I haven't used the easiyo yoghurt maker for ages - I've been using the simply yoghurt from IW - and I have just tried to make a batch in the easiyo, to which I have added water three times.
When it says "fill to the top of the baffle", does that mean the top of the hole in the middle, or the top of the outside of the baffle?
It means fill to the top of the outside of the baffle ..my sweet greek yoghurt did eventually set after 48 hours, i changed the water sat night and it was fine the next morning. The only differece was that the kitchen was warmer that night!!. I had an email from easiyo the next day with advice and the batch number from my yogurt with my postal address for a replacement - but as it set i did'nt send the details off.
Any ideas yet for the tsv?