Diet Chef high price, high calories


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It's unbelievably expensive for vile, salty, sugary food too, (well the veggie option was imo).

Actually food is a bit of an over statement as they "supplimented" a lot of "meals" with gloopy, syrup sweet milkshakes!
I can't think of a much worse way to try to lose weight. High calorie, high sugar, probably full of preservatives etc and tasting vile. To top it all off it costs a fortune. If you're going down the ready meal calorie counted route go to Marks and Spencer. Probably cheaper and much tastier.
Hands up i admit i tried it, in the past. It was handy to take to work, but didn't really help me to loose weight. The only
thing it did teach me was portion control, obviously my own portions were too large, so that suprised me. The porridge
was lovely, (cheaper in a box) and the biscuits (cheaper in a box), and it took up a whole fridge and in the end, im sorry
to say i threw it all out. Waste of my money. Silly woman
Hands up i admit i tried it, in the past. It was handy to take to work, but didn't really help me to loose weight. The only
thing it did teach me was portion control, obviously my own portions were too large, so that suprised me. The porridge
was lovely, (cheaper in a box) and the biscuits (cheaper in a box), and it took up a whole fridge and in the end, im sorry
to say i threw it all out. Waste of my money. Silly woman

Yep threw mine out too! :puke: I've never lived on food like that, EVER, as apart from the odd thing they probably brought in like the granola & buscuits, the main meals were awful. Like some really horrid ready meal or tin of soggy veg curry YUK!
The guest was banging on about the currys and said "you can add other things like veg or salad". SALAD????? WHO THE HELL HAS SALAD WITH A CURRY :wonder:

Don't waste your money on this stuff. I've tried it and it's not that great. I make all our own meals at home and I control what goes into them and how much I serve up. OH is losing weight - I'm not doing as well but that probably due to the christmas peanuts that I am secretly scoffing every time I go into the kitchen.

I still buy the granola that they use from Tesco and have their 98 p Diet shake for lunch which is the same as the Diet Chef one and a sensible evening meal... Unfortunately for weight loss with wine.
I couldn't get onn with the milkshakes, they were too sweet for me & I didn't feel like I'd had a meal. With you on the wine tho' FP except voddie is more my tipple, fewer calories x.
I couldn't get onn with the milkshakes, they were too sweet for me & I didn't feel like I'd had a meal. With you on the wine tho' FP except voddie is more my tipple, fewer calories x.

Ha ha ha, justification for drinking voddie Janie and Barbs would be so proud of you Nikki. Do you know how many calories in Malibu as I like to take that with cranberry and get one of my 5 a day lol
They say you eat with your eyes. Well it didn't look appetising at all. What's the point in eating that anyway. If you want to lose weight and keep it off you have to change the way you eat forever and you can't eat Diet Chef forever can you?
"You can't eat Diet Chef forever, can you?"

Ah well, they'd love you to because you'd be paying a king's ransom for sh*te food that you don't even like. As a person that has wasted a king's ransom on diets and fads and exercise machines and all the rest, just go out for walks (free), eat your normal food but half of what you'd normally eat and then pack out the hunger with fruit. I know it's boring but after a bit you don't even want chocolate and crisps (I never ate choccie anyway and the crisps bit is VERY hard). You just adjust yourself and after a month or so you just get into the way of it. Move more, eat a bit less and it will come. My OH has to lose 2 stone by April by request of his diabetic doc so we're doing it this way. Last night we had sausages done in the oven with rosti and a few beans. That's OK. Use smaller plates as well because it makes it look more :wink: And don't beat yourself up. If you give in and have a curry just put it to the back of your mind and carry on with the diet or healthy eating as I like to call it.


Edit. If I want a packet of smoky bacon Walkers then I just pretend to take the dog for walkies and go to the corner shop, eat em on the way home and dump the bag in the public bin. I suppose I smell of them when I get home tho' :blush:
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Is that the Alpen light Burlz cherub?

No, Jabba, the alpen light is 70 calories. The chocolate fudge is delicious. A system like diet chef is, imo, aimed at people with no will power who would do anything to lose weight. I also couldn't believe the prices; 10 soups, incl postage, £27.20.Currently, Asda is selling Heinz soup at 50p per tin, £5.00 for 10 tins. Diet chef: 10 packets; Heinz: 54 tins. It's a no brainer!
Well I eat like a horse and down wine like a dipso, so there's:wink: no hope for me .

I'm currently a size 10, but was always a size 6 so feel HUGE . I'm almost 52 btw :wink:
Diet chef muesli bar -200 calories
Alpen strawberry muesli bar -119 calories

You've missed the point though!

Diet Chef is a calorie controlled meal for the whole day so it does not matter if one bar happens to be higher than something else you can buy.
You've missed the point though!

Diet Chef is a calorie controlled meal for the whole day so it does not matter if one bar happens to be higher than something else you can buy.

Believe me, I totally understand the point of Diet Chef.
@ candycane My OH has to lose 2 stone by April by request of his diabetic doc ...

Hi candycane, there is actually a way he could sort this - although it's brutally strict and it would be good to talk to his doctor about it too - and it's this: give up the refined carbohydrates and sugar (carbohydrates convert to sugar); he would have to give up bread, biscuits, potatoes, rice, pasta... and put the emphasis on non-starchy veggies, protein and fresh fruit (watch grapes though as they're high in sugar, and dried fruits are too high in sugar). That would mean for example: eggs or fresh fruit and some nuts for breakfast, salad with chicken or fish for lunch (avocados and raw mushrooms with this are good too), homemade hearty lentil/broth/bean soups for tea that sort of thing - lots of dark green veggies like kale and spinach in the salads and soups too. The weight drops off believe me! It's healthy and would help with the diabetes too.

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