Customer Event at QVC


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Jan 28, 2009
Hello I thought i'd read a few weeks back that some of you had been invited to QVC for the day? If so, has it been yet and i'd love to know a few things like. What did you get up to, what was in the infamous goodie bags and what presenters did you meet and what were they like.

Please Please tell......
I know they dont mind if you go along eating battenburg and chips though.
Hi Countrygirl, I went to the 'Gems Day Preview' at QVC last year with my sister ,who got the invite...I posted this thread following the event. I think my sister got the invite because she buys a lot of QVC jewellery. Most of the people there had ordered lots and were regular purchasers, I'm sure that helps to get an invite. :54:
Well depends on what they call a lot of purchases. My husband would probably say i'd deserved an invite !! I'm just a bit curious about these 'inside' events.
I went to a beauty one some years ago and it was fab-loads of stuff to try,masages,manicure/pedicures.makeovers,getting to meet people like Liz Earle, fab raffle (the liz earle prize was a hamper with £100 of stuff in!) and loads of samples to pick up as you went around.We then get a fab goody bag to take home which we priced at over £200. Really a fab day.
Hello I thought i'd read a few weeks back that some of you had been invited to QVC for the day? If so, has it been yet and i'd love to know a few things like. What did you get up to, what was in the infamous goodie bags and what presenters did you meet and what were they like.

Please Please tell......

Hi CountryGirl,

I've tried twice today to post a fairly lengthy reply to you telling you all about this event. Unfortunately, even though I'm logged in, when I hit the submit button I keep getting a message that I can't post because I'm not logged in. I'll try again to spill the beans later. For what it's worth it was a great day.
Hi CountryGirl,

I've tried twice today to post a fairly lengthy reply to you telling you all about this event. Unfortunately, even though I'm logged in, when I hit the submit button I keep getting a message that I can't post because I'm not logged in. I'll try again to spill the beans later. For what it's worth it was a great day.

I often get that problem when I try to post on here, thought it was just me.
I often get that problem when I try to post on here, thought it was just me.

Thanks BB, it's never happend to me before, just this time when I wrote a fairly lengthy post - typical. I typed it all again and the same thing happened. I have PM'd Graham in case my post is hovering in the background somewhere!!
Hello I thought i'd read a few weeks back that some of you had been invited to QVC for the day? If so, has it been yet and i'd love to know a few things like. What did you get up to, what was in the infamous goodie bags and what presenters did you meet and what were they like.

Please Please tell......

OK CountryGirl, I'll try once more to see if my post will be accepted!

The event was great, wouldn't have missed it for the world. My friend and I were quite early so we had to wait in reception for a while, as the other guests gradually arrived. We were then taken up in the lift to the third floor and taken to a sort of reception area just outside the room where the jewellery was laid out. Anneka and Sharon, the models, were there to greet us and looked absolutely gorgeous. They were very warm and welcoming and Sharon commented on a cat brooch I was wearing, said she loved it and asked what make it was and where I got it. (Both these girls looked more beautiful than they do on TV and have figures to die for!)

We had some refreshments (coffee, tea, orange juice, mineral water, cakes, biscuits) before going into the display room. All the jewellery was laid out on separate tables for each of the different makes and designs (Veronese, Diamonique, Epiphany, etc). Everything was catalogued and priced and we were given a copy of this. Each item on each table was numbered, which corresponded to the same number on the list we were given, showing the product number, description and price. We were told we could handle and try on the items, but told just to be careful we placed them back in the same spot on the table, so as not to mix up the item numbers. There were several members of staff around to answer any queries and they were all very obliging. There were some computers set up so I think we could have ordered on the day, but we got the heads up about the 3 easy pays on Sunday so we decided to wait till then.

While my friend and I were looking around, Anneka came over and started talking to us, she's a very friendly, down to earth person. I did wonder if some of the models might be a bit aloof but Anneka and Sharon were absolutely lovely.

