DF putting her foot down


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I'd be interested, if anyone confronted QVC's CEO or BCC's management about the mishandling of the BCC auction, to hear what response was given.

I don't suppose BCC could say very much because it would be unwise to risk the ongoing relationship with QVC for the sake of the money they lost on the one lot in the auction. What DF did was dreadful but BCC aren't in a position to argue. As for QVC didn't they say that there had been an inadvertent breach of the rules?
Shopaholic, I am sorry that you felt it necessary to call me names such as 'silly' and other people 'idiotic'. You clearly cannot debate without resorting to spiteful and childish comments. You are insulting people you have never met and know nothing about. It is people like you who spoil forums and stifle debate. People will be reluctant to post in case they set you off so well done. I can hold my own with anyone but you are not worth arguing with because you cannot argue sensibly. You clearly have issues. I have to wonder about those who purport to despise a tv presenter but yet know all about the person, what they've said and done, their books, reviews of those books and the people who have made these reviews. Bit stalkerish if you ask me to go looking for anything to jump on and make a meal of. I'm not involved but am sure that the members of that group are really glad nasty people like you would not be allowed on there.

So its ok for you to say I have issues? Which is offensive. I said silly woman because you was acting like one, when I said idiots I wasn't thinking of you but hey, if the cap fits. Just for the record I would dedpise anyone that tries to take advantage of a charity auction for their own personal gain as for stalker, you are most definitely getting first prize and take the cup for that one.
Shopaholic, I am sorry that you felt it necessary to call me names such as 'silly' and other people 'idiotic'. You clearly cannot debate without resorting to spiteful and childish comments. You are insulting people you have never met and know nothing about. It is people like you who spoil forums and stifle debate. People will be reluctant to post in case they set you off so well done. I can hold my own with anyone but you are not worth arguing with because you cannot argue sensibly. You clearly have issues. I have to wonder about those who purport to despise a tv presenter but yet know all about the person, what they've said and done, their books, reviews of those books and the people who have made these reviews. Bit stalkerish if you ask me to go looking for anything to jump on and make a meal of. I'm not involved but am sure that the members of that group are really glad nasty people like you would not be allowed on there.

I don't believe you, I think you are very much part of DF groups, ever heard the phrase 'thou doth protest too much" I would never ever consider joining one of DFs cults, sorry groups, so please don't let that worry you, as for despising DF, I'm not even going to lower myself reply to your ridiculous comments about people being scared to comment because of me, that's childish and spiteful of you to say so, you obviously think its acceptable for her to act as shameless as she does and you're determind to carry things on, so let's just leave it at that.
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So its ok for you to say I have issues? Which is offensive. I said silly woman because you was acting like one, when I said idiots I wasn't thinking of you but hey, if the cap fits. Just for the record I would dedpise anyone that tries to take advantage of a charity auction for their own personal gain as for stalker, you are most definitely getting first prize and take the cup for that one.

I'm saying this as a 'neutral' observer here: if Miss Ellie is a 'silly woman', then obviously she's not the only one.
AuctionS, not auction.

Never forget the crown, I don't ;)

Let it go strato, not worth the ulcer. They didn't tighten things up after the Shoddy Crown Affair to then leave the doorway open for the BCC mishandling. Coming in threes, I wonder what the third fiasco will be. There will be one, of that I don't doubt.
I disapprove of QVC's handling of both auctions, I don't think I've seen a single post on here condoning QVC or Debbie Flint's involvement. But if it's used on every new Flint-related thread started on here then it's getting in the way of discussing any new topics. e.g. if someone asks whether the body blade is any good, does it help them make a purchase to know that Debbie Flint tried to wangle a day out with Joan Collins? I'm not trying to stifle free speech, I want to expand it to new avenues, not get stuck down the BCC auction/BTY/novels cul-de-sacs.
Please refrain from personal attacks on fellow forum members!!!

A reminder given...

Miss Ellie is back! She has not overnight developed either manners or consideration for other posters. I haven't heard such a lot of abuse since I did playground duty and had to fetch sobbing girls out of toilets where they were sheltering, and confront the bullies.

Whose the bully here?

