Do you want a QVC forum open to all opinions?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 29, 2008
Having been chastised about posting in an 'Appreciation' thread where I wasn't was suggested that this forum has become too negative. I began to this forum open to all or just those whose opinion we share? I'm beginning to think there are two kinds of forumites...those who don't want negativity in any shape or form and those who like to tell it as they see it. Which QVC forum would you rather have? Should you be unable to post in 'Appreciation' threads if you aren't appreciative, and should you not post in critical threads where you want to be nice about the presenter? In my opinion I value diverse opinions and think all threads should be open to all. Am I wrong?
Huggles, I don't think you are wrong at all. I think that the great thing about this forum is that we can all post opinions - and mine were usully negative to start with. I am trying to be a bit more positive these days for the good of my soul!!!! However (and there is always a however) there is loads of space and opportunity to start new threads so I try now to post in the spirit of the person who started the thread. Just my opinion...

As a new poster (hello) and having read the Alison thread and others I think that the diverse opinion on here is what makes this Forum readable and (mostly) enjoyable. However...

If the title is "Appreciation Thread", it strikes me that the OP in the Alison thread has probabaly been on other Forums (digital spy for example) where a sort of unspoken etiquette, if you like, invites others to post positive comments about something and therefore people follow suit, mostly out of respect for the OP and I suppose a genuine enthusiasm/liking/respect for the subject or person in question.

Also, I have noticed that with anonymity comes the enormous power to be incredibly nasty about people who work on TV for a living, whom you've never met and probably never will and who have feelings, just as the rest of us do. I find this pretty shocking. It's one thing to say that you don't like the way Jill Franks presents for example or that Claudia is not your favourite presenter, quite another thing to focus on voice, figure, etc in such a vitriolic way.

Also, at the risk of the wrath of many and to address the OP's question, I have noticed that individual posters with opinions who appear not to tally with the rest - perhaps defending someone or something, are often pilloried by another poster simply for disagreeing. The "Thanks" button doesn't help in this regard and may well put others off. Surely this defeats the point?

Anyway, great Forum. Rant over!
on the whole the forum is fun and in good spirit and it would not be interesting if everyone brown nosed each other. but there have been comments that have been so dire,malicious and downright spitefull with intent to upset: namedly the qvc presenters and other staff models etc.

i like a lively debate most do. it would be sour and dry and boring otherwise. but to know that someone is reading a thread and to post really gross stuff to the extent that people leave their jobs is unkind.

reminds me of the work place. it can be fun dynamic and productive or full of thugs and bullies and their enablers. i would like to think as adults we do not wnt to be in the latter category.
on the whole the forum is fun and in good spirit and it would not be interesting if everyone brown nosed each other. but there have been comments that have been so dire,malicious and downright spitefull with intent to upset: namedly the qvc presenters and other staff models etc.

i like a lively debate most do. it would be sour and dry and boring otherwise. but to know that someone is reading a thread and to post really gross stuff to the extent that people leave their jobs is unkind.

reminds me of the work place. it can be fun dynamic and productive or full of thugs and bullies and their enablers. i would like to think as adults we do not wnt to be in the latter category.

Has this actually ever happened?
Its free speak everyone is entitled to their opinion and the right on this forum to voice it. Sometimes hell we disagree, no one has gone to war over it or died because of it either. If this right was removed that would be a police state.

Who left their job???????
I think everybody should be able to express their opinion, either good or bad, as long as no abusive language is used.
The presenters get a lot of criticism or appreciation, they are in the public eye as part of their job, and this automatically leads to the viewers having different opinions. I don't think they will loose any sleep about comments on ST.
I remember well some time ago I posted a comment about the hairdo of a certain presenter, I was just mentioning her hair looked strange, and I got the pc brigade over me, some members thought it was insensitive of me. How could I know that the presenter could be ill and her hair was not in good shape?
I do not post many comments about presenters anylonger as a result.

This is an open forum, the mods do a great job closing threads and insulting posts, but I do feel that we all have the right to post our comments, that what a forum is all about
Whenever someone dares to post something positive on this website, bang.... the hate police just always seem to jump in. I really do get fed up with it. I'm not saying some criticism but let's face it. QVC is there to make money and profits, sometimes you're not going to like what they sell so... Send it back! Naturally, if you keep sending things back you become a liability and they are within their rights to ask you to think about what you are doing and perhaps cancel your account. They are no different than any kind of business. If you don't like it, don't watch and don't order.
I think everybody should be able to express their opinion, either good or bad, as long as no abusive language is used.
The presenters get a lot of criticism or appreciation, they are in the public eye as part of their job, and this automatically leads to the viewers having different opinions. I don't think they will loose any sleep about comments on ST.
I remember well some time ago I posted a comment about the hairdo of a certain presenter, I was just mentioning her hair looked strange, and I got the pc brigade over me, some members thought it was insensitive of me. How could I know that the presenter could be ill and her hair was not in good shape?
I do not post many comments about presenters anylonger as a result.

