Deliveries and CS Emails


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Yorkshire Uk

I've been expecting a delivery from TJC from the end of last month, but nothing had arrived. Today i've checked on their website, and subsequently used the tracking on the DX website. My order shows as out for delivery on the 5/1/2010, but as i've been at home with my son as schools are closed they obviously haven't delivered (or attempted to). I've spoken to DX CS (using the term CS very lightly here) to firstly be told the earliest day for "re- delivery" is Monday of next week, ironic use of words re-delivery as they haven't even attempted:mysmilie_73:

Now my main gripe is....They had my parcel ready for delivery on Tuesday, yet didn't attempt delivery Tuesday, Wednesday or even Today. I can appreciate the weather was atrocious on Tuesday and i would not have expected a parcel delivery on that day (even tho CityLink delivered from somewhere else that day) but why have they not even attempted delivery yesterday or today?!

Does anyone have an email address for me to vent to TJC CS, as i think they are basically having a laugh using a shoddy courier such as DX!

TYIA and thanks for listening to my vent!
Hi Tabs

Sorry you are experiencing this - I did a thread on this just after Christmas because I had exactly the same thing (stayed in all day and no sign of any delivery yet the website said 'delivery attempted'). I rang TJC CS and to be honest was a little disappointed. They had differing information on their system and could only tell me to contact TheDX to re-arrange delivery. The disappointment came because despite them knowing it was my first order with them I didn't even get an apology for the inconvenience of having to stay in for two days of my precious Christmas holiday (as far as they were concerned the parcel could have been put through the door and therefore a signature wasn't required).

Needless to say when my parcel did arrive it came in the door, got relabelled and got sent straight back!! I'm now really nervous about ordering anything again because like everyone else I need things to be delivered reliably.

I ordered some things from GemsTV the other day and they use DPD who delivered today (as expected) despite the weather. I think TJC should think very seriously about changing the couriers they use as they could lose customers over something like this.

I know that quite a lot of people on this forum have very positive things to say about TJC so I shall keep watching and fingers crossed take the plunge some time soon.

Good luck and hope you get it sorted out soon.

Thanks Willow, They really do need to change courier in my view..DPD and or CityLink are far more reliable, but i assume DX offered a cheaper deal. Hope you feel you can shop in confidence again soon :)
Hi Tabs. I hope someone from TJC looks at this forum and takes comments on board because there have been soooo many threads complaining about delivery/TheDX it surely needs looking at.

Fingers crossed. It's my birthday in February so I'm keeping my eye out for something to have as a pressie. :)
Awww Twinny sorry you've been messed about. Mind you they must be brave to mess you about :mysmilie_17:

It's ironic really but in the days when Gems used to use Shi*tyLink, nobody ever had any problems except me! It was that bad that if I'd got my hands on the daft driver that used to deliver (or should I say pretend to try to deliver) to me, instead of him being in the van, the van would've been in him - where the sun don't shine!!

Now lots of people are having nightmares with DX and I've never had any problems at all!

Now that I've probably tempted fate and jinxed myself I'll go! Hope everyone gets their deliveries asap.
Lol Twinny, My bark is far worse than my bite, honest luv!

What niggles me most is that they have made no attempt whatever, despite having the parcel for 3 days! Hopefully it will arrive sometime soon, thats if i can remember what i ordered by then :D
I've not really had any delivery problems with them, but it's TJC's p&p costs that really get me. During the last sale I bought quite a few items as Christmas presents and the postage came to over £17! What makes it worse is that everything was delivererd on the same day in the same package. What a rip-off, they are really having a laugh there and consequently I haven't ordered a thing during the current sale. I'm taking my business elsewhere (Rockstv) with combined p&p, fantastic CS and a good courier service.
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I agree Jacqualina, their p&p is not good! I'm currently waiting for two items to arrive, after that due to dodgy CS and the DX issues i'll be reconsidering where i shop in future.
Hello it is me PG, I am still waiting an order I placed on New Years Day - checeked the order tracking and it said the item was dispatched last night at 5.55pm but i cant find out anymore - as if i click on the more, it just bleeps at me. I emailed CS 3 times and only received a reply the day after, I had to ring CS myself! Does not make for a good shopping experience - and I have this feeling of doom, that I wont be receiving the parcel any time soon :mysmilie_81:
Not good at all Tabs TJCs email(for your vent lol) is [email protected] i hope you receive your parcel soon.
jacqualina that p&p is ridiculous is that with their p&p savings? sounds way to much to me.
PG if it was dispatched last night you SHOULD get it today but the way things have been going you may get it mid March lol
I've not really had any delivery problems with them, but it's TJC's p&p costs that really get me. During the last sale I bought quite a few items as Christmas presents and the postage came to over £17! What makes it worse is that everything was delivererd on the same day in the same package. What a rip-off, they are really having a laugh there and consequently I haven't ordered a thing during the current sale. I'm taking my business elsewhere (Rockstv) with combined p&p, fantastic CS and a good courier service.

