Debbie Flint on the news.


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I feel exactly the same, even the thought of having to walk to the polling station is too much. My sister believes voting should be legally enforced but that the ballot paper should contain a None Of The Above box & contents herself by spoiling her paper because these have to be counted. At the start of the last election I put a notice on our door requesting no political literature & copied a photo of a rottweiler at the bottom, it worked. BTW we have a cat & a bunny.
I have written ‘I do not wish to vote for any of these candidates ‘ across my ballot paper on more than one occasion.
I feel exactly the same, even the thought of having to walk to the polling station is too much. My sister believes voting should be legally enforced but that the ballot paper should contain a None Of The Above box & contents herself by spoiling her paper because these have to be counted. At the start of the last election I put a notice on our door requesting no political literature & copied a photo of a rottweiler at the bottom, it worked. BTW we have a cat & a bunny.

I agree with your sister, I've done similar.

I think Guto Fawkes was the last honest person to enter The Palace of Westminster. That is not really true I do think there are a few politicians actually do some good from all parties but I prefer the gossipy bits.
While we all have our own opinions on politics and morals etc, I'm not sure how practical it is to, effectively, banish/boycott all those whose opinion differs from our own. I know I'd just send myself inside-out, if I tried to. There's just no way anyone can guarantee that they will never give business to someone who has a different political view than them. In most cases, we don't know what that person believes (even if we do know the party etc, we have no way of knowing which wing etc they are). Where do we draw the line? And surely it's completely unworkable, if not unreasonable, to expect a business to vet all its employees for political leanings. Provided they are not promoting any political cause or movement while 'on the clock', should it really matter to them? I suppose it just bothers some of us more than others. Each to their own … but then doesn't that have to apply to everyone?
Useless QVC will know doubt sit on there hands and ignore her gurning gob in Manchester.
You reap what you sow any political stance and views should be kept private.
Its a shopping channel not question time📺
Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, as long as it doesn't extend to the workplace where the employer is paying them to do a job of work and their customers haven't paid for and don't want to listen to, their opinions.
On the subject of QVC presenters popping up in unexpected places - I'm sure Anne Dawson is doing an ad for the red cross. :unsure:
She did one for the Red Cross some time ago & began by talking about the Aberfan disaster; an event seared on my memory as it happened on the day after my eighth birthday & until then I had never known that there was death & unhappiness. Is this the one you saw?

I wouldn't be surprised in her next blog she will be oh Carrie is my bestie. Old Sharon now kicked to the curb as she has moved on doing her I am an Influencer.
She doesn't mention Mrs Fat Controller but there are lots of photos & she's with Alison Cork in one of them, no surprise as she's also one of the party faithful.
She did one for the Red Cross some time ago & began by talking about the Aberfan disaster; an event seared on my memory as it happened on the day after my eighth birthday & until then I had never known that there was death & unhappiness. Is this the one you saw?
Aberfan has to be one of the disgraces of last century and so dreadfully sad. I watched a memorial programme on it and heard the truly awful recollections of those involved and can’t imagine how the community ever got over that event since many families lost one or more children knowing it could have been avoided. Those families were so dignified whereas I don’t think I could have been. And the Coal Board covered it up until such time as those in charge then were no longer with us to answer to what really happened. Shameful.
Aberfan has to be one of the disgraces of last century and so dreadfully sad. I watched a memorial programme on it and heard the truly awful recollections of those involved and can’t imagine how the community ever got over that event since many families lost one or more children knowing it could have been avoided. Those families were so dignified whereas I don’t think I could have been. And the Coal Board covered it up until such time as those in charge then were no longer with us to answer to what really happened. Shameful.

I live near Aberfan. My parents went there that day to help but were turned back as there volunteers were enough there. One man dug his own dead child out and continued to try to rescue others. That must have taken strength.

If someone is close about 30 mins from Cardiff I'd say go. I go about once every two years. There is a small memorial park as well as the special graves set aside, not all who died are buried in the same area. It is possible to stand where some of the houses were. Some haven't been built back. I like standing where the slurry went, look up the mountain and try to imagine the volume and speed. Not least because a few houses my Mother friend and bridesmaid lived. Her daughter is a month younger than me. So they were very fortunate to survive.

