Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I can understand your 'miffiness' Meg, being turfed out of your room. These students expect preferential treatment! (we have one in this house too). As for your appearance on Q, don't lower your standards, when they realise their mistake, a chauffeur driven merc will be sent pronto.

PS, unrelated. Disenchanted is now a guest, which means she has left. Shame.
Well I didn't guess. I went to the Q forum & saw "thread closed" & read it.
All is clear now...... unless there is another thread too.

Very, very sad.
i hope disenchanted won't mind me speaking for her but i don't think it was those 2 threads per se, she was just sick of their antics generally and couldn't be bothered. i tried to persuade her to stay but it just doesn't figure in her list of priorities any more. yet another nice person driven off. very sad.
that's what I was given to understand too janie, pretty much - she has more going on in her life right now to be bothered with all the daft antics people get up to.
Disenchanted has decided to leave, people come and go from forums all the time, this is why Graham doesn't allow leaving threads and also why there is no need to discuss why someone has left so please keep to topic, thank you! :happy:
We're in the naughty corner again then girls...wonder why it only happens to us..there's nothing at all to offend anyone on here, unlike some other threads I could mention, but won't...
exactly carol. on the other hand be flattered every word we say is so important to people. i would just like to say here and now, just hope that NO thread on the entire forum EVER goes off topic. i must have got it wrong yet again as i had assumed things were more relaxed in the drop. strangely enough it seems to be ok for some people to continually discuss burlz though.
Burlz has not left ST, he is still a member.

My post was regarding members who have asked for their accounts to be removed.
Meg's verdict ......

Very true Flying Pigs.

At this very moment she sitting on her stool next to my desk, "doing cute" in the hope that I will find something tasty for her to eat.
Seeing as she turned her nose up a some salmon last night, I'm not moved.

Wait! Now why is her stare so intent .... and I am thinking ..... dreamiessssssssssssss
You could post Meg's pictures and the words she's saying, like you do on here.
I still laugh when Hopey lifts her leg to clean, and remember you posting Meg
doing that and what you said. If she won't do QVC just give it a try and see
it going viral, go on, go on go on :bow:

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