Dannii Minogue Petite Fashion TSV 8/3/21


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Yes Claire looks gorgeous in her photo portfolio, but on screen her face does look a lot rounder, so perhaps the tele really does put on 10lbs - and if that's so, how really thin must Franks and Keenan be !!!!
Alison Keenan looks painfully thin. straight up straight down like a broom handle. she actually looked scary
Crikey O’Mikey I’m not being my usual horrible self but what have they done to that woman. If it hadn't been her blog I would have argued a black crow white that it wasn’t her.

It reminds me of that game we had as a child where you had body bits and you made a completely different person.

I was so distracted I couldn’t even take notice of the clothes. She has had some desperate on screen looks but nothing to match this.
Eilidh just looks weird. She has a very wide face and scraggy hair and she is way too thin, then she wears glasses the size of saucers.

That Danii M shirt is surely a rip off of many Renee and Nina Leonard, or and Antthony offerings.

This, and other comments, including mine do seem a bit nasty because people can't help what they look like can they? but I know, and I'm sure we're all in agreement that such comments aren't aimed at the person but at Q, and their wonderful team of make up artists, stylists and photographers.
Elidh is a lovely looking lass, I remember her from her bid tv days and she always looked great. Yes, it does seem that since she's had her baby, she's lost a lot of weight. So what do Q do? Put her in skinny, skinny jeans that over emphasise the fact. They put her hair into a style that really doesn't suit her, and makes her head look larger than it is, giving her that "lollipop"look, then they've literally shoved the camera within inches of her face, and have shot at odd and unflattering angles. Who looks good in close up? Children, pretty young things with flawless skin, not a wrinkle in sight. Don't get me wrong I've seen absolutely stunning close up pics that celebrate the beauty of age, and not for one minute do I think this shouldn't be celebrated...BUT this is a shoot for QVC .
This is a company who are trying to sell us a dream. The dream of having younger looking skin, having clothes that make us look and feel good, that will make a large lady look slimmer, and won't engulf and swamp the smaller frame. They sell us cosmetics that promise to enhance, and flatter, give us a healthy glow, rosy cheeks and eyes that "pop"!

Back to Elidh's shoot - On to her make up, were they deliberately going for the "David Dickinson" look? It's far far too heavy and looks like it's been trowelled on by a builder....and such awful clothes too!

So in all
Stylist -FAIL
Make up artist -FAIL
Hair stylist - FAIL
Photographer - FAIL
Clothes - EPIC FAIL

I'll go back to the comment I made about Claire..Only Q can make a beautiful woman look terrible!
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Part of not looking great is the TV: It really does not do the average Joe any favours. Most of the presenters are stick thin even if they look huge on the box. Some look tall on TV but when you see them in real life they are short. Some look odd on TV but look better in real life.
None of these posts are personal but aimed at either what the presenter says, acts, wears or does. There’s nothing wrong in saying a presenter looks awful, that’s a persons opinion and they’re entitled to it especially when that presenter is trying so hard to get you to buy the clothes that they’re wearing that do look absolutely awful after all if you had a bad hairdresser, a bad plumber or a bad decorator wouldn’t you say so? Remember you’re not a bad person if you make a negative comment.
None of these posts are personal but aimed at either what the presenter says, acts, wears or does. There’s nothing wrong in saying a presenter looks awful, that’s a persons opinion and they’re entitled to it especially when that presenter is trying so hard to get you to buy the clothes that they’re wearing that do look absolutely awful after all if you had a bad hairdresser, a bad plumber or a bad decorator wouldn’t you say so? Remember you’re not a bad person if you make a negative comment.
Quite right and if a presenter comes up with comments that many perceive as unpleasant then it’s not wrong to comment. It’s not made up. I am sure recordings are kept and comments cannot just be denied.
Quite right and if a presenter comes up with comments that many perceive as unpleasant then it’s not wrong to comment. It’s not made up. I am sure recordings are kept and comments cannot just be denied.

