Easiyo TSV 21/12/24


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'm so sorry but even though you seem to have got it down to a fine art, I'm really not sure I can be bothered. However, If I've got any chance of a full refund then I guess I'll have to try it in order to complain on the grounds that the demonstration was misleading. Of course it might work a treat, but somehow I've got a feeling that it won't! The demo gave you the impression that you simply pour tap water into the container, shake it, top it up and shake it again, "cook" it over night and pop it in the fridge to chill and it's ready to eat, no mention of specific temperatures and "setting" times - Not true. Anyway wish me luck 'cause I really want it to work!
Used to use it a long time ago but gave up because it was always quite runny no matter what I did.
Easier to pick up different flavours of yoghurt in the supermarket.
After the hugely successful attempt with the vanilla sachet that was included with the unit, today I decided I'd do one of the chocolate sachets from the TSV pack. I prepped the water put in the powder and shook it like mad, as I was shaking I noticed that I hadn't got the lid on completely straight, so I went to remove the lid to screw it back on properly and it would not come off for love nor money. Oh had a go but had no joy then he said I'll run it under the hot tap, that always works. I said don't do that it'll mess up the yoghurt, thankfully he managed to get the top off, but I could see huge lumps of unmixed powder, so lid went back on (this time correctly) and I shook it and shook it again but could still see powder at the side and when I removed the lid again it still wasn't perfectly blended. I topped it up then gave it another few shakes and managed to get it looking blended enough, there was still a tiny trace of powder on the side but I completed the transaction by putting inside the unit with the boiling water and popped it in the cupboard to brew as I did last time. I'm not holding out too much hope on this one but again I'll let you know!
Just as a matter of interest folks, am I the only one who sings "Shake your booty" whilst you're shaking up your Easiyo? If you don't, why not?!
Yay! It turned out fine, so I'm very happy and relieved. I preferred the taste of the vanilla to the chocolate but then there's always gonna be one or two I prefer so all good!
Crikey, my shaking technique’s boring. 😳 I don’t drink so have never made a cocktail and I don’t sing “shake your booty” when doing it. I just shake it - in silence. 🫣
Come on Toril, don't shake in silence any more!
I am actually a singer, having fronted a band in the past, BUT I’ll stick with silent shaking because every batch of yoghurt that I’ve made has turned out perfectly and I’ve made dozens of litres. I can guarantee that if I start shaking musically that something will go wrong, 😂

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