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Oh, I just got the fake vaccine email. It looked so real, well apart from the NHS-UK, and it was Kirsty's email address beside that. Being a little bored I went through the name and address thing and there it was please put your card details in.
Scammers are disgusting predators on the this case particularly!
See Alison Young had said on IG she has been for her 1st vaccination????
In my area I have heard at the end of the day if they have left over vaccine the nurses/staff can ring their mates/family to come along and get jabbed so the vaccine does not go to waste. This was told to me by a friend who got the call from a nurse friend so they went happily to have the jab.
They hadn't got much left when we went so everyone must have turned up.
Seemingly no one is dying of flu are they, or even suffering from it, but there's no mention of it being eradicated, so its clearly more evidence that if you die of a broken leg, then Covid will be the cause on the Death Certificate. I'm not along in thinking that the death from Covid figures are grossly exaggerated.
Seemingly no one is dying of flu are they, or even suffering from it, but there's no mention of it being eradicated, so its clearly more evidence that if you die of a broken leg, then Covid will be the cause on the Death Certificate. I'm not along in thinking that the death from Covid figures are grossly exaggerated.
Very true Brissles, the way I understand it if you test positive for Covid then 27 days 23 hours and 59 minutes later you get run over by a steam roller you will be part of the death by Covid statistic, the fact that you've had to be scraped off the road with a shovel has nothing to do with it.
Seemingly no one is dying of flu are they, or even suffering from it, but there's no mention of it being eradicated, so its clearly more evidence that if you die of a broken leg, then Covid will be the cause on the Death Certificate. I'm not along in thinking that the death from Covid figures are grossly exaggerated.
I do so agree and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who thinks this. Why does nobody ever ask this question at the Coronavirus briefing? Could it be because they all want to bash Boris I wonder 🤔. It’s really not very good for national morale and, as Patrick Vallance said at the outset, it’s the excess deaths that should be counted once all this is over
I think the real reckoning to keep an eye on will be the death rates for other causes once things begin to ease up.
I think if you have flu, but also test positive for covid it is legitimate to report it in the covid stats but they should also cite flu..or pneumonia or whatever it may be. It isn't legitimate to cite covid if someone were to die in a road traffic accident if they are also c+ unless they were being blue-lit to hospital because of covid complications.
Govt. in Westminster does seem to be learning faster now than earlier in the pandemic...they are under-promising more than once-promising at least. Response to community transmission of SA variant being handled differently (and far too close to me, for my liking😱).
I think the CEVs should have been done at the same time as the 80+s. Someone I know aged 71, with asthma, various other conditions and on immunosuppressants which make her highly vulnerable is getting done at the same time as everyone else in the same age group. It doesn't seem right.
I do so agree and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who thinks this. Why does nobody ever ask this question at the Coronavirus briefing? Could it be because they all want to bash Boris I wonder 🤔. It’s really not very good for national morale and, as Patrick Vallance said at the outset, it’s the excess deaths that should be counted once all this is over
I don't think any of the questions asked are pertinent, I don't watch the briefings but sometimes my Mr T makes a pithy comment so I'm up to date. I absolutely detest plastic & all the pollution it causes, I also have an extremely strong opinion about PRC & I'd like to know why, as we're constantly told this virus is so contagious, these 'Made In China' masks aren't classed as bio hazardous waste & destroyed in a safe way rather than being thrown away with the rubbish. The silence about this is deafening.

If I was 100, awful thought, & had been offered the chance of a sunshine-filled holiday rather than the most grim Christmas EVER in the UK I'd have gone. Captain Tom could have died at any moment during active service, or when on his beloved bikes, so obviously gets the most out of every moment.
People are idiots. I was at the hospital fracture clinic last week and as soon as I walked through the door I was told to sanitise my hands and remove my own mask and wear one of theirs. As I left the hospital through the same door I removed my mask and chucked it in the bin which was just outside the entrance, barely 3 steps away and all I could see were used masks which people had just discarded on the floor and some had blown into nearby shrubs and onto footpaths. The bin was one of those huge black wrought iron things so it isn`t as if the masks had blown out of it, nor was the bin full , nope it was just bone idle inconsiderate tossers (literally and metaphorically) who`d flung their masks where they stood.
If nothing else, this pandemic has opened everyone's eyes to the thickos of low intelligence that we share this planet with. I was brought up to treat everyone the same - my Dad taught us that "everyone is born equal", but by God, its been tested to the limit this past 12 months. Seeing social distancing ignored in parks and sea fronts by idiotic families, parties and raves held by the youth, and these same people moaning and complaining that they can't see Granny - except through a window. Oh FFS !