I agree Evie, it gets on my chesticles the way they can stand there and lie to potential customers and think that they shouldn’t be held accountable or the lies they tell don’t have consequences. I remember Alison Young flogging three beauty products in a row that she’d been given “to try” the reviews were about 40 one star reviews and still, she tried to get viewers to part with their money by deceit, knowing full well the item was crap. It’s funny if you did that in any other walk of life you’d be prosecuted.

Hope you’re well Evie luv. 🙏❤️😘 xx
This, and other comments, including mine do seem a bit nasty because people can't help what they look like can they? but I know, and I'm sure we're all in agreement that such comments aren't aimed at the person but at Q, and their wonderful team of make up artists, stylists and photographers.
Elidh is a lovely looking lass, I remember her from her bid tv days and she always looked great. Yes, it does seem that since she's had her baby, she's lost a lot of weight. So what do Q do? Put her in skinny, skinny jeans that over emphasise the fact. They put her hair into a style that really doesn't suit her, and makes her head look larger than it is, giving her that "lollipop"look, then they've literally shoved the camera within inches of her face, and have shot at odd and unflattering angles. Who looks good in close up? Children, pretty young things with flawless skin, not a wrinkle in sight. Don't get me wrong I've seen absolutely stunning close up pics that celebrate the beauty of age, and not for one minute do I think this shouldn't be celebrated...BUT this is a shoot for QVC .
This is a company who are trying to sell us a dream. The dream of having younger looking skin, having clothes that make us look and feel good, that will make a large lady look slimmer, and won't engulf and swamp the smaller frame. They sell us cosmetics that promise to enhance, and flatter, give us a healthy glow, rosy cheeks and eyes that "pop"!

Back to Elidh's shoot - On to her make up, were they deliberately going for the "David Dickinson" look? It's far far too heavy and looks like it's been trowelled on by a builder....and such awful clothes too!

So in all
Stylist -FAIL
Make up artist -FAIL
Hair stylist - FAIL
Photographer - FAIL
Clothes - EPIC FAIL

I'll go back to the comment I made about Claire..Only Q can make a beautiful woman look terrible!
Within all that failure she still has free will & a voice so must have had some input over how she looked, especially regarding her hair. She also has a wide variety of shades of colour for her hair but has chosen one that is far too dark. I found the following shot on her Instagram & she looks really nice with slightly shorter & lighter hair.
Within all that failure she still has free will & a voice so must have had some input over how she looked, especially regarding her hair. She also has a wide variety of shades of colour for her hair but has chosen one that is far too dark. I found the following shot on her Instagram & she looks really nice with slightly shorter & lighter hair.
Oh, she looks so pretty and so much younger in that picture.
Within all that failure she still has free will & a voice so must have had some input over how she looked, especially regarding her hair. She also has a wide variety of shades of colour for her hair but has chosen one that is far too dark. I found the following shot on her Instagram & she looks really nice with slightly shorter & lighter hair.

I agree - but if that shoot was as important as she suggested it was , they drafted in a top hairdresser and make up artist - would you actually turn round and say “omg wtf have you lot done to me, I look terrible”! Does she get to “approve “ the pictures before they get shown in public, possibly she actually thought she looked good - who knows. Possibly she didn’t look so bad in the mirror, and it was the photography that enhanced everything that was bad about this fashion “horror story “ - I suspect this is the case
I didn't mean to be nasty or insulting about Eilidh, I just meant her hair and glasses don't make the best of her features nor the clothes making the best of her figure. You can't help what you look like and God knows I am no looker, just ordinary Jane.

I don’t rate this new stylist (Stein?) All the photo shoots she does are abysmal, and the presenters and models in the shows are looking more and more mismatched and disheveled . Some time ago I was looking at the American site, and all the presenters there seemed to be very smartly dressed and businesslike.

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