so its never happened that a woman has gone on maternity leave on the pretence that they'll be returning when all theyre really doing is taking the cash and keeping their options open? get real girls.
I know women who have taken a long maternity leave and not come back or have come back for the minimum time required and then left.
thank you. and all the time that these fiddlers are on their fake "leave" the employer is paying their salary, as well as paying for a temp to fill in for them so that's double the cost. not to mention denying someone else from being taken on long term. and now we have up to 26 weeks paternity leave too. no wonder our country is on its knees.
What is the answer then??
Shared parental leave?
Fixed time leave?
No leave?
So the dads shouldn't have time off to spend with their new family?
We'll just go back to the olden days shall we
when the mother is left home to look after the children
and the men go to work!
You tell other people to get real, how about you do it yourself!
On another note, good luck to Sara and Claudia.
Firstly, bringing up children is not a 'job'. Secondly, it's not the ease of said 'job' its the principle. Yes I know there are some people in this society that do sponge of the government etc, but lets not tar everyone with the same brush. We've come so far to get equality in the work place, so why go backwards?