Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?


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I look at it this way,Sophie must have a lot of confidence to do what she did.She wasn't exactly a shrinking violet in front of the camera and there was a lot of posturing preening and posing.

I have a daughter.I think she's lovely cos I am her Mum, but I absolutely know 100% she would not have the self confidence to strut her stuff in front of the cameras on TV.

Sophie is probably a chip off the old block, and good on her because her self belief will take her far in this world(plus she has a pushy Mum)!!!
No, she's not a great looking girl in my opinion but like her Mum she probably thinks quite highly of her self where as other girls may be stunningly lovely but not be as self aware..if that makes sense!
Well this thread is living proof why girls are so self-conscious and resort to ridiculous fad dieting and operations in an attempt to fit in and not have to endure spiteful comments.

Shame people can't see past the facade...not just on TV but in real life.
I am not bothered whether she is pretty or not-and actually there are a few models on QVC that I am not keen on looks-wise. As long as they do their job well, that's all I care about. However, I am sorry to say that if Mummy puts her dahling daughter on the telly, then she will be commented upon. I don't think anyone has been nasty about her, although it probably has got a teensy bit bitchy. But come on, if Julia wants to be a pushy mum, then she has to take the inevitable flak that comes with it. Shouldn't think she is bothered that much, as her daughter will get the exposure she needs to further her career, and let's face it, that is the motivation behind it. I heard Julia say that her daughter was there because it was a national mother/daughter event. If so, and if it was just due to this event, we won't see her on screen again, will we? If we do, we will know that it was a game plan. Quite simple really.
I've not heard anything about a national mother/daughter event, but there again, wouldn't be interested, any more than I am interested in JR and her daughter and quite frankly, the increasing nepotism of JR is getting right on me nerves - the reason I didn't watch on Sunday.

P xx
I've not heard anything about a national mother/daughter event, but there again, wouldn't be interested, any more than I am interested in JR and her daughter and quite frankly, the increasing nepotism of JR is getting right on me nerves - the reason I didn't watch on Sunday.

P xx

Nor have I, no idea what the event was, only reference I heard was on QVC.:thinking:
I've not heard anything about a national mother/daughter event, but there again, wouldn't be interested, any more than I am interested in JR and her daughter and quite frankly, the increasing nepotism of JR is getting right on me nerves - the reason I didn't watch on Sunday.

P xx

When she mentioned this event she was quite vague and I Googled it but didn't find anything. It seemed like she was finding a reason to justify having Sophie on there, but maybe I'm just being cynical and others on here will have heard of it.
I don't equate a brief appearance on TV once every few years as part of a 'family' day to being a professional presenter. And as such, I don't think remarks about Sophie's personal appearance are fair game.

To be honest, I don't particularly like personal remarks about anyone (certainly not natural features which we inherit and have no say in). I do accept that if someone in the public eye is very thin or very overweight there is the (potential) issue of setting a bad example healthwise, so that might draw comment. And if one choses to have extreme surgery or wear raunchy clothing or make-up with the specific aim of garnering media attention (eg Jordan) a certain amount of comment is pretty much inevitable.

Regarding nepotism - I have no problem with referrals for ex-colleagues who you know to be capable of a good job. But I don't think helping a family member get a leg up is really fair. It's probably illegal too, when you think of all the rules pertaining to equal opportunities and having to advertise positions, even when you want to give the role to a internal candidate. I have no idea whether that would apply to a short temporary internship though.
Well this thread is living proof why girls are so self-conscious and resort to ridiculous fad dieting and operations in an attempt to fit in and not have to endure spiteful comments.

Shame people can't see past the facade...not just on TV but in real life.

Guess what??

Commenting on someone's appearance is not a 19,20 or even a 21st century phenomenon,twas always so.

The difference is,we now have a million different outlets for that scrutiny.When you make that Faustian pact for fame,notoriety,exposure,whatever your drug of choice,this scrutiny comes as part of the deal.

