Debbie Flint on the news.


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Are you equally as shocked when you see various well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist actors drone on about their love of the Liebour party?
Yes but can't say I have seen actor break into political speeches in middle of TV programme they are in.

Have you seen Debbie's Q blog this week? Photos with Conservative Party Pass round her neck is her work blog, should be about her work not her political views.

Putting my moderator hat on now, please refrain from attacking fellow forum members.
Um, I remember a certain well known actor ranting at the end of the Shakespearian play he was appearing in at the Barbican - stunning the audience in the process. And yep, he's a luvvie !!!

Apropos Aberfan. One of those events where you remember where you were when the news came through. - (working in a typing pool at Pfizer). Yes, my Dad and both Granddads were miners who came home with coal dust eye liner, carrying their snap tins. Different planet back then.
I have posted five comments on this thread, I didn't rant & I don't have double standards.

Yes but can't say I have seen actor break into political speeches in middle of TV programme they are in.

Have you seen Debbie's Q blog this week? Photos with Conservative Party Pass round her neck is her work blog, should be about her work not her political views.

Putting my moderator hat on now, please refrain from attacking fellow forum members.
No, I haven't seen her blog, personally I don't care what she writes, I believe in freedom of speech - it's up to QVC what they allow their employees to say in their work blogs. The person I was replying to laid into me first, if you go back & actually read her replies. But, we've both said our piece & as far as I'm concerned our chat is over.
No, I haven't seen her blog, personally I don't care what she writes, I believe in freedom of speech - it's up to QVC what they allow their employees to say in their work blogs. The person I was replying to laid into me first, if you go back & actually read her replies. But, we've both said our piece & as far as I'm concerned our chat is over.
Think you will find you posted an insult first, the nose comment.

So again if you wish to remain a member the please no personal attacks on fellow members.
We get well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist celebrities fawning over the Labour party every day, but because Debbie happens to support the Tory party people on here are ranting away. What double standards - I suppose they'd be fine with it if she'd turned up at the Liebour Party conference.

If people can't afford something, then they should have the sense not to buy it - what's that's got to do with their political views? As for "money grabbing" - Tony Blair & his buddy Mandelson, anyone?

Are you equally as shocked when you see various well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist actors drone on about their love of the Liebour party?

WOW. Calm it down a lot. BodgeJob has been sacked for his lies more than once, so be careful where you cast your allegations.

We are a happy family of friends here where we agree and agree to differ. Now take yourself off and calm down Shazza or whatever minion you are.

Hi, Debbie. It's Labour by the way.

Or, is it Sharon?

Or just a super fan from her various groups who she bans at the blind of an eye for having your thoughts?

You seemed to have joined today in the early hours to defend the Fat Controller who is making a dog's arse of the country. And Market Stall Flinty.

Debbie can support who she likes, but when she puts up her political views on her QVC blog, which is a work blog really. That is out of order. The left wing lovies as you call them don't suddenly in the middle of a TV show or film start or when doing promotion tours. They do it in their own time.

I hope you did read about Flinty wrecking the Breast Cancer auction by breaking the rules, which as someone who has been with QVC a very long time would know about. Thus depriving the charity of a large amount of money?

You need to calm down, you'll give yourself high blood pressure. Not good for your retreat.

Go girl. Totally agree with you. 🍹 🍹
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EVT, you haven't quite got it. Members don't insult one another on this forum ("you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with* your use of language", "not insubstantial nose", "little sentence", "dear") so don't spoil it.

We have a range of political views here; some you'll agree with, some you won't. Please try to live with that.

*If we must be picky, it should be "in", not "with". Apologies for having to point that out.

WOW. Calm it down a lot. BodgeJob has been sacked for his lies more than once, so be careful where you cast your allegations.

We are a happy family of friends here where we agree and agree to differ. Know take yourself off and calm down Shazza or whatever minion you are.
Think you will find you posted an insult first, the nose comment.

So again if you wish to remain a member the please no personal attacks on fellow members.
No, I think you will find she jumped in & accused me of being a friend of Debbie & of just joining to stick up for - both of which are both childish & untrue. Perhaps you should have a word with her too...
No, I think you will find she jumped in & accused me of being a friend of Debbie & of just joining to stick up for - both of which are both childish & untrue. Perhaps you should have a word with her too...

Insulting members and insulting Admin. Go girlie. Go far far away.

Old scruffy BodgeJob has been sacked for his lies, he has children proven to be his by DNA that he refuses to acknowledge. He has more side wives than you can shake a stick at. He left his wife when she was having treatment for cancer.

If this is your standard of PM then we need all the help we can get.

Well what a rude new member.
Insulting members and insulting Admin. Go girlie. Go far far away.

Old scruffy BodgeJob has been sacked for his lies, he has children proven to be his by DNA that he refuses to acknowledge. He has more side wives than you can shake a stick at. He left his wife when she was having treatment for cancer.

If this is your standard of PM then we need all the help we can get.

