Crosses - opinions please


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Jun 24, 2008
TJC have been doing quite a lot of crosses recently and I have to admit some are very pretty. However, I am not a religious person and would never wear a cross as I can't get away from the religous connection. Obviously religious belief is a very personal and private thing and I believe it should remain that and should not be discussed on a forum, but as a matter of interest, I was just wondering if anyone else is the same as me. Do you wear a cross and if so, is it because you are religous or do you wear one simply because you like them?
I think some of the coloured gemstone crosses look less 'religious' IYKWIM Klos. Especially the ones that are quite 'spiky' looking (thing they're marquise cut stones :mysmilie_697: ), so don't necessarily convey just the religious meaning.
I bought an Iliana diamond cross over 3 years ago and i love it but have only wore it a few times and i'm not a religious person.
I have a small diamond cross from TJC, i wear it sometimes, but not all the time. I am not a devoutely religious person, but i guess i am abit religious. For me i brought it partly for that reason, and partly because i liked it. It is small though, and i agree that some of the larger coloured gemstone crosses look less religious.

Alot of people wear then because they are quite fashionable i think too
There have been many pretty and bejewelled crosses on TJC at very reasonable prices and although
I'm not an irreligious person, I have never bought one....
....not quite sure why!

Thank you all for your replies. Crosses do seem to be very fashionable and I think the comments about the bigger ones not appearing so religous are probably quite right. I think my daft heid's making me miss out :mysmilie_61:
I have a number of crosses, from various places including TJC, the most recent being a Platinum overlay Rubellite one. I have religious beliefs, but am in no way overly religious, so mine are worn more as a "fashion statement" (and because i like them!) with underlying religious reasons.
I used to wear a cross when I was at school,as I went to a C of E school it was the only item of jewellery permitted!

I am not particularly religious either though,and don't wear crosses nowadays,though in saying that I have a fab one I got from New Look a few years ago which I wear now and again and always get comments on's faux everything btw!!!!!:mysmilie_61:
TJC have been doing quite a lot of crosses recently and I have to admit some are very pretty. However, I am not a religious person and would never wear a cross as I can't get away from the religous connection. Obviously religious belief is a very personal and private thing and I believe it should remain that and should not be discussed on a forum, but as a matter of interest, I was just wondering if anyone else is the same as me. Do you wear a cross and if so, is it because you are religous or do you wear one simply because you like them?

I'm atheist, but do respect the religion of others. I find myself also uncomfortable with a cross, but do have one which is so ornate with intertwining this and that, that it is barely recognisable. I think that the plain crosses are the most likely to appear religious, apart from the more obvious crucifix (this I think is an absolute no-no if you are not christian). As my father was Jewish and my mum Church of Scotland, any inherited religion is confused which may be why, in conjunction with my atheism, I'm a little over-sensitive when it comes to wearing symbols (inc. Star of David, my grandmother's which has never been out of its box). Other than a crucifix though, I see no reason why others shouldn't wear them purely as a fashion piece as the cross is a simple geometrical shape and not necessarily a religious symbol.

I think if you are tempted and maybe considering one, I can see no ethical reason why you shouldn't. xxxxx
I am so on the fence about this one. I'm not really religious and so wonder if I'd feel a hypocrite wearing one. I love the large diamond baguette cross they have and have been tempted on so many occasions but ............. something just holds me back. I love the look but I'm not convinced I would wear it because I have such mixed feelings about it.

That hasn't helped at all has it? I guess I'm in the same boat as you! I'll tell you what, you buy me the diamond baguette one and I'll test drive it and let you know how I feel :)
Not for me on account firstly that I'm not religious and secondly I don't really like them. I guess I would personally assume someone wearing one was a believer tho. :mysmilie_11:
I am so on the fence about this one. I'm not really religious and so wonder if I'd feel a hypocrite wearing one. I love the large diamond baguette cross they have and have been tempted on so many occasions but ............. something just holds me back. I love the look but I'm not convinced I would wear it because I have such mixed feelings about it.

That hasn't helped at all has it? I guess I'm in the same boat as you! I'll tell you what, you buy me the diamond baguette one and I'll test drive it and let you know how I feel :)

Tell you what, we could do a deal. I'm not sure about the big Alexandrite in your avatar so I'll buy you the diamond cross and you can give me the Alex and we can both do a test drive :mysmilie_17:
Tell you what, we could do a deal. I'm not sure about the big Alexandrite in your avatar so I'll buy you the diamond cross and you can give me the Alex and we can both do a test drive :mysmilie_17:

Now........... how do I put this without sounding churlish?

Oh yes, I know NO but thank you anyway! :mysmilie_12:
I feel naked if I do not have my cross necklace on, and yes I would class myself as being religious. Wearing a cross gives me comfort.

I would say that there are some beautifully crafted crosses that are works of art nowadays. If I were not religious I would not be put off wearing one for fear that people would believe I was religious if I liked the design for art sake. Hope this helps.
I feel naked if I do not have my cross necklace on, and yes I would class myself as being religious. Wearing a cross gives me comfort.

I would say that there are some beautifully crafted crosses that are works of art nowadays. If I were not religious I would not be put off wearing one for fear that people would believe I was religious if I liked the design for art sake. Hope this helps.
That sums up exactly how I feel Mitzi. I'm not a churchy, bible waving person but my failth is important to me and I believe it has helped me cope with some very traumatic episodes in my life. I wear an opal cross on a long gold chain every day regardless of what other necklaces I am wearing and on the rare occasions I forget to put it on I feel very unsettled, particularly when driving. I also have a couple of diamond crosses and one of platinum which I wear because they are beautiful pieces of jewellery in their own right and not just for the meaning behind them.
Hi Klos,

I am a Catholic and I do go to Mass. I have several crosses, some plain crosses, others crucifixes. You get a lot when you are baptised, 1st holy communion etc. I rarely wear a cross though, which may sound odd. Not because I feel self conscious but I don't wear the ones which were given as presents, I would hate to lose those. Also, I don't feel like I have to make a religious statement. However, I bought an 18ct WG cross with a red labradorite and diamonds from about 6 months ago and I do wear that one for purely because it is so lovely. I never wear one at work as I would hate to make anybody feel awkward. I work in ITU and patients and their families are extremely vulnerable emotionally at times like these. I respect all believers & atheists alike.

However, a cross isn't a crucifix! Crosses have been seen as fashion and religious symbols for thousands of years and can been readily found in Muslim items such as Kilim rugs. I spent a few years in the Middle East and brought back a few great old rugs with crosses in the pattern.

I say if you like it and will wear it, buy it, just the same as with any other jewellery.

Hope that helps Klos,

Inge xxx
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Thanks again for all your comments. Whilst I'm not religious I think it's lovely that those of you who are, get so much from your faith.

Inge, your comments about working in ITU were particularly interesting and I think your regard for other people's views are admirable.

Thanks again everyone - except Meeshoo who still won't give me her Alex ring! :mysmilie_17:
Thanks again for all your comments. Whilst I'm not religious I think it's lovely that those of you who are, get so much from your faith.

Inge, your comments about working in ITU were particularly interesting and I think your regard for other people's views are admirable.

Thanks again everyone - except Meeshoo who still won't give me her Alex ring! :mysmilie_17:

Twinny I'm sorry but theres a reason Meesh won't give you her Alex ring, or rather can't.....She's saving it for me :mysmilie_61: :mysmilie_12:

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