However,if you're a strong,confident,individual,the perks are good.
but the presenters daughter has put herself in the line of fire aswell surely. JR has been putting her in the line of fire for several years now. and JR continually refers to her husband being in a band, so as an entertainer he puts himself in exactly the same position surely, but with a different audience. bottom line: if you are working in the performing arts in any way shape or form youre essentially saying "look at me, arent i good?". which gives the rest of us the right to disagree. any entertainer/performer who cant take that is in the wrong job. and lets face it what is said on here is pretty mild compared with what proper celebs have to endure in the tabloids and weekly gossip mags.

and theres nothing to prevent any presenter coming on here and posting in their defence. presenters have been known to post although it doesnt usually last long, presumably theyre "advised" by the QVC bosses to stay away. a poster came on a while back who some of us were convinced was alison keenan and gave a forum member a right dressing down. ive had someone i'm sure was simon wilson having a go at me (mind you i cant blame him after what i said about his tatty goods ha ha). its their choice.

I agree that presenters and people in the public eye do, by the nature of the job, open themselves up to public comment about the way they do their job, but my earlier post was a comment on people's right (or not) to comment on people's facial appearance.

A presenting style, an acting or musical ability can be improved (if needs be) but the face and its features is what we were born with and unless we undergo drastic plastic surgery we are stuck with it and I don't think that gives others a right to pass comment.

Presenters may come on here to defend themselves about their style of presenting, but I doubt any of them would feel comfortable coming online to defend their family's physical traits.

We are what we are and, as I said before, the physical/facial features are just the wrapper to a person who has feelings. And again, this is just my humble opinion based on how I'd feel if someone criticised my son's looks (and incidentally, he is also in a band which has done European tours and two U.S.A. tours and released 4 CDs, but they get comments about their music - not their looks.)
What a cruel thread! No wonder so many women have self esteem issues. To rubbish someone because of the way they look is both peurile and facile. You're a smart lady BFT and your posts usually reflect that. I expected more of you!
Yes, people who thrust themselves into the limelight lay themselves open to criticism as well as praise, but bringing it down to the level of schoolyard bullying leaves a nasty taste.
I think we flatter ourselves if we think that any of the presenters give 2 shiney shites what any forumites think, it's hardly United Nations is it?:call:
I'm sure they're all too busy getting on with real life to be bothered by the comments on here.

Lets hope so because tbh it's not very nice to read.
What a cruel thread! No wonder so many women have self esteem issues. To rubbish someone because of the way they look is both peurile and facile. You're a smart lady BFT and your posts usually reflect that. I expected more of you!
Yes, people who thrust themselves into the limelight lay themselves open to criticism as well as praise, but bringing it down to the level of schoolyard bullying leaves a nasty taste.

No,I'm not that smart really,if I were,I wouldn't be here duking it out with folk,year in year out,however,thanks for the compliment.

Now,I'd like you to point me in the direction of where I bullied Sophie?,so that I may correct myself.

If Sophie were 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 years of age or below,this thread wouldn't have even been started by me,she is now an adult woman who is confident enough to go on TV and is now fair game....and Julia Roberts has seen to it that it's hunting season.

I merely stated that I THINK and does anyone else think,that Sophie has equine features.

Many people love horses and think they are beautiful,Sarah Jessica Parker is a squillionairess based on her resemblance to Seabiscuit and Shergar and as stated our own Royal family possess these features,so she's in great company.

Now,my personal aesthetic is not fond of these features,I prefer the way Julia's faced is laid out,over Sophie,that is all.Never said Sophie was ugly,never said she shouldn't be on TV,never said she had a face for radio.Simply said,that she is horsey.

I don't see why this thread should get an honourable mention for being cruel,I've seen threads on here which would straighten your pubes,with the amount of hate and cruel language they contain.

Why doesn't someone go and drop some naplam on one of those for a change.

Would be refreshing.
Take your daughter to work day:
I have heard of it before.

Yes. I've heard of it too, but it was last month and I remember Dale mentioning that he had brought one of his children in to QVC towers for the day. I still don't know what this had to do with the Roberts family being paraded on screen on Sunday.

