Company Announcement 20/07 at 16:00 GMT


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Registered Shopper
Feb 14, 2022
OK, Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets - what is the company announcement going to be? Something genuinely worth all the hoo-hah. Or some kind of half-backsided selling ploy - for example something about how some gemstone (my money is on something from China) is going to be massively rare / used by a designer so BUY! BUY NOW, OR REGRET IT FOREVER! ;) Could it even be something about Gemporia?
She is a good speaker but this is very much a case of "she doth protest too much"

The realistic translation is we bought miles too much of this product and we need to shift it now

Nothing wrong with saying that tbh
I agree. Personally it comes across as desperate rather than genuine. Interesting how many times she said we’re a family and I hope to be here for many more years. Many times I see things that are sold out often are not sold out when you look online. I’m not buying the spiel Kate is presenting and usually I don’t mind her.
Well, as someone here once wrote. Jade is the stone they can put massive margins on. Just look at how many of us found items that look totally identical for a tiny-weeny fraction of Gems price - and Gems are still trying to dig themselves out of the hole. But it is a short-sighted, short-term fix. Many of their regular viewers (folk like us) are bored beyond hope of redemption and have walked with our feet taking our money with us. I, for one, have bought a few pieces from TJC since Steve had to wade back in. I've bought nowt from Gems. I don't trust them with my money if I have to return right now - plus I think their pricing is crazy and often much, much too high.
I just wonder what their next potential announcement will be: "heirloom" pieces in "luxury" gold tone, anyone? 😏
Kate laying it on thick. We are passionate and we bought in bulk just for you.
They bought in bulk because it was dirt cheap and sellers couldn't even give it away on the Chinese market.

I love how they keep regurgitating their tall tales about their jade being so rare and high quality, despite their selling a small mountain range of the stuff since the end of last year.

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