Do you want a QVC forum open to all opinions?


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I think,like any other forum,you should be able to have your say,as long as you can say it politely.

On the other side of the coin,whilst having your polite say or reading someones else's polite opinion - I think its fair enough to respect that,without all being jumped on.

I,personally don't open threads that don't interest me - for instance,I'm not a fan of AY - I don't even think I could have an informed opinion of her - I don't watch many of her shows - so I have chosen not to look or answer that thread.

We do have a choice on forums whether to answer or not - and whether to take part or not.

I like an opinion,I like a bit of banter,and I think I'm polite,so why not have every opinion.
Forums stimulate debate, that is what makes them so interesting. As I said on another thread, this is not a fan club, it is a place for people to post their opinions. Why on earth can't people agree to disagree without being disagreeable? I don't get het up if people disagree with my viewpoint, I value their input and opposing opinion. Frankly, I've got more important things to worry about than fretting as to whether a thread is negative or positive, and I enjoy reading other people's thoughts about whatever subject is being discussed. I also have the utmost confidence in, and respect for, the forum mod, Sazza, and know that she will step in if things get out of hand in any way.
Having been chastised about posting in an 'Appreciation' thread where I wasn't was suggested that this forum has become too negative. I began to this forum open to all or just those whose opinion we share? I'm beginning to think there are two kinds of forumites...those who don't want negativity in any shape or form and those who like to tell it as they see it. Which QVC forum would you rather have? Should you be unable to post in 'Appreciation' threads if you aren't appreciative, and should you not post in critical threads where you want to be nice about the presenter? In my opinion I value diverse opinions and think all threads should be open to all. Am I wrong?

In my opinion NO .If I dont like the tone of a thread I tend not to post , I have in my years on this forum , fallen out with some posters BUTonly for that thread , its not life and death its a social network , no one makes us watch or post , We have the option to opt in or out of a particular discussionas we want , just because I hold a differing opinion dosnt make me or the alternative view a bad person or less valid than the other .
I enjoy reading all posts .
Forums stimulate debate, that is what makes them so interesting. As I said on another thread, this is not a fan club, it is a place for people to post their opinions. Why on earth can't people agree to disagree without being disagreeable? I don't get het up if people disagree with my viewpoint, I value their input and opposing opinion. Frankly, I've got more important things to worry about than fretting as to whether a thread is negative or positive, and I enjoy reading other people's thoughts about whatever subject is being discussed. I also have the utmost confidence in, and respect for, the forum mod, Sazza, and know that she will step in if things get out of hand in any way.

I would not disagree with you Yo because I luvs ya.............. Anyway, you are usually flippin

You should be able to start a Thread, Post on a Thread, dissect, debate and discuss.

We have Graham and Sazza to close any Thread or remove a Post that they or a Member deems unsuitable to remain on the Forum.

I have to say, and I have been guilty myself in the past, of going off Topic and posting quips instead of keeping the Thread onto the Topic it is about. I shall in future be mindful of the Thread I am reading and Post my viewpoint accordingly, and if I want to say something different will start another Thread.

We are all different and have different opinions, therefore we should all respect each other. If someone turns out to be bad they are usually routed out.............
Really good answers in response to my question. Thanks everyone :). I felt part of a special community when I read these posts
. I know there are more important things in life than this but, hey, it took me away from the weekend cleaning for a couple of hours!
This is a forum which by defination is ''a public meeting place for open discussion''. It would be a misnomer if we just had to parrot along the same lines of the original poster, and couldn't add our views which may well differ.
I understand it was an appreciation thread (I didn't contribute btw :angel:) but imo it makes for a more interesting and livelier discussion with opposing views.
Well of course everyone has the right to post their opinion. But if someone has started a thread on a specific topic such as appreciation, why not stick to that? I don't expect everyone to agree or to say that QVC is faultless, but I do expect a bit of respect for the OP. Not every topic has to be critical of someone/something, especially when there are threads set up for that purpose already! If someone wants to be positive, why shoot them down? If the thread title had said 'what do you think about x' then obviously all views are welcome. If it says 'appreciation', then why not appreciate - if you don't agree, you don't have to say anything!

There are threads I avoid - some of the things posted about presenters make me feel very uncomfortable. I certainly avoid anything with Julia Roberts in the title now as I feel the comments you make about her are just awful - really personal, and the same thing happened with the thread on Claudia recently. I can't see why you can't disagree with the sentiment without getting personal.

I'd like to think that we could disagree politely, and not rely on the need for moderators stepping in when things go too far. I don't see it as a good thing if a thread requires moderating.

No lively forum is ever going to be entirely positive, but you can be negative without being nasty. Positive does not mean boring! You can be open to all opinions and that includes positive! A forum full of 'appreciation' threads would be boring, but so would a forum full of threads carping about the presenters. There's room for everyone.
Of course people are free to post their opinions on here, positive and negative. The fact people have differing opinions is what makes forums what they are.

What we always ask is that people repsect the opinions of others and if need be people agree to disagree. If problems occur on a thread and Graham or myself have to take action we hope that people will respect the decision we have made.

Please remember you can contact Graham and myself via PM or you can hit the "report post" to make us aware of a post you think has crossed the line.

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