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I was about to post more or less what you've just said, Argey. I would describe what they are doing as being economical with the truth in order to mislead the customer into thinking they're getting a great bargain. One of the worst offenders is Rod, who frequently says, "this has closed so much higher..." Yes, and also so much lower, Rodders. In fact, whenever one of them comes out with the above nugget, I immediately know that we are nowhere near the lowest ever price, or should I say, same as ever price. I think the price pledge could become a thing of the past, since items seem to close at the same price, or higher, whenever they appear. I've noticed a lot of necklaces closing for £19 (during the clearance) that I got for £10 in non-clearance hours a few months ago. They'll perhaps be suggesting a reverse price pledge whereby we refund them whenever an item goes higher than we paid...

On a different note, I was reading through the Rocks section during another long and sleepless night and I had quite a few giggles at things, and also thought that the pics of people's jewellery were fabby, some lovely pieces. Nice to know that I'm not the only marcasite fan around here.
I don't think they've done anything quite that blatant yet Meesh. It's more a question of "this is the lowest ever price" when it's the same or only price as on umpteen previous occasions. Although misleading and, in my opinion, I believe the intention is to mislead, technically it's correct. I'm beginning to feel that these two channels have the dirtiest selling techniques, all in the guise of friendship and excitement, but these days very carefully considered and well planned. Let's face it, they now have enough legal bods around to help them in this endeavour (even if non-practising I'd imagine they will have sound background knowledge). xxxxxxxx

PS What's really irritating me about this is that I don't think it's in any way necessary. They have products we want so why spoil themselves with these tired and tarnished techniques.

Absolutely. 100% agree. It's also why I feel the histrionics and yelling aren't warranted.
I was about to post more or less what you've just said, Argey. I would describe what they are doing as being economical with the truth in order to mislead the customer into thinking they're getting a great bargain. One of the worst offenders is Rod, who frequently says, "this has closed so much higher..." Yes, and also so much lower, Rodders. In fact, whenever one of them comes out with the above nugget, I immediately know that we are nowhere near the lowest ever price, or should I say, same as ever price. I think the price pledge could become a thing of the past, since items seem to close at the same price, or higher, whenever they appear. I've noticed a lot of necklaces closing for £19 (during the clearance) that I got for £10 in non-clearance hours a few months ago. They'll perhaps be suggesting a reverse price pledge whereby we refund them whenever an item goes higher than we paid...

On a different note, I was reading through the Rocks section during another long and sleepless night and I had quite a few giggles at things, and also thought that the pics of people's jewellery were fabby, some lovely pieces. Nice to know that I'm not the only marcasite fan around here.

This is just the saddest thing, watching how the tone on this forum is sinking lower and lower. What happened to all that fun and pleasure in exchanging news on bargains and piccies of glorious pieces. Murdered - that's what. xxxxxxxxx

I GIVE FAIR WARNING TO THE MANAGEMENT OF COLOURED ROCKS: Today at 9.10 approx. fluorite beaded silver bracelet, item no. ZDPO20, Fiona said "we have ten of these to give away". Unless someone can assure me to my satisfaction, by 9.00 a.m. tomorrow that Fiona will stop doing this I SHALL be reporting the matter to the authorities. You'll have all my details as Argeybargey is the same name I go by on Rocks/Gems.

It's not the first time I've made this request, the last was some time ago in an e-mail to customer services that was totally ignored. It's also slipping into the spiel of some other presenters. I mix a lot amongst the disabled community and used to write-up advice on good accessible and helpful shops/websites etc. for the disability press. I have made countless recommendations to Rocks.TV to this community during Katherine's time, but it is now a huge source of embarrassment for me. I am deeply concerned that by the nature of some of the disabilities a number of people (young and elderly alike) are misled by these dodgy selling techniques and this morning's episode just made me see red. As I have a vested interest in this matter, I have now opened a diary, something I would most certainly not be bothered with under normal circumstances, but I now feel my own reputation is being ruined.

I don't like taking action without forewarning, in fact I hate having to take or threat to take action against anyone (life's too short) which is why I've chosen this route as e-mailing has proven to be a waste of time.
This is just the saddest thing, watching how the tone on this forum is sinking lower and lower. What happened to all that fun and pleasure in exchanging news on bargains and piccies of glorious pieces. Murdered - that's what. xxxxxxxxx

I GIVE FAIR WARNING TO THE MANAGEMENT OF COLOURED ROCKS: Today at 9.10 approx. fluorite beaded silver bracelet, item no. ZDPO20, Fiona said "we have ten of these to give away". Unless someone can assure me to my satisfaction, by 9.00 a.m. tomorrow that Fiona will stop doing this I SHALL be reporting the matter to the authorities. You'll have all my details as Argeybargey is the same name I go by on Rocks/Gems.

It's not the first time I've made this request, the last was some time ago in an e-mail to customer services that was totally ignored. It's also slipping into the spiel of some other presenters. I mix a lot amongst the disabled community and used to write-up advice on good accessible and helpful shops/websites etc. for the disability press. I have made countless recommendations to Rocks.TV to this community during Katherine's time, but it is now a huge source of embarrassment for me. I am deeply concerned that by the nature of some of the disabilities a number of people (young and elderly alike) are misled by these dodgy selling techniques and this morning's episode just made me see red. As I have a vested interest in this matter, I have now opened a diary, something I would most certainly not be bothered with under normal circumstances, but I now feel my own reputation is being ruined.

I don't like taking action without forewarning, in fact I hate having to take or threat to take action against anyone (life's too short) which is why I've chosen this route as e-mailing has proven to be a waste of time.

:wave: Argey, hope you enjoyed your
session this afternoon. xxxxx

It used to be that when a presenter gave out a lower price, even in error, they had to abide by it. How many times in the past have we heard a presenter say..."well I've said it we'll have to honour it"? So, if Fiona says they are "giving away" bracelets, then that's what they should do! N'est-ce pas?

I've highlighted your post as I felt it should be given every chance to be read by those at CR.
Argey, this ridiculous phrase about having however many of a piece to 'give away' is one of the things that really disturbs and offends me, and I posted about it on the thread about various claims made by Rocks/Gems. I don't understand how they can get away with saying it, and I would have expected the management to act immediately, naive fool that I am.
I have noticed that Rod says it a lot, and I have heard it uttered by Lynn, Carol, Angeline and Nick. I was very surprised a while back to hear Emma say something along the same lines, too. It's a despicable selling technique, and an appalling way to treat customers.
Hey Argey, hate to tell you this and set off one of your turns again, but Fiona has just made the statement, "We have 5 of these to give away this morning" about a pair of ruby and diamond earrings at the price of £119. Interesting interpretation of the words "give away", yet again I find myself pointing the powers that be in the general direction of a dictionary...
Oh for Pete's sake! Doubly annoying given the woman's knowledge, she could do so much better than resorting to this. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> xxxxxxx

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