Claire Sutton..


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I like Claire, inoffensive and comes across as just a nice person. She has spoken about her depression and if her Q facade helps her get through a day then that is fine by me. Walk in someone's shoes and all that.

So are you implying that as soon as she comes off air she becomes depressed? Because if that's the case her facade is really good off screen too. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just commenting on the way she does her job, as I would a plumber, hairdresser or electrician if I felt they did it badly. I do take offence at the "walk in someone's shoes and all that" if that comment was directed at me, because I do have a lot of compassion for anyone that is suffering and would do anything to help anyone. I don't feel that Claire's presenting is a facade, I feel her interrupting guests is just because she's being rude.
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Nothing aimed at you or anyone shopperholic, just an observation, my observation. That's all. Listen to her video on her Q blog, normal voice.
Nothing aimed at you or anyone shopperholic, just an observation, my observation. That's all. Listen to her video on her Q blog, normal voice.

So is that supposed to instill confidence in people who are watching her sell? If she can't be honest about herself how can she be honest about the products she's selling? I don't read presenters blogs as I'm not the slightest bit interested in their lives, they're just basically shop assistants. I don't mean that to sound harsh, I just want them to be honest about what they're trying to sell me is and it's their honest opinion, if I wanted to watch someone's facade I'd watch Keith Lemon, or someon like that. I watch QVC to buy not be entertained. I'm not getting into an argument about Claire, so let's just agree to disagree.
I quite like Claire, facade or not. I suppose that's the thing about QVC- there is someone for everyone! I don't mind her baby, i think she wears lovely clothes and her hair is great. Each to their own!

For the record, at 42, I still call my mother, mummy. Never thought if it was weird but it is what it is!
I don't think any of the QVC presenters is universally popular... we're all different, and different things annoy us, amuse us etc. I suppose as well, if you watch at a time of day when particular presenters tend to be on, you can easily have an overdose of them. I think it's quite interesting as we're seeing more presenters outside of their typical timeslots, so presumably we're all coming across presenters who jar, who we never really saw too much of.
So are you implying that as soon as she comes off air she becomes depressed? Because if that's the case her facade is really good off screen too. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just commenting on the way she does her job, as I would a plumber, hairdresser or electrician if I felt they did it badly. I do take offence at the "walk in someone's shoes and all that" if that comment was directed at me, because I do have a lot of compassion for anyone that is suffering and would do anything to help anyone. I don't feel that Claire's presenting is a facade, I feel her interrupting guests is just because she's being rude.

Many people with clinical depression hide it with a facade to stay working and to protect their themselves, friends and family from how they really feel. The facade is there (almost) all the time. I'm not feeling your empathy in this statement.
Many people with clinical depression hide it with a facade to stay working and to protect their themselves, friends and family from how they really feel. The facade is there (almost) all the time. I'm not feeling your empathy in this statement.

Just goes to show you then doesn't it, you can't get a true feeling from a statement. If you're implying that Claire has clinical depression or Bi Polar as it's known today, then of course I feel sorry for her, but I wasn't aware that constantly interrupting people was one of the symptoms, so that must just be her nature.
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So are you implying that as soon as she comes off air she becomes depressed? Because if that's the case her facade is really good off screen too. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just commenting on the way she does her job, as I would a plumber, hairdresser or electrician if I felt they did it badly. I do take offence at the "walk in someone's shoes and all that" if that comment was directed at me, because I do have a lot of compassion for anyone that is suffering and would do anything to help anyone. I don't feel that Claire's presenting is a facade, I feel her interrupting guests is just because she's being rude.

She's just a ditzy, fake bimbette. Can't stand her syrupy demeanour. It's utterly false. I did think she was particularly funny in this clip:

It shows an immense amount of self-control. I'd have been laughing hysterically at that fat idiot! Like hitting a TV screen is a way to sell it. I mean, who actually hits their screen like that? It's like in the olden days when selling gold necklaces they used to "pile" the chain in the palm of their hand, as if it were a selling point.

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