I suggest a new Government saying ... "Treat everyone as though they have Ebola", but I suppose the thickos and snowflakes would either want to know what Ebola was, or be offensive to African countries where Ebola has been rife.
Very true Brissles, the way I understand it if you test positive for Covid then 27 days 23 hours and 59 minutes later you get run over by a steam roller you will be part of the death by Covid statistic, the fact that you've had to be scraped off the road with a shovel has nothing to do with it.
I can't understand it from the opposite point of view.

In other words, if you die 29 days after a positive test, you are deemed NOT to have died of Covid. Doesn't make any sense to me.
A SAGE boffin probably put all the info into his modelling programme & it came up with death 28 days after positive test result as the mean. I suppose it could have come from Wiki, a pin stuck into a calendar or the age when one of them did something significant. I've always liked Peter Ustinov's opinion of experts:
'If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done'.
Call me cynical?
There is a very large Ebola outbreak in parts of Africa but nothing mentioned on the news. It has been going since early last year.
Ebola terrifies me. One day humans will realise that their behaviour is causing all the problems on the planet, unfortunately I think that will happen on the one when they cease to exist.
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I know there are a lot of idiots out there and I've got a zero tolerance level of them, but I've also noticed how much more courteous strangers are, young and old, are, stepping aside, saying "thank you" if I do first, smiling and greeting me. This gives me hope that eventually, good will triumph over evil. As Captain Tom (what a man and I hope he survives this) said, tomorrow will be a better day.
Hopefully the vaccine roll out will gain momentum. Mr V has been on jury service this week and also next week and he says it`s like being in prison himself. Whilst waiting to be called each juror sits in his or her own perspex pod and can`t move anywhere except to the loo (with permission and its straight there and back) and they have to wear masks and gloves all the time plus take their own food and drink as the canteen has been closed.
When they go into court they have a perspex screen inbetween each juror in the jury box and the defendants are also behind a perspex screen in the dock. Any paper evidence which the jury needs to see or read is handed to each of them in a sealed plastic wallet and when the court breaks for lunch or to deliberate then cleaners move in and clean everything each time they move plus their personal pods in the jury room.
Each juror has their temperature taken as soon as they arrive each morning and they have to use the PPE given to them by the Court. During lunch breaks they aren`t allowed to leave the building for fear of bringing back contamination and they were told if just one juror goes down with covid during a trial then the whole jury will be sent home and everything will have to begin again.
Mr V says a couple of the jurors are smokers and they can`t even go outside for a ***. The jurors have to be there for 9am and it`s after 4pm before they finish for the day and Mr V says he now knows how a gerbil feels in a cage.
sounds *****, but I'd love to do jury service......

Very worrying. Other centenarians have survived this, so I wouldn't bet against him.

Yes but he was tested positive after that and then he had problems breathing

He was in the Caribbean in December!
How/why can people just jolly all over willy nilly & be readmitted to the UK afterwards????
sounds *****, but I'd love to do jury service......
Yes he`s finding it interesting but stressful and I can understand why the Court is so paranoid about covid precautions. It can take many months and a lot of money to bring a case to trial and if one juror goes down with covid then the rest have to be sent home to isolate and the whole thing has to begin again. I daresay barristers don`t work for pennies and by all accounts there`s a huge backlog of cases because of the pandemic. Certain courts are too small to put full covid precautions in place so the larger courts are trying to play catch up.
People are idiots. I was at the hospital fracture clinic last week and as soon as I walked through the door I was told to sanitise my hands and remove my own mask and wear one of theirs. As I left the hospital through the same door I removed my mask and chucked it in the bin which was just outside the entrance, barely 3 steps away and all I could see were used masks which people had just discarded on the floor and some had blown into nearby shrubs and onto footpaths. The bin was one of those huge black wrought iron things so it isn`t as if the masks had blown out of it, nor was the bin full , nope it was just bone idle inconsiderate tossers (literally and metaphorically) who`d flung their masks where they stood.
Yes Yes Yes! & now we have a poodemic - ubiquitous lockdown dog getters.... (that's a whole new thread....& rant) =manifestations of ****- minefields in the park, & trees littered with plazzy **** parcels!!! WTAF. Take it home with you - BIIT's.

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