Birthday event


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Lyndsey can barely breathe due to the over excitement,”This is your moment” she trills like a dopey parrot at seeing the price of some sapphire. They’re oohing and aahing over the colour now. It’s a ****** heated, treated gem.How do people fall for his never ending nonsense?

Please do not be so disrespectful to dopey parrots
Dave Jade on earlier selling Colombian emeralds with Ellis. No mention the stones are treated/filled. Just how rare they are. Can’t watch for long these days. Come back Dereck and Drew 😞
I barely watch at all these days. I have a quick peek at the schedule, check what auctions I've missed and what's in pre-order and that's about it. I don't know who's idea it was to have Jade Trot on nigh on all day every day but they should get the sack. Surely their sales figures must have gone down since he started his droning monologues, hasn't someone been able to put two and two together!!
Well, stand by your beds. Dave is on again at 8am. I guess the more they put Dave, Toby, etc on the more they can justify retaining them if things are hard. Plus, they are more relentless on the "hard" sell techniques. Gemporia binned a lot of presenters in the last round to save cash and someone has to take up the slack on-screen.
Did anyone see the 19th birthday collectors gem box? £299 for, in some cases, crumb size gems. There is no way on this earth that the total carat weight of those gems came to £299.
Did anyone see the 19th birthday collectors gem box? £299 for, in some cases, crumb size gems. There is no way on this earth that the total carat weight of those gems came to £299.
I can't watch Gemporia now. It's not entertaining, and there's certainly nothing being shown on screen that's screaming "buy me!". Except for the presenters and "gem broadcasters", obviously
I thought I had a good general knowledge about gems but I never before saw filled emeralds p
Did anyone see the 19th birthday collectors gem box? £299 for, in some cases, crumb size gems. There is no way on this earth that the total carat weight of those gems came to £299.
The thing that made me giggle the most about this ‘collection’ was that people were profusely thanking Trott and one said that being even able to buy these gems was akin to a mystical experience,I kid you not.They live among us. And yes, there were some bog standard cut gems but nothing of any real value.Certainly nowhere near the ridiculous end price.
I thought I had a good general knowledge about gems but I never before saw filled emeralds p

The thing that made me giggle the most about this ‘collection’ was that people were profusely thanking Trott and one said that being even able to buy these gems was akin to a mystical experience,I kid you not.They live among us. And yes, there were some bog standard cut gems but nothing of any real value.Certainly nowhere near the ridiculous end price.
Take everything Troth says with a large piece of salt! Just think about it, who would say that buying a few second-rate gemstones was "akin to a mystical experience?" He must think we're all stupid! 🤣
The thing that made me giggle the most about this ‘collection’ was that people were profusely thanking Trott and one said that being even able to buy these gems was akin to a mystical experience,

I'm never actually convinced that some of these messages are genuine. Why do these type of messages only ever seem to come on when Jade Trot is on - and not any other time?

It's a bit like that time when Jake 'shirtbuster' Thompson answered his mobile phone on-air to a supposed 'trader' trying to buy some gemstones from him direct - coincidentally, the same gemstone that Jake was just giving us one of his lectures about on-air.

It's all for the cameras and the gullible people that actually fall for it.
The problem is, you only have to see some of the messages that people send in when Jade Trot is selling his wares to realise that they do have a lot of stupid customers that are buying this crap!
What I meant was, he must think we're all stupid to believe these so-called viewers' messages are for real.
I was actually having a bit of a lovely time watching a bit of Gemporia today. Honestly. Toby was on with some relatively-fairly-priced Marcasite. Lynn was on with an under £20 show - I turned a deaf one to her exhorting people to get into crystal therapy and apart from that - it was not at all bad. Things were ticking along well. I was thinking: "Blimey, this is a bit more like it". Then it happened, like a black cloud looming on the horizon, Dave appeared - with an expression on his face that would crack granite. Standing in front of two glass cabinets with what looked like bead style necklaces lit up like they were museum exhibits he started to woffle on. I stuck with it. I thought: "Maybe it is something interesting, you never know." He got as far as mentioning "the Far East" and I was changing channel with as much speed as I could muster. He totally ruined my jolly little mood with his dour delivery and drab jewellery. I was most miffed.
What I meant was, he must think we're all stupid to believe these so-called viewers' messages are for real.
In my personal experience of messaging the studio it appears that the producers select what they put on the screen.
Any question sent that was not deemed to support the whatever sale pitch that was plugged ATT was simply ignored.
Go figure if the overwhelmingly positive messages are real or not?
I was actually having a bit of a lovely time watching a bit of Gemporia today. Honestly. Toby was on with some relatively-fairly-priced Marcasite. Lynn was on with an under £20 show - I turned a deaf one to her exhorting people to get into crystal therapy and apart from that - it was not at all bad. Things were ticking along well. I was thinking: "Blimey, this is a bit more like it". Then it happened, like a black cloud looming on the horizon, Dave appeared - with an expression on his face that would crack granite. Standing in front of two glass cabinets with what looked like bead style necklaces lit up like they were museum exhibits he started to woffle on. I stuck with it. I thought: "Maybe it is something interesting, you never know." He got as far as mentioning "the Far East" and I was changing channel with as much speed as I could muster. He totally ruined my jolly little mood with his dour delivery and drab jewellery. I was most miffed.
I agree. Some very pretty, affordable and wearable marcasite pieces. (I was curious so gritted my teeth to have a look because Carr was on shift.)

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