I also want to back BFT here, in that she was not being cruel but just asking for opinions. I for one think horses are far more attractive than human beings!:clapping:

I don't know whether I am alone in my belief that listening to a parent constantly extolling the virtues and singing the praises of their offspring is quite nauseating. We all love our children to distraction and are I'm sure very proud of them for their various achievements. However, isn't it far more satisfying and easier on the ear for all concerned, when the praise for them comes from sources other than one's own gob?
What I don't understand is why all this attention on JR and her daughter , and so little has been said about AK and her very lovely normal daughter Lucy, she did two hours with her mum, and imho she was a pleasure to watch.
What I don't understand is why all this attention on JR and her daughter , and so little has been said about AK and her very lovely normal daughter Lucy, she did two hours with her mum, and imho she was a pleasure to watch.

I did start a thread stating that I liked Lucy and everyone who contributed agreed. I'm hopeless at posting links but a search should do it. I think the reason that Julia's family attract so much attention is that she constantly brags about them. She advertises their latest claims to fame at every given opportunity and in doing so manages to get people's backs up. As I stated previously, noone really likes to listen to a parent extolling the virtues of their own children.
No,I'm not that smart really,if I were,I wouldn't be here duking it out with folk,year in year out,however,thanks for the compliment.

Now,I'd like you to point me in the direction of where I bullied Sophie?,so that I may correct myself.

If Sophie were 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 years of age or below,this thread wouldn't have even been started by me,she is now an adult woman who is confident enough to go on TV and is now fair game....and Julia Roberts has seen to it that it's hunting season.

I merely stated that I THINK and does anyone else think,that Sophie has equine features.

Many people love horses and think they are beautiful,Sarah Jessica Parker is a squillionairess based on her resemblance to Seabiscuit and Shergar and as stated our own Royal family possess these features,so she's in great company.

Now,my personal aesthetic is not fond of these features,I prefer the way Julia's faced is laid out,over Sophie,that is all.Never said Sophie was ugly,never said she shouldn't be on TV,never said she had a face for radio.Simply said,that she is horsey.

I don't see why this thread should get an honourable mention for being cruel,I've seen threads on here which would straighten your pubes,with the amount of hate and cruel language they contain.

Why doesn't someone go and drop some naplam on one of those for a change.

Would be refreshing.

I think a thread negatively (I know you infer the term 'equine' isn't derogatory but I have to differ with you on that one) commenting on a young girls looks is cruel and akin to bullying. However I realise that's only my opinion and others obviously disagree. Tbh I get really fed up with the female presenters looks being discussed and dissected in such minute detail. Personalities ~ great go for it! But looks ~ no. Whether Julia, Alison or poor Anne (who has come in for some particularly unkind remarks) are attractive or not is of no interest to me, nor does it have a bearing on how good a presenter they are.
As I said previously, I feel women's self esteem (especially young women and girls) really suffers from all the continuous criticism that's bomarded at them and it's especially galling when it's often other women that are the biggest critics.
I suppose I also feel for Julia. If my beloved, beautiful daughter was termed horsey I'd be so hurt I'd explode!
I don't think I napalmed your thread BFT ~ just tried put my views on it across :smile:
I did start a thread stating that I liked Lucy and everyone who contributed agreed. I'm hopeless at posting links but a search should do it. I think the reason that Julia's family attract so much attention is that she constantly brags about them. She advertises their latest claims to fame at every given opportunity and in doing so manages to get people's backs up. As I stated previously, noone really likes to listen to a parent extolling the virtues of their own children.

I think the other reason Julia's daughter has attracted so much attention here is not just her looks but that she came over as being a bit full of herself - following in Mummy's footsteps perhaps.

She pouted and preened so much whilst she was modelling, I actually found it uncomfortable viewing. Perhaps she was nervous but . in my opinion, she didn't come over very well at all, unlike Alison Keenan's daughter who seemed lovely and normal.
Reading all this I feel a bit in the middle in that I agree it is not nice to discuss someones looks etc but at the same time she made a choice to be in a band and therefore open to criticism that she may not be able to sing etc and now she is modelling which by it's nature is based on your figure and your looks is also open to all kinds of criticism whether it be her prettiness,hair,clothes, make-up etc.

The thing here is that people only come out and say what other people are thinking. When I was watching I thought 'my, what big teeth you have' but didn't write about it (well, it's public knowledge now!) but don't mean anything nasty by it.

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