and explained what happened, debit card ready to pay for a new set of tourmaline beads, but they are sending them to me free of charge.

Cannot fault their customer service.

Tough and dried in stains can need a bit of help, however that is mostly on the baby clothes for me so I do wash them at 60 with some Napisan anyway. My egg has saved me so much mess and faffing about with separate liquids for whites, coloured, delicates etc. If the whites do get a little dull then the occasional wash with a booster won't harm.

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