Cracker present?!!


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Ah, Ellaaa, you've got a lot to learn - haven't you listened carefully to the pronouncements from The Wonderful World of Q? Naff presents in your Christmas crackers? Wash your mouth out with soap and water and learn the error of your ways!:mysmilie_17:
Surely you mean "Wash you mouth out " with Loccitane soap and water....:mysmilie_17:
Indeed! I also have no children so I don't have any teachers to give gifts to, I am an only child so have no sisters to give gifts to, I don't have a dog so have no dog walkers to give gifts to, and worse still - I've never met my postman so have no postman to give a gift to.

No gift cupboard at Ella towers! Just a cupboard stashed with boxes of value Christmas crackers :mysmilie_17:
So, not the ideal QVC customer then, I'm surprised that they allow you to watch...:mysmilie_19:
Indeed! I also have no children so I don't have any teachers to give gifts to, I am an only child so have no sisters to give gifts to, I don't have a dog so have no dog walkers to give gifts to, and worse still - I've never met my postman so have no postman to give a gift to.

No gift cupboard at Ella towers! Just a cupboard stashed with boxes of value Christmas crackers :mysmilie_17:

Same here except I do see the postman and even know his name! I just give him a few quid and tell him to have an Xmas drink on me. Do you think he would prefer a small L'Occy shower gel, or YC candle?
JF is just so tasteless - trust her to suggest something ostentatious and unnecessary. I'd make sure she got a cracker with a magic fish in it and she could damn well like it.

When we were kids I used to go in a right old huff when my brother got the magic fish. He thought he was bloody Mystic Meg telling everyone's fortune and mine was always "you'll get no charms in the Christmas pudding". Always bloody right as well lol.

In my Christmas Cracker I would like a mini Liz Earle or MB product or a magic fish or a mini mouth organ - my mum put that in crackers one year and I didn't get it. Blahhhhh.

Same here except I do see the postman and even know his name! I just give him a few quid and tell him to have an Xmas drink on me. Do you think he would prefer a small L'Occy shower gel, or YC candle?

Hah! I can just imagine you giving some of your beloved YCs away, Mazza... :mysmilie_468:
Obviously I would have to buy in a special selection for gifting purposes!!!!!!!!! He would not get anything from the personal stash.

We also have a spare bedroom that's full of "stuff", so yours sounds like ours! Husband says it reminds him of those TV programmes about the homes of obsessive hoarders.... I remind him that his garden shed looks exactly the same! :mysmilie_19:

Is this the same sort of shed that Queen Julia tells us she keeps her Pilates machine in? Shed my backside, more like a bloomin' great studio down at the end of the paddock!
Mr L has just got a new shed and at the moment it is beautifully neat and tidy just needing a couple of hooks for spades etc.

When we cleared out the old one into a skip there were brand new storage never put up but he wouldn't keep them, had to get "better, proper stuff" which was duly purchased but if it ever gets put up is anyone's guess.

I can tell you that we just have your average households garden bits in it and there is no way you could fit a fitness machine in it, so I agree JR's must be a fitness studio and not a shed as ordinary folk know it.
We also have a spare bedroom that's full of "stuff", so yours sounds like ours! Husband says it reminds him of those TV programmes about the homes of obsessive hoarders.... I remind him that his garden shed looks exactly the same! :mysmilie_19:
I have just had my kitchen done so for the past couple of months the spare room was full of extreme hoarder bags full of all the equipment and general c@@p from all the cupboards. All you could do was walk from the door to the boiler controls and back unless you wanted to risk falling over. So now they have all gone it feels quite empty!!!! Spacious even. That'll soon change no doubt!
Is this the same sort of shed that Queen Julia tells us she keeps her Pilates machine in? Shed my backside, more like a bloomin' great studio down at the end of the paddock!

She did show some pictures of her shed... and I agree.... some sheds are more sheddy than others... and hers is more fancy than that.

I can't do a picture from her blog, but I believe this first picture is taken from inside her "shed" :
We also have a spare bedroom that's full of "stuff", so yours sounds like ours! Husband says it reminds him of those TV programmes about the homes of obsessive hoarders.... I remind him that his garden shed looks exactly the same! :mysmilie_19:

Aren't most people's spare bedrooms like this in reality? I mean who really has all these guests visiting and using the 'guest' roomvlike they make out on QVC? I know we don't and to be honest if would be my idea of shell on earth. I dont have or want dinner parties or folk turning up at my house unannounced so I have no need for cracker presents or gifting drawers.
What did you think of the posters "to give her inspiration" - maybe that's why she is always a size small 10/12. Dream on Julia
I have a gifting room. It is the spare bedroom. It is also the library (pile of books to read on table and a small bookcase) and the ironing room.

Mazza, buy a cheap potty* from the pound shop and put it in that room and you'll have a "children's bathroom" just like Claire Sutton!

* even if it'll never be used

Money means nothing to Q employees as Chuntley has just said "easy pays are soooo low that you won't even miss it coming out of your account"

If she spent less time preening and looking at herself in the monitors she might think twice about such grass statements.

Anyone who is swayed by EPs on lower valued items will certainly notice it in their account.

Actually I didn't see which item or the amount of the EPs but I think it may have been about £15 each!!
That reminds me of Del Boy saying (I paraphrase) it is on three EZP so buy three, it is the same as buying one!!! Well yes, in month one it is, but not in months two and three, Pinocchio!!
That reminds me of Del Boy saying (I paraphrase) it is on three EZP so buy three, it is the same as buying one!!! Well yes, in month one it is, but not in months two and three, Pinocchio!!

I've heard her say that too - it makes me dislike her even more - if possible.
Well the brand ambassador for the fleecy bed stuff was flogging a pillow on the shape of a dog which she said would take the place of a comfort blanket. Then preying on guilty yummy mummies said that they needed to buy 2 so that "little Jonny" wouldn't be traumatised when the dirty one was in the wash.

I honestly don't know how I survived my childhood.
thats some shed...well catherine huntley had her house built these presenters are on huge wages

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