At the start the only presenters present were Glen and Claudia. Claudia was extremely friendly and chatty and told us a few little tales of behind the scenes! Glen was a real gent. He looked very suave in a gorgeous suit and he has a lovely smile. He too made a point of having a chat with us while we were viewing, he was very polite as I think we might have bored him with some horse racing talk!! We'd been in the throws of saying we wished we'd won a bit more on the Monday when we went to Stratford races, to pay for all this jewellery, when he walked over and joined us, so he got roped into the conversation. However, he appeared interested even if he wasn't!! A bit later both Dale and Simon joined the throng and went round talking to various people.

Glen had announced at the beginning that he was looking for some ladies to model some of the jewellery at the end. To my amazement he asked me if I would be prepared to do this - I was gobsmaked!! However, I soon realised this was mainly because of what I was wearing rather than my modelling skills - Anneka and Sharon have no reason to fear for their jobs and I won't be giving up my day job just yet! Glen chose one lady wearing neutral shades, one in quite a colourful tunic and me in monochrome. He then proceeded to show how the various pieces of jewellery could accessorise the various outfits. Shame we couldn't keep what we were modelling because I really loved the cuff bangled I wore.

After our little modelling display there was a raffle and one lucky lady won a solid silver heart pendant (Dale's pick). We were told we could take photos and one of the models asked Glen if she could have a picture with him, wearing the jewellery she'd modelled. He very willingly obliged. On our way out we were all given a goodie bag which contained such delights as Elemis products, Alpha A product, earrings, QVC mug and pen, a teddy bear.... and there my memory fails as to what else was hidden away.

My friend and I wanted to go to the Butler and Wilson shop in S. Molton Street after this event but I knew this had been closed for refurbishment. I asked Claudia if she knew whether it had reopened and she very kindly went off to find out for me. It was, we went and added Simon Wilson to our list of celebrities for the day!! Before we left Glen came and thanked me again for the help and wished us good luck with the horses!! We had a chat with some of the QVC staff who were on hand to help and they too were delightful and so very friendly. One girl who now worked on events said she used to work in production but found the shifts difficult. All in all I got the impression that QVC is a great place to work.

Sorry if this has gone on a bit. I've tried to give as much insight as possible as to what it was like - I know I'd want to know all the details if someone else was telling me. Roll on the next event - I can't wait!!
Thank you ever so much for your lovely reply. That was so indepth I feel like I was there with you. you had a lovely day didn't you? Wow I can't beleive you got to go to Butler & Wilson, I would really love to go there. I bet it was a cave of sheer beauty. And lucky you to meet with the presenters. I would love to have seen Claudia to tell her how much I love her Ring Design as my Husband bought it for my birthday and i'm desperately wanting something else from her. I really like her. I can't beleive you got to meet her. All that and a goody bag on top. Golly, how great. Thanks very much again for letting me in on it all. Bye for now.
Thank you ever so much for your lovely reply. That was so indepth I feel like I was there with you. you had a lovely day didn't you? Wow I can't beleive you got to go to Butler & Wilson, I would really love to go there. I bet it was a cave of sheer beauty. And lucky you to meet with the presenters. I would love to have seen Claudia to tell her how much I love her Ring Design as my Husband bought it for my birthday and i'm desperately wanting something else from her. I really like her. I can't beleive you got to meet her. All that and a goody bag on top. Golly, how great. Thanks very much again for letting me in on it all. Bye for now.

CG, if you met Claudia you'd really like her. I couldn't get over how slim she is, she looks slim on TV but in reality she must be a size zero. A few times on air I've thought she was a bit silly but now I can see that's just her personality, she's very bubbly. She did mention that she gets told not to laugh and giggle so much but I don't think she can help it.

The B&W shop is like a little treasure trove. It's not a big shop but there is so much in it, lots of different racks of belts, necklaces, bracelets and glass cabinets full of goodies. I asked if Simon was in and one of the girls went downstairs to see if he was free. She said he was just having some lunch but would be up in a minute. Then he appeared and couldn't wait to find out what we had in our QVC bags - he grabbed my friend's and proceeded to take everything out of it. He was very interested to know who had been there at the QVC event and what had gone on. Unfortunately the bracelet I wanted to buy was out of stock, he did go and get another one for me to look at but I wanted one to match a particular necklace. I have to say I thought he looked younger in reality than on TV but he too was very friendly.
Iwent to the Butler and Wilson shop yesterday and was underwhelmed by it .
Maybe to glitzy for my taste.

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