Claire Sutton


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Suki 1

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I like Claire but she is really OTT this afternoon have had to switch the TV off.
I find she varies between extremely patronising, or acting like a giant schoolgirl from something like Bunty, circa 1958.
Anyone who says "mummy" when they're an adult is irritating in my books.

I couldn't agree more. She really needs to start acting her age. I can barely watch her for longer than 5 minutes. Her childish simpering gets to me every time. I don't know why the producers don't tell her and do something about it!
I also like her, but I wish she'd drop the girly simpering and cut those long curls off!!
Cant stand the woman should have i love Claire across her front well matched with tricky dickie though.
read it again, I know what mossie's driving at:

Cant stand the woman, should have "i love Claire" across her front. well matched with tricky dickie though.

Any better?
She's not the worst but I agree that a bit less of the girly wirley would be a huge improvement. I would rather watch her 24/7 than one single moment of CH or SG
Silly Claire Mutton should carry a jar of mint sauce! Her bimbette act is wearing thin after all these years!
She doesn't bother me either way tbh , which when your a sales person is a good thing I guess, there are far worse on Q.
Listening to her is like being force-fed candyfloss. Can't stand her, but she's not as bad as Franks.
I like Claire, she seems very nice and why would you not like a nice person? I don't care what she calls her mum. It's nice to still be close to your mum as an adult.
I think what you call your parents/siblings is just whatever is the norm for you own particular family. Sometimes when kids, then grand kids, come along it is difficult to know what to call each other and often it appears easier to call people by their role rather than their actual name.

We always used mum so I find mother a bit formal but I'll bet there are many here who use that term- so mummy is just another variation.
She has a lot to contend with in her 'real' life that she never moans or bleats about, and to be able to carry on coming across as chipper and smiley in those circumstances can be, and is, really tough sometimes. That's why I like her.
Who's deciding what's right and wrong to call someone's parents at whatever age - surely there's no right and wrong.

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