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Jun 26, 2008
I've not really seen many of Dale's hours purely by coincidence, but caught him on the TSV presentation hours this morning.

I had no idea that his presenting style is so OTT and super-animated, cringeworthingly** insincere, I could not bear to listen and so clicked the mute button. Has he always been like this or is this a new conspiracy by the "suits" to increase customer frenzy ?

Well my frenzy is to change channel.


** new word courtesy of Catherine H
Maybe I'm on my own here, but I like Dale, I find him very normal and sometimes very funny.thmbs up
I like Dale too and I'm sad enough to find him funny. :)

I get the feeling he doesn't take QVC too seriously and I like that.
I used to find him funny too, but I must admit recently, he seems to over enthuse about everything and is tending to use stock phrases more and more. Beginning to sound really insincere. Shame.
I think they have all gone a bit too serious now. Obviously they are under more pressure to sell the crap goods they are presenting. I liked the old days with the likes of Paul Lavers etc when they came out had a laugh, mucked things up but I would be more likely to buy then as at least I would be watching the programmes as they were entertaining. Now it is just sell, sell, sell, and I can't watch for very long at a time - and again usually with the sound off!!!
I agree, the presenters have changed their style and I find I'm hardly watching QVC now because of this, although Dale presents with a bit of tongue in cheek and at least that's entertaining, but at the same time can be smarmy, I can't make my mind up about him, but tend to support him as he is a local lad - his mum and her sister (the double mint twins) sang at my wedding many many years ago..............
I think they have all gone a bit too serious now. Obviously they are under more pressure to sell the crap goods they are presenting. I liked the old days with the likes of Paul Lavers etc when they came out had a laugh, mucked things up but I would be more likely to buy then as at least I would be watching the programmes as they were entertaining. Now it is just sell, sell, sell, and I can't watch for very long at a time - and again usually with the sound off!!!

This is why IW is always so much better to watch - despite a lack of products. Far more entertaining with no ego to get in the way. Fewer stock phrases too. And we get to see the mistakes, which make me laugh.

The mute button is my friend.
That's why I used to like Shop TV - much more "normal" like your friend next door, chat over the kitchen table and a coffee sort of thing, than presenters trying to sound like they know all about something they've clearly not got half a clue about as they only tried it in the studio that morning.

Dale is a bit of a smarm pot to me :(

i did love Paul Lavers when he did the computer hours - hilarious!
Maybe I'm on my own here, but I like Dale, I find him very normal and sometimes very funny.thmbs up

I like Dale too-he's got a good sense of humour, and he knows himself he's 'smarmy' hence the Alan Partridge business!:18:
Couldn't agree with you more Eric's Mum. Far too smug for my tastes, and now he's coming over as more and more insincere. All he uses is adjectives and superlatives.

It might sound bitchy, but he comes across as really rating himself.
Mr Humble he isn't.

There, said it.

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