Well what a rude new member.
Replying to inaccuracies is not "insulting. A PM is a private message, this is a public forum. The person who replied to me accused me of all sorts - so why aren't you calling her out for being "rude"? It seems like it's ok for some people to say what they like on here, but not others...

Replying to inaccuracies is not "insulting. A PM is a private message, this is a public forum. The person who replied to me accused me of all sorts - so why aren't you calling her out for being "rude"? It seems like it's ok for some people to say what they like on here, but not others...

Darling EVT, PM has long been an abbreviation for Prime Minister.

This is one of the best controlled forums I've seen in my 25+ years on the Internet and certainly a great one amongst QVC. We are allowed our opinion her, but being rude to member is not allowed. And being rude to Admin, well.....

Now please click to ignore all my posts. It is a long time since I've been blocked by the Queen of the block button, and I sort of miss it. Please, make my weekend and put me on ignore.

I'm not going to get into any further discussion with you. However I would suggest that when you open your quotes you close them.

Replying to inaccuracies is not "insulting. A PM is a private message, this is a public forum. The person who replied to me accused me of all sorts - so why aren't you calling her out for being "rude"? It seems like it's ok for some people to say what they like on here, but not others...

Welcome to the forum EVT. All I have to say is, that if you want to contribute to a forum you've never posted on before, best not to blunder in accusing its members of having double standards....Not a great way to get the welcome that a new member deserves. We all have different views, political or otherwise and if you stick around you'll discover they can be discussed without being rude to one another. If you do stick around, I hope you enjoy it...if not, then cheerio!
Welcome to the forum EVT. All I have to say is, that if you want to contribute to a forum you've never posted on before, best not to blunder in accusing its members of having double standards....Not a great way to get the welcome that a new member deserves. We all have different views, political or otherwise and if you stick around you'll discover they can be discussed without being rude to one another. If you do stick around, I hope you enjoy it...if not, then cheerio!

Fine, but once again you are completely ignoring her rude replies that accused me of being a friend of hers, just because I took an opposite point of view. It all seems very childish to me.
Fine, but once again you are completely ignoring her rude replies that accused me of being a friend of hers, just because I took an opposite point of view. It all seems very childish to me.
Delboy,Shaz,or whatever your name is?
Please get your facts right yourself or your heroine,caused a cancer charity lots of grief.
Any apology nah!
Now please retreat to whatever hole you came from.
The main thing about Debbie Flint for me is that she never seems to be able to sit down, relax, do nothing (something I’m very good at, probably too good at 🥺). It’s almost as if she has to be doing something every hour of every day which must be exhausting which is maybe why her health has suffered recently. Obviously it’s her choice but her constant need to be posting, photographing herself, going places and providing updates is too much for me although I appreciate others might think it’s fine, exciting etc. Apart from that I don’t have a particular view on her or her politics. My annoyance about the latest Conservative decision to stop the £20 top up for those who need it is a concern although I fully understand that we, as tax payers, are paying for it. That said, it annoyed me to hear that the Chancellor has, at the same, has submitted and got planning permission for a new gym, tennis court and swimming pool at his house. How the other half live!
I have a very personal connection so I’m hoping the dum down of QVC with the breast cancer charity since it didn’t happen immediately after the problem with the afternoon tea auction is not then a direct result of it. 😢
Delboy,Shaz,or whatever your name is?
Please get your facts right yourself or your heroine,caused a cancer charity lots of grief.
Any apology nah!
Now please retreat to whatever hole you came from.

I really don’t think this is called for. For a forum who’s bragging about how civilised it is, and where everyone’s entitled to their opinion this seems really to be the antithesis of that.
No, I haven't seen her blog, personally I don't care what she writes, I believe in freedom of speech - it's up to QVC what they allow their employees to say in their work blogs. The person I was replying to laid into me first, if you go back & actually read her replies. But, we've both said our piece & as far as I'm concerned our chat is over.

'Laid in to'

Darling EVT, PM has long been an abbreviation for Prime Minister.

This is one of the best controlled forums I've seen in my 25+ years on the Internet and certainly a great one amongst QVC. We are allowed our opinion her, but being rude to member is not allowed. And being rude to Admin, well.....

Now please click to ignore all my posts. It is a long time since I've been blocked by the Queen of the block button, and I sort of miss it. Please, make my weekend and put me on ignore.

I'm not going to get into any further discussion with you. However I would suggest that when you open your quotes you close them.

Not fully related, but who is, was "..queen of the block button" What have I missed?
Not fully related, but who is, was "..queen of the block button" What have I missed?

Flinty liked to block people, but her mate Shazza was the Queen. I won't admit to creating three profiles just so could block them as well.

Shazza, love her cotton socks, enjoyed kicking people out of groups, blocking the profile, etc. It was a bit of a giggle to see how quickly you got blocked by her. Nasty piece of work on FB and sent spies into other groups to "screen grab" comments about Q, Flinty and anything else that she fancied. How she had the time with her blogging, attending PR events, caring for her family beat the doh dah out of me.

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