There are some horrific stories about the whole event. It was half term the following week, so you'd think that the school be saved but homes went anyway. The Labour Government of the time made the village pay for the clean up. HRH Princess Margaret made an appeal for toys!!! The Queen has visited more than once and always welcomed.

Proud Coal Miners daughter from a coal mining village. There have been way too many accidents in South Wales from the coal mines. Max Boyce has many a song or a line about the brutality of coal mines, but as his Father died underground before he was born I think it's allowed. Seeing men walk out from a shift is something to be seen, skin black with dust, their shirt thrown over a shoulder wet with hard work sweat, even in winter you'd see them shirtless, metal sandwich box in their hand. No photo I've seen can give an idea of the reality. 😢
Considering she's just had an operation for a detached retina I'm surprised that she's in Manchester surrounded by that lot. Actually I'm surprised that anyone, regardless of the state of their eyes, would want to be surrounded by that lot.

I'm not getting involved with politics - not on here anyway, and everyone has right to their own view, but although we don't agree with Flint showing her exposure at a party conference (be it Labour/Tory/Green/Loony etc) , I'm sure QVC will take the attitude that they can't dictate what presenters / staff do in their own time. I'm sure if challenged Flinty will maintain she is doing 'research' for a new book - 😂 😂 😂
We get well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist celebrities fawning over the Labour party every day, but because Debbie happens to support the Tory party people on here are ranting away. What double standards - I suppose they'd be fine with it if she'd turned up at the Liebour Party conference.

I'm not surprised by her politics. Money grabbing sell it big regardless whether people can afford it, who gives a monkeys as long as she is all right Jack. Even more reason to turn her off her screeching voice. After Phil whatever he is called from Location Location Location was shown smiling holding the dead stag he had just shot I voted with my feet and won't watch anything he is in. That's all we can do - turn off or over.
If people can't afford something, then they should have the sense not to buy it - what's that's got to do with their political views? As for "money grabbing" - Tony Blair & his buddy Mandelson, anyone?

Are you equally as shocked when you see various well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist actors drone on about their love of the Liebour party?
Are you equally as shocked when you see various well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist actors drone on about their love of the Liebour party?
Hi, Debbie. It's Labour by the way.

Or, is it Sharon?

Or just a super fan from her various groups who she bans at the blind of an eye for having your thoughts?

You seemed to have joined today in the early hours to defend the Fat Controller who is making a dog's arse of the country. And Market Stall Flinty.

Debbie can support who she likes, but when she puts up her political views on her QVC blog, which is a work blog really. That is out of order. The left wing lovies as you call them don't suddenly in the middle of a TV show or film start or when doing promotion tours. They do it in their own time.

I hope you did read about Flinty wrecking the Breast Cancer auction by breaking the rules, which as someone who has been with QVC a very long time would know about. Thus depriving the charity of a large amount of money?

You need to calm down, you'll give yourself high blood pressure. Not good for your retreat.
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Hello there, Donna - "Liebour" is often used as a put-down to emphasise the lies that Labour spins - you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with your use of language.

Thanks for your interest, but I didn't join in the early hours - but then again when I join & when I post is neither your business nor pertinent to the matter in hand.

As you did a little spelling scan on my post & sadly landed on your probably not insubstantial nose, one can only wonder what you mean by "retreat" in your last little sentence. Do try harder, Donna, dear.

While we all have our own opinions on politics and morals etc, I'm not sure how practical it is to, effectively, banish/boycott all those whose opinion differs from our own. I know I'd just send myself inside-out, if I tried to. There's just no way anyone can guarantee that they will never give business to someone who has a different political view than them. In most cases, we don't know what that person believes (even if we do know the party etc, we have no way of knowing which wing etc they are). Where do we draw the line? And surely it's completely unworkable, if not unreasonable, to expect a business to vet all its employees for political leanings. Provided they are not promoting any political cause or movement while 'on the clock', should it really matter to them? I suppose it just bothers some of us more than others. Each to their own … but then doesn't that have to apply to everyone?
It's all part of cancel culture, many people today seem unable to cope with views that contradict their own.
Hello there, Donna - "Liebour" is often used as a put-down to emphasise the lies that Labour spins - you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with your use of language.

Thanks for your interest, but I didn't join in the early hours - but then again when I join & when I post is neither your business nor pertinent to the matter in hand.

