Guest Shopper
She reminds me of another Michele Hope - wrong side of 45 but desperate to try and look 25. PC:
She looks like a mad axe-murderer. I wouldn't like to meet her down a dark alley with a stilletto.
Without causing mass uproar, I'd like to contradict every last one of you.
I think it's awful how critical you're all being of a woman who's just doing her job.
I happen to know Debbie Paver personally, and I can say that she's a lovely generous woman and a fantastic mother, and definitely doesnt deserve all this criticism. She is genuine, and I know she'd be really hurt if she was to read this, so please stop saying such nasty vindictive things!
The Flyflot woman.
I can't gage her age....the camera never zooms in on her face, too scared I suspect, her hands are terribly gnarled and her knuckles look arthritic, a poisoned apple wouldn't look out of place clutched in one. Coupled with those eyes :11: a very unfortunate looking woman....I wonder if she does Halloween bookings :33:
Great pair of legs, though...! xx
Why am I not surprised by that predictable retort? ha!
Then on some internet forum, you see a load of people bitching about them NOT for their presenting abilities or the standard of their product, but instead for their looks and their personality. Would you, for one, not be slightly peeved that they cannot grasp the notion of ignorance?