DF putting her foot down


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Registered Shopper
Oct 25, 2012
When Q says that DF`s groups are nothing to do with them, then its all a load of codswallop and that`s from the horse`s mouth ie DF herself who says its her group endorsed by Q. Someone dared to comment about the tsv selling out too quickly and DF has posted a thread on her BTY group laying down the law.
Here it is cut and paste.

Ref complaints about qvc. This is for newcomers who have misunderstood what this group is about.
This is not an official qvc group, so complaints should be addressed to the proper channels. It's officially endorsed by qvc, ie it's my group, related to my well being show. Pls read pinned post for more info if you're surprised when certain posts are deleted.
Ref the thread that begins 'I am disgusted about qvc...' This is not the place for that type of post.see below for my response. It's the phrasing that's the problem. And due to the way the nastily written responses have developed, I've deleted it.
Pls post on the qvcuk page if you want a response from qvc, or better still, see below for info about how to help get the Antthony tsv again. That's the way to discuss such topics. Nb you CAN dislike something, it's the language you use that's a problem. No one likes everything, and you don't have to. You just have to be mindful of how you post.
Ok, at she message to newcomers who needed to have a gentle reminder of what this group is about.
IMO the tsv top that sold out is an amazing top, very comfy, ideal for me and vastly popular. Sizing was fab for me, hence my advice. If you disagree, that's fine, but do so in a kind, respectful way. That's what we expect on this group.
Agreed regulars?
What's been your favourite Antthony item this visit? Who's looking forward to Quacker later? And watch out for the Alpha H OTO bargain at ten
I hope she can swim as she is in danger of being up to her neck in ********.

edit: apologies if certain language offends.
That group gets more and more disturbing. It's like a dystopian novel.
After her above post one of her followers actually replied " Debbie you`re our hero ! "
Pass me the sick bag ..
After her above post one of her followers actually replied " Debbie you`re our hero ! "

Goodness me. I was half joking with my dystopia comment, but that actually is really disturbing.
It's like Orwell's 'Animal Farm'....... "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
A hero to me isn't someone who writes crap books,and what's the difference between official and officially endorsed.
Is anyone surprised at that post?

Nope but what really annoys me is when Q deny they have anything to do with her groups, when we all know they do. It`s too much of a coincidence that its always people from her groups who are involved in anything and everything, from flowers being sent to them, freebies, raffle prizes etc etc etc. Before anybody says anything, it isn`t sour grapes on my part, it`s the fact they try to hide things or treat us like idiots.
Nope but what really annoys me is when Q deny they have anything to do with her groups, when we all know they do. It`s too much of a coincidence that its always people from her groups who are involved in anything and everything, from flowers being sent to them, freebies, raffle prizes etc etc etc. Before anybody says anything, it isn`t sour grapes on my part, it`s the fact they try to hide things or treat us like idiots.

They probably don't want anything to do with her groups, whereas DF is in an "Everybody loves me" world of her own and assumes that we all feel the same, including her employers.
Unfortunately I think Q want everything to do with Ms F otherwise she would have been reprimanded over the BCC.

She has their full backing in everything IMO
She doesn't want any negativity because if the powers that be see it they'll think DF is amazing! Its disrurbing the way she acts, its like a cult........I said "cult" I wonder if the members have pictures of DF, light candles and gently hum whilst posting? Message for Debbie Flint........your delusions of grandeur is laughable even more laughable than you constant need to be praised, oh and didn't your mother ever teach you to say please and thank you?!
Cult is right

The definition of a cult is that it has one leader, that all members remain in constant daily contact with the cult leader and that no other views other than those endorsed by the cult leader are allowed.
With the worse cults, language is changed so that it has meaning opposite to what the normal consensus of meaning given by the general population is. When I read "you are allowed to say you don't like something that is all right as long as you say you liked it because it is good" or similar, I know that the cult indoctrination is complete.

We can only hope she completes the process by having her hair cut to resemble that of North Korea's Dear Leader.
I can't warm to Debbie Flint.
She's lost a couple of pounds...and she's a diet guru. Can knock out half a dozen smutty books in double quick time and she's a novelist.

I think she's brash and pushy, and the sort of person who in reality would bore you to death with her narcissistic personality.
These 'people' that need to have a 'following' clearly don't have many real friends, or at least the handful that you can always count on; The rise of social media has given a false sense of being popular to obviously lonely people, and DF to me, falls into that category - she is so busy cultivating her blogs, communicating on twitter and writing her 'novels', that she probably rarely socialises with anyone because she hasn't the time !!! Social media is her all.
I can't warm to Debbie Flint.
She's lost a couple of pounds...and she's a diet guru. Can knock out half a dozen smutty books in double quick time and she's a novelist.

I think she's brash and pushy, and the sort of person who in reality would bore you to death with her narcissistic personality.

Totally agree, couldn't put it better myself. Obviously the fat lady hasn't stopped singing yet as no way has DF lost weight, as for her "books" that she writes about one a week, that Hawaain Affair one has been changed to Take A Chance On Me, with few bits added, will people buy it? Yes because DF makes them think she's their friend, till they have an opinion of course. No I'm sorry, I can't stand the woman, I've seen how rude she can be, so what a hypocrite to demand that other people aren't, double standards hypocrite.
She doesn't want any negativity because if the powers that be see it they'll think DF is amazing! Its disrurbing the way she acts, its like a cult........I said "cult" I wonder if the members have pictures of DF, light candles and gently hum whilst posting? Message for Debbie Flint........your delusions of grandeur is laughable even more laughable than you constant need to be praised, oh and didn't your mother ever teach you to say please and thank you?!
I agree, it's like these people have been brainwashed by DF.
These 'people' that need to have a 'following' clearly don't have many real friends, or at least the handful that you can always count on; The rise of social media has given a false sense of being popular to obviously lonely people, and DF to me, falls into that category - she is so busy cultivating her blogs, communicating on twitter and writing her 'novels', that she probably rarely socialises with anyone because she hasn't the time !!! Social media is her all.

I've said the same! Her life is a virtual one, if she got out more she'd see that in the real world people actually disagree sometimes............yes Debbie, honestly it happens.
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