Do you remember your "first time"?


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Oh I missed that. Brilliant! I've seen on other forums where someone disappears after some ruck and then a new member pops up a few days/weeks later and sooner or later everyone works out its a reincarnation. Writing style usually gives it away. Some people even have two "personas" on the same forum! Very interesting to work it out and sit back and watch.
Wonder how many people there are on this forum doing the same thing . Interesting. I can;t be bothered with pretending
Ah, memory lane.

Another Troll we had, posted as a young teenager who was gay. His family were not understanding and he was suicidal. Turned out he/she was neither a teenager, gay and perhaps not even a boy.
Lurked, can't remember first post, prob. Hi! Newby here! I should think, shampoo from MOP first purchase. The good old days. :mysmilie_476:
I joined only 11 months ago, and can't 'member. Heck, I can't 'member if I brushed my teeth this morning! lol I think your name is lovely, SparklyBarbs! But I keep changing it to BarklySparbs. Don't know why, I just do! It's JustRight in Snarly'sMind. I hope my name is tongue-in-cheek, but if I get tetchy, you have been warned. I remember when I joined, that I hoped a CertainPoster wouldn't put-me-in-their-sights, as they were very caustic and went-for-the-jugular. That poster's now gone. *phew*
No i don't mind you calling me that Snarly., Although you are nicer than your name, you're not snarly at all :) I was wary when i first joined, and i probably still am , don't want to rock the boat, and upset people. Maybe im a people pleaser. But i think like work there's an order of who's who's on this forum.
I lurked for ages before posting a message about the Prai lady looking like Stephen Fry in a blonde wig ... (it'd been bugging me for a while) ... I really miss HoodedClaw ... I'm back to lurking again nowadays ... :bandit:
Ah yes. One of the famous Trolls on She was a pensioner, owned a health food shop near Harrods, was launching her own skin care range on QVC even going for a meeting with the buyers and AY. Had an opinion everything QVC. In the end we were not even sure it was a woman.
A number of people had a feeling something was not right and we met in secret to discuss it. But as with all Trolls they catch themselves out in the end.

Was that the one who called everybody "dear"? She was a complete fraud but very entertaining. Does anyone remember mysterymermaid? She left to set up her own forum which is still going. With about 5 members and one post every year :0/
Was that the one who called everybody "dear"? She was a complete fraud but very entertaining. Does anyone remember mysterymermaid? She left to set up her own forum which is still going. With about 5 members and one post every year :0/

Yes, she did call everyone dear. Posted like mad on every thread on QVC, starting her own at the drop of a hat.

Think the one who set up her own forum was the Alpha H fan? She gave out advice that was at odds to what the Alpha H people said.
I remember mine first time well! I had lurked for a while (last year, whilst on maternity leave) and one lunchtime I was watching Craig doing an espresso machine demo and "how easy it was" and then he didn't put the damn thing on right and it sprayed everywhere - what a pillock - I logged on immediately to let you all know and laugh!!
Did feel a bit guilty though as a few days later he was on with his hand bandaged up so I assume he burnt himself
I remember the young one you are talking about Donna. There have been several 'visitors' recently on Bid-Up posts and the ex member of staff from IW was entertaining. I can't remember the pensioner one - must have gone right over my head.
Yes, she did call everyone dear. Posted like mad on every thread on QVC, starting her own at the drop of a hat.

Think the one who set up her own forum was the Alpha H fan? She gave out advice that was at odds to what the Alpha H people said.

No, mysterymermaid was on here years and years before alpha H came along.
Was that the one who called everybody "dear"? She was a complete fraud but very entertaining. Does anyone remember mysterymermaid? She left to set up her own forum which is still going. With about 5 members and one post every year :0/

I remember her, wasn't there someone who called himself King and also Mystryn.
I remember her, wasn't there someone who called himself King and also Mystryn.

QVCKing and QVCQueen were both big personalities. Still are..... Some might say.....

Greatgable was around when I joined, still ice to see his occasional posts.

Could Sazza or G maybe tell us how long the forum has been going?
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I think more than a few have left and come back again, I know I did. People just get P**ed off, bored, depressed, whatever and if they enjoyed it they come back in a better frame of mind maybe or just because they think of a new name that's better! I think I will stick with this name though because I feel comfortable with it. it takes time for people not used to forums, or social networking to get used to how it works. I did a bit of googling in the early days and stumbled on really interesting stuff about forums, apparently they are like a kingdom, with a king, a queen, princess and prince, lots of followers (meaning those who follow the king or queen whatever they say) and also some rebels who just do what the heck they like! I think it's great "virtual people watching" and a form of social anthropology. I know who the prince of darkness was that's for sure, and maybe a wicked queen or two!

I have not spotted anyone with 2 identities at the same time- that's just weird! How would they ever keep up or remember what they said under which persona? Too stressful for something that is meant to be a bit of fun.
Weathergirl, I am been on perfume forums for years. Trust me it does go on. They will even start fights with each personality to make it look they are not the same person. The life stories they creature, the ill health, or the fabulous lifestyle all fantasy.

One on a board I belong to turned out she got her ideas from Charmed the TV show. Without the magic bits, three sisters all posting away and then the husbands posted. Not one was real, just one person. Next time as a different person she had seriously ill child in hospital. All lies and fantasy.

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