As you did a little spelling scan on my post & sadly landed on your probably not insubstantial nose, one can only wonder what you mean by "retreat" in your last little sentence. Do try harder, Donna, dear.
EVT, you haven't quite got it. Members don't insult one another on this forum ("you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with* your use of language", "not insubstantial nose", "little sentence", "dear") so don't spoil it.

We have a range of political views here; some you'll agree with, some you won't. Please try to live with that.

*If we must be picky, it should be "in", not "with". Apologies for having to point that out.
Hello there, Donna - "Liebour" is often used as a put-down to emphasise the lies that Labour spins - you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with your use of language.

Thanks for your interest, but I didn't join in the early hours - but then again when I join & when I post is neither your business nor pertinent to the matter in hand.

As you did a little spelling scan on my post & sadly landed on your probably not insubstantial nose, one can only wonder what you mean by "retreat" in your last little sentence. Do try harder, Donna, dear.
Ha Ha!!! No, actually sweetie I much prefer to use proper spelling. And then you talk about cancel culture when you use the put down as you term it. 😂

When it seems to be you who must join a shopping telly website at after 3 am to rush to defend your heroine. None of my business, yet again you at joining to defend in a thread which many who have been on this forum for a long time against a woman who as I said wrecked a Breast Cancer auction and depriving them of money.

Has anyone here talked about cancelling anyone? Seriously which is best a rubber or Tip exx?

Trip Trot Trip Trout.
EVT, you haven't quite got it. Members don't insult one another on this forum ("you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with* your use of language", "not insubstantial nose", "little sentence", "dear") so don't spoil it.

We have a range of political views here; some you'll agree with, some you won't. Please try to live with that.

*If we must be picky, it should be "in", not "with". Apologies for having to point that out.
It was you who tried to have a go at me, my whole point was that
Ha Ha!!! No, actually sweetie I much prefer to use proper spelling. And then you talk about cancel culture when you use the put down as you term it. 😂

When it seems to be you who must join a shopping telly website at after 3 am to rush to defend your heroine. None of my business, yet again you at joining to defend in a thread which many who have been on this forum for a long time against a woman who as I said wrecked a Breast Cancer auction and depriving them of money.

Has anyone here talked about cancelling anyone? Seriously which is best a rubber or Tip exx?

Trip Trot Trip Trout.
We get well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist celebrities fawning over the Labour party every day, but because Debbie happens to support the Tory party people on here are ranting away. What double standards - I suppose they'd be fine with it if she'd turned up at the Liebour Party conference.
I have posted five comments on this thread, I didn't rant & I don't have double standards.
EVT, you haven't quite got it. Members don't insult one another on this forum ("you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with* your use of language", "not insubstantial nose", "little sentence", "dear") so don't spoil it.

We have a range of political views here; some you'll agree with, some you won't. Please try to live with that.

*If we must be picky, it should be "in", not "with". Apologies for having to point that out.
Crystal, if you check, it was actually she who started the tit for tat - accusing me of joining to defend my "heroine", childishly pointing out (non-existent) typos, telling me to "calm down", when it was she who rushed in - check her replies. And if you actually read my replies, I was actually defending the right to have a range of political views. If you feel you must mark people's homework - then at least check all the pages.
I`ve been on this Earth quite a while now and over the years I have voted for several political parties and stayed loyal to none. What was important to me in my 20`s was different to what was important to me in my 40`s, 50`s and 60`s especially as ones financial commitments/ housing needs/children and grandchildren/jobs/health and wealth all change with passing time.
I never spout politics even to my other half and my dad always said that politics, money and religion caused more wars, broken friendships and family upsets than anything else so to keep all of them private and close to your chest. That`s a lesson Del Boy Flint could take heed of.
We`ve had her spouting diets, exercise and retreats, writing books, social media, moving house, family and lord knows what else and not to mention the rubbish she spouts on air and even by default her political leanings have led to aggro on here.
Frankly I think she`d be better matched to the Monster Raving Loony Party but they may be too tame for her. I don`t care who she supports and she`s fully entitled to attend any party conference and be a card carrying Tory and yes it probably wasn`t her fault the camera showed her mug on TV but please please let`s not have her political news or views whilst she`s trying to sell overpriced tat and writing a long winded blog for her QVC fans. If people encourage her to do so , then heaven forbid there may be a new party at the next election called The Delboy Flint Appreciation Society because that woman thinks she can be all things to all people, even to the government, well in HER head anyway !

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