Jacqualina, as you probably know, I'm a big fan of TJC but I have to totally agree with you about the postage costs. With them having various P & P specials recently I was wondering if they were going to introduce 1 P & P for all day as a permanent thing. They used to do it if you ordered online but if you ordered by phone it was separate P & P for every item. When they changed it to a sliding scale charge, they brought the web more or less into line with the phone. I used to often but something I didn't really need just to combine postage on the web - must be the canny Scot mentality! Now, there's no incentive to buy more than one item.

I also agree totally with you about Rocks TV being the best for P & P, CS and their couriers.

TJC, I know you read this forum so PLEASE sort out the postage charges and your courier problems. Thank you.
I placed an order on New Years Eve and am still waiting. This was my very first order with TJC and will be my last. I am seriously unimpressed with the time it takes for them deliver.
This dosen't get any better! The delivery for today that i was promised last night is now not going to happen! I've just phoned to comfirm and have been told it has not been sent out as "couriers can not get to the depot". In the next breath i was told that "oh you can collect this item from our depot"...from the same place they say couriers can't get too!!!

I've also spoken to a CS Advisor "Peto" and after an exchange of words said "cancel my orders"....Only to be told "you will have to wait for the items get back before we can do a refund"!! These are both items that have not even been received yet and one hasn't even left the TJC warehouse!!

Fuming??!!! You bet your life i am! GRRRRRRRRRRR! Me and TJC are finished with!
The last time i ordered from TJC i ordered on 22nd December which was 2 days after they had stopped guarantying Christmas delevery, it was dispatched on 23rd and it came on 24th which i didn't expect at all but maybe they had alot of extra staff working over Christmas.
This dosen't get any better! The delivery for today that i was promised last night is now not going to happen! I've just phoned to comfirm and have been told it has not been sent out as "couriers can not get to the depot". In the next breath i was told that "oh you can collect this item from our depot"...from the same place they say couriers can't get too!!!

I've also spoken to a CS Advisor "Peto" and after an exchange of words said "cancel my orders"....Only to be told "you will have to wait for the items get back before we can do a refund"!! These are both items that have not even been received yet and one hasn't even left the TJC warehouse!!

Fuming??!!! You bet your life i am! GRRRRRRRRRRR! Me and TJC are finished with!

Oh, Tabs that doesnt sound good at all - obviously they cant be too worried about the cusomer! I ordered on New Years Eve too - it says on order tracking that the item is dispatched - but where i am, the estate i live on, the roads arent gritted, and its like an ice rink out there - even the bin men, and the recycling (or removal vans) havent dared to come down the hill, ok its not a huge incline, but vehicles get halfway up, thats it, they are stuck - we have to park our vehicle right up the top of the road, on the flat, where its been gritted - about a 5 minute walk away - so if thats causing problems for the above mentioned, i dont expect any delivery man with his van would dare to venture down here! lol - even the good old reliable Postie hasnt dare venture down here, and usually nothing, but nothing stops him! lol so here i am devoid of mail, recycling and refuse collections, and most importanly precious bling delivery - i tell you, ordering the snail earrings, was a definate hex on me!!! should have seen the writing on the wall - or could that be, the sliming on the wall?? :mysmilie_61: :mysmilie_81:
Hi All,
I ordered from tjc on new years eve for mums birthday present as rocks tv were unavailable and have received nothing. it will be too late now as I have had to buy an alternative for my mum. I have not received an email with any tracking details and noticed several of you have..any ideas about that would be the way I ordered by phone, but am registered with tjc so they do have my email address. Just annoyed that ive wasted my money on p&p and will waste more returning the goods. Thank god rocks is back!!
Jacqualina, as you probably know, I'm a big fan of TJC but I have to totally agree with you about the postage costs. With them having various P & P specials recently I was wondering if they were going to introduce 1 P & P for all day as a permanent thing. They used to do it if you ordered online but if you ordered by phone it was separate P & P for every item. When they changed it to a sliding scale charge, they brought the web more or less into line with the phone. I used to often but something I didn't really need just to combine postage on the web - must be the canny Scot mentality! Now, there's no incentive to buy more than one item.

I also agree totally with you about Rocks TV being the best for P & P, CS and their couriers.

TJC, I know you read this forum so PLEASE sort out the postage charges and your courier problems. Thank you.

I know TJC read the forums Twinny as i asked when i spoke to a very nice male manager earlier, they are aware and are reading.
Their delivery service has been getting steadily worse imo and that was even before all this snow which is their current excuse. They really need to buck their ideas up because they don't even honour thier fast track service which is bloody expensive. :mad:
I did hear there is a meeting between TJC and DX next week. Let's hope that TJC voice some of our concerns and that something is done about it.

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