This is an open forum, the mods do a great job closing threads and insulting posts, but I do feel that we all have the right to post our comments, that what a forum is all about

Tia, I agree, I don't usually comments on presenters because to be honest I see them as salespeople and as such I don't really have any particularly strong feeling about them either way. The way they mangle the English language and the way in which they rely on stock phrases (such as 'simply superb' or 'second to none', etc.) is mildly irritating but I just can't muster enough passion to get heavily involved in this kind of threads. Still, I really doubt that anyone at QVC would really get upset for stuff said here, I think we need to keep the ST ego in check!:tongue2:
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Having been chastised about posting in an 'Appreciation' thread where I wasn't was suggested that this forum has become too negative. I began to this forum open to all or just those whose opinion we share? I'm beginning to think there are two kinds of forumites...those who don't want negativity in any shape or form and those who like to tell it as they see it. Which QVC forum would you rather have? Should you be unable to post in 'Appreciation' threads if you aren't appreciative, and should you not post in critical threads where you want to be nice about the presenter? In my opinion I value diverse opinions and think all threads should be open to all. Am I wrong?

I would think that most forumites would like a happy medium. Of course you should be able to post your opinions, however when those opinions are constantly critical and verging on being offensive I think that's when the moderate amongst us begin to wonder what has happened here. With lots of forums posts will get moved if they are off topic - surely if the thread is titled an 'appreciation' thread and people start posting criticisms, the thread has then gone off topic?
I would say the whole point of a forum is to voice opinion, whether negative, affirmative or neutral. it enables lively discussion and as long as the comments do not become personal about forum members, then I say bring it on. lively debate is good.
Storming and norming

Don't sweat it, would be my advice. I've been here for six years and in that time the threads have definitely followed trends and the current trend is wittily written (sometimes) presenter put downs. Stay here long enough and you'll see the same topics reinvented every few months.

Something I've noticed is that "johnny come lately" posters who start out with all guns blazing tend not to stay for very long or their style evolves and tempers. I've also observed some prolific posters who have been banned because they type before they think; reminds me of the "empty vessels make most noise" saying.

The reason we're all here is our love of shopping telly surely; I'm pretty sure that's the main reason Graham started it originally. That doesn't mean we worship it blindly and have to agree with everything.

I'm not aware of any posts deleted from the QVC board, rarely threads are locked so I don't see any censorship, all I see are opinions and they don't hurt me.

Maybe a complaint of "off topic" might apply where a thread title requests specific info or viewpoints?

Anyhoo, I'll carry on reading with interest, occasionally commenting and over-spending as usual.

Jude xx
If I see an appreciation thread that does focus on a presenter I dont like then I just dont post in the thread !, however I do appreciate that we all have differing opinions on a whole range of topics and so should be free to express those opinions !.
I have had "problems" with QVC, but on the other hand I have been able to send back items thanks to their "returns" policy, which if I had bought the same thing from a "normal shop" I'd have been laughed out of the shop for trying to return the item !.
We are all different in size ,shape, thoughts etc, and thank goodness we are :flower:
Sticks and stones....

Forgot to add - QVC present themselves as great smashing super lovely, can do no wrong, this invites a bit of "taking down a peg or two". The presenters who are slightly self-depricating like Dale attract less criticism on here than those who escape the harshest verbal attacks.

Who left QVC cos we were mean to them? Daniel? All he had to do was wash his hair!

Jude xx
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Of couse everyone is free to voice their opinions on here and they always have been. Doesn't mean you won't be shot down in flames though if your thoughts don't mirror the majority, but that's forums and life in general.

I did think it was a bit rough on the AY Appreciation Thread starter though, maybe a bit of condideration for their feelings wouldn't have gone amiss.

Lets face it if someone had started a thread about their latest purchase from Gems or Rocks and people started pitching in with "I don't like your ring", there would be uproar, people never do because they exercise a bit of forum manners.
Some people on here have the attitude "if you don't like it ,don't watch" So ,that means to just accept the status quo and don't even bother to attempt to change things buy voting with your mouth or finger.
I hate that kind of attitude. If people want shopping television,and they tune in,they're entitled to rant and rave as much as they like about whatever it is they don't like,and if those rants and raves are widespread enough&enough people are having a go about the same thing,maybe QVC ought to sit up and take notice.
I haven't got a clue as to how representative this board is of QVC customers nationwide ,but it's a good sampling of opinions and views I'm guessing, and no doubt many others share similar points of view one way or the other.So If enough people want to complain about a presenter ,giuest presenters,products whatever..those opinions should be read.
Otherwise we might just all lie back and accept whatever is thrown at us either by TV shopping channels,Local government , any other kind of government or whoever ,whatever,and if we don't like it ,we can just shruig our shoulders and turn the other way?.Thats just total BS.
Whatever happened to free speech ? Sorry, but if I do not like a presenter, it is my right to say so, even on a forum set up in favour of a particular presenter. What I hate is when the criticism goes over the top, and becomes personal. What I try and do now is wait 24 hours and then post. That way I've had time to weigh things up better. The maxim should be, if you post a message about a presenter, think about how you would take it if you were that person - if you think it offensive, then do not post.
Huggles....don't worry - I think sometimes on any forum, it is difficult to post exactly what you mean and then replies can be hurtful even when they are not always intended to is just that the lack of being able to see someone and hear their tone of voice makes communication a little difficult. (I say this after being bitterly upset by someone's reply to a post I made on another website and although I replied, I never felt that I really got the same satisfaction of feeling the subject had been resolved in the same way as you do in RL)

I suspect sometimes, people open "appreciation" threads as a direct response to some of the more negative posts...but a "why i dislike...." is easier to post a positive response on as it helps to make it more balanced...but in any event, do post as you have every right and even if your opinions are not shared by the majority you almost certainly will not offend everyone!
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