I don't believe you, I think you are very much part of DF groups, ever heard the phrase 'thou doth protest too much" I would never ever consider joining one of DFs cults, sorry groups, so please don't let that worry you, as for despising DF, I'm not even going to lower myself reply to your ridiculous comments about people being scared to comment because of me, that's childish and spiteful of you to say so, you obviously think its acceptable for her to act as shameless as she does and you're determind to carry things on, so let's just leave it at that.

So its ok for you to say I have issues? Which is offensive. I said silly woman because you was acting like one, when I said idiots I wasn't thinking of you but hey, if the cap fits. Just for the record I would dedpise anyone that tries to take advantage of a charity auction for their own personal gain as for stalker, you are most definitely getting first prize and take the cup for that one.

Yet still the snide remarks persist.

This thread will run forever if people keep falling over themselves to get in a last snipe.

Can't we just close the thread and move on?
I totally agree.
I can't say I'm a fan of Flinty, nor do I think her behaviour over the auction thingy was in anyway justifiable. However, I don't despise her, nor anyone on La Q. I do think that the point made about people being able to dictate their own rules for their own groups was a valid opinion and it made me think, which is surely the point of a debate, but I think I'd prefer it if it actually continued as a debate rather than a slanging match, which is what it has become. I don't feel that that pointing out that particular opinion exhibits a particular love of La Flint, nor any indication of any allegiance to her.
I'm saying this as a 'neutral' observer here: if Miss Ellie is a 'silly woman', then obviously she's not the only one.

You're not neutral at all, you're implying someone else is silly. Why not just put your cards on the table and speak your mind honestly and openly?
Let it go strato, not worth the ulcer. They didn't tighten things up after the Shoddy Crown Affair to then leave the doorway open for the BCC mishandling. Coming in threes, I wonder what the third fiasco will be. There will be one, of that I don't doubt.

I don't lose any sleep about it, but it was corrupt IMO
Please stop with the personal attacks or I will have no option but to close the threads.

Everyone is entitled to post their opinion but attacking each other and calling each other names is not acceptable!
PLEASE REFRAIN from personal attacks. We don't want the thread closed. It has some mileage in it yet.
I beg to differ that my last contribution was bullying. I think "who is the bully here" is a very snide comment. I do not bully. I make factual observations.
I made two factual statements: That Miss Ellie, having said she was leaving the thread, returned with even more unpleasant personal remarks about shopperholic.
:that the language she used, which had included telling shopperholic to get off the thread, and the unpleasant words she used, were last heard by me in the school playground.

I am making no more contributions to this thread as I dislike the unpleasantness it has aroused. I have never mentioned past history such as the auctions as I was never aware of that story at the time. I did observe, several times, that I thought DF was a poor presenter because she spent very little time on giving useful information about products, and an awful lot of time on self publicity.
PLEASE REFRAIN from personal attacks. We don't want the thread closed. It has some mileage in it yet.

I look forward to reading your contribution to the topic of a Facebook page owner having the right to enforce the rules of her page as she sees fit.
Welcome back, Miss Ellie :) How's Twitter these days? Seems everyone's at it. Even the birds in the trees are twittering.
I don't think this forum stifles debate or puts people off posting.......

You have missed the point. The forum does not stifle debate or puts people off posting - it is individuals who do that by resorting to name calling and personal attacks instead of debating sensibily. When personal comments are responded to in kind people realise then how unpleasant it is. I have made my point. The fact that QVC allow Debbie Flint to do whatever she does is entirely a matter for them and if they are fine with it then it is nothing whatsoever to do with anyone. I am amazed that people who say they don't care about the woman have plenty to say about her, her friends and activities.
Welcome back, Miss Ellie :) How's Twitter these days? Seems everyone's at it. Even the birds in the trees are twittering.

It's a wind up I guess, nevertheless I shall repeat as if to a class of 3-year olds, I don't do Twitter, I'm not on Back to you or QVC's Facebook pages. I don't know Debbie Flint, her best mate, anyone at QVC, anyone on her page. Do you understand? I'm laughing here because you all seem to think I am a mole or something. but you are so wrong. I am an ordinary person who has a sense of fair play and thinks that a woman who runs a Facebook page how she sees fit. That is clearly a foreign sentiment to some. Now, is there anything you wanted to add to the topic?
This seems to be becoming a thread of two sides: one which wants to debate the very narrow issue of whether or not DF has to right to run her FB group(s) as she sees fit, and a another about DF's wider personality and practices. And, as always, the usual people have taken the usual sides.
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