Could He Be More Miserable??


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I was watching the other night when a huge Paraiba went from £19,999 to £17,999... TD looked so genuinely pained and miserable, angry even, that it made me really uncomfortable. Honestly, if I'd had £17,999 to throw away, I wouldn't have bought the item for fear of robbing the poor man!

Seriously, is making your viewers feel uncomfortable truly the best way to go about selling things?!? It just makes me cringe, and want to tiptoe quietly away...

I saw that and I was cringing too - all the faff about 'we had a meeting beforehand agreed we wouldn't go below £150,000......' if Tony is so mad about the whole affair - just walk off. Also making 'threats' to Craig about reducing the prices so much.

I have to say that it REALLY doesn't make good tv at all - IMVHO!!! :rain:

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