Craig: "I've been to Gran Canaria several times....."


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BurlyBeaR - Your post is offensive. Quite why you feel it necessary to comment on the private life of a QVC presenter is beyond me. It is quite unnecessary.

If Craig insists on divulging information about his private life on air, then I think it's reasonable to expect it to be commented on. But thanks for your opinion.
This whole thread has cheered up an otherwise dull and rainy Sunday morning for me! :happy: I'm not bothered about someone's sexuality one way or the other but this thread has made me laugh and I've learnt a thing or two about Gran Canaria too!! Thanks BB!! :sun:
BurlyBeaR - Your post is offensive. Quite why you feel it necessary to comment on the private life of a QVC presenter is beyond me. It is quite unnecessary.

There have been posts on here about other presenters' private lives, is it unacceptable to comment on Craig's private life because he might be gay whilst it's ok to comment about other presenters because they are assumed to be straight?
I just wonder how many care where Craig go on holiday , or indeed how many times he goes, I am always so greatful when he is missing off my tv...I find everything about him totally :puke: making...
I just wonder how many care where Craig go on holiday , or indeed how many times he goes, I am always so greatful when he is missing off my tv...I find everything about him totally :puke: making...

He gets on my wick when he messes about singing but he's ok really. He didn't help himself with the Facebook debacle when somebody posted that they were fed up of Northern Shi**** TSVs, he said something about negativity and unfriended them, a simple comment saying sorry you don't like NN but I'm sure some of our future TSVs will be more to your taste would have been sufficient.
QVC have been in the habit of retweeting everything he, and other presenters tweet. Very annoying because if I wanted to be kept up to date with Craig's activities I'd subscribe to his Twitter feed. I don't need to get it second hand off some nitwit tweeter at Q.
Anyway it was getting right on my baps the other week so when Q retweeted yet another inane Craig update I did something a bit naughty :devil:

And he sent me a message saying I was mean :blush:

But Q have stopped retweeting his breakfast/gym/tv/skin care comments so result! :rock:
On the whole I think Craig is lovely, always presenting with a smile and a gentle manner. If the facebook NN thing is true, that's a bit OTT but I find the whole facebook "friend" thing very artificial, and if FB is supposed to be fun why would you open up your FB page to people who get on your wick?

Just wondering... is your private (sex) life really open as fair game if you simply mention where you have been on holiday? I know plenty of people who have chosen, wisely or otherwise, to go there on holiday. It does not make them either gay, or fond of sand dunes! I hate generalisation and stereotyping, i reserve that for daily mail readers only...(ducks and runs for cover....)
QVC have been in the habit of retweeting everything he, and other presenters tweet. Very annoying because if I wanted to be kept up to date with Craig's activities I'd subscribe to his Twitter feed. I don't need to get it second hand off some nitwit tweeter at Q.
Anyway it was getting right on my baps the other week so when Q retweeted yet another inane Craig update I did something a bit naughty :devil:

And he sent me a message saying I was mean :blush:

But Q have stopped retweeting his breakfast/gym/tv/skin care comments so result! :rock:
Come on Burlz what did you do and what did he say?
Craig is open about being gay, posting photos of his partner it wasn't something BB deduced from his holiday destination. I bet the sand dunes in the Canaries are warmer than those on the Fylde coast, which had a similar reputation when I was growing up in Lytham. Bbbrrrr the wind whistling in of the Irish sea even in the summer!

Jude xx
On the whole I think Craig is lovely, always presenting with a smile and a gentle manner. If the facebook NN thing is true, that's a bit OTT but I find the whole facebook "friend" thing very artificial, and if FB is supposed to be fun why would you open up your FB page to people who get on your wick?

Just wondering... is your private (sex) life really open as fair game if you simply mention where you have been on holiday? I know plenty of people who have chosen, wisely or otherwise, to go there on holiday. It does not make them either gay, or fond of sand dunes! I hate generalisation and stereotyping, i reserve that for daily mail readers only...(ducks and runs for cover....)

Craig is on Facebook as Craig Rowe QVC presenter, he might be there with a personal account too but his account as a QVC presenter will obviously attract QVC viewers to be his "friend" and by using QVC in the name he is representing QVC. I suppose being" friends" with QVC presenters is artificial but it's Craig's choice to have an account on there as a QVC presenter rather than a private individual. If he posts as a QVC presenter then I think unfriending somebody who says they don't like a TSV is OTT, of course on a personal account with real "friends" what he says is his own business.

I don't really understand your point about opening up you FB account to people who get on you wick, I said that he gets on my wick when he messes about singing on QVC but that he's ok really.
I guess I just meant that if someone annoys a person on FB, in this instance Craig was wound up about the NN post for some reason and so unfriended that person. Yes, a bit OTT but if he found that person annoying he is within his rights to do so.
I guess I just meant that if someone annoys a person on FB, in this instance Craig was wound up about the NN post for some reason and so unfriended that person. Yes, a bit OTT but if he found that person annoying he is within his rights to do so.
I misinterpreted your question, I thought you were asking why I would be his friend on FB. If he was there as CR private individual then fair enough unfriend them but as he's there as a QVC presenter I don't think he should naff off QVC customers. People post complaints on the QVC page and I'm sure the social media team feel like saying "just bugger off and don't shop with us" but they smooth things over and I think it would be better for CR and QVC if he had done that.
I can't wait to see the photos of BB and Fulhamphil larging it in El Horno this September.
I can't wait to see the photos of BB and Fulhamphil larging it in El Horno this September.

I think 'larging it' is the appropriate term - the first week in September is now Bears Week in Sitges, so there is an abundance of, shall we say, more rotund gentlemen. I'm a skinny-minny that has been going to Sitges for donkeys years so refuse to make way for a bunch of fatties. The 'grazing' that goes on at the hotel breakfast buffet is a sight to behold! :giggle:
I don't care what anyone else thinks...I think this post is hilarious, so much so that I have spilt my coffee whilst chuckling and burnt my leg:grin:
I don't care what anyone else thinks...I think this post is hilarious, so much so that I have spilt my coffee whilst chuckling and burnt my leg:grin:
Me too ,love the sound of El Horno! Thank you BB and Phil for sharing with us!
I don't care what anyone else thinks...I think this post is hilarious, so much so that I have spilt my coffee whilst chuckling and burnt my leg:grin:

So do I dottie.I think I must have lead a very sheltered life as I didn't know about any of this!

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