Chuntley, problem ?


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Apr 27, 2009
For so long now Chuntley has taken to sporting a new hair look/style for every day that she presents a show. I'm now of the opinion that the woman has an image problem. She's not happy with herself and is obsessed with taking on a new persona. Yes we all love a new haircut/style/colour, but she is taking it to extremes.

It brought it home when she was complimented on her hairstyle yesterday, and then she went into bashful girly mode; yes she does have some good looks and some awful disasters, but she never keeps the style she is complimented on, at least for a couple of weeks, it always has to be something new for each tv appearance.

It must be hard work for her when off duty, as she must spend her time fiddling with her hair or going to the hairdresser to have it cut, coloured, extensions added.

I'm only commenting on this because when she is presenting I am distracted from the product. And this is disastrous for a shopping channel. They need the audience to be focused on the product not the presenter, who to a degree should be invisible if they are doing their selling job properly.

Hair is an important facet of a woman's appearance. Look how we comment on Sara's birdsnest, Julia's long locks and dyed hairline, Jackie's current strange look, but Chuntley is in another league.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest gow frequently someone gets a change of hairstyle. Appearance doesn't distract me, but awful voice, accent or mannerisms do. For those reasons I have to mute Chloe and Charlie.
I like her better with the dark look. Never understood the weird orange or bimbo blond do's.

Her appearance can't be that distracting for most people or they wouldn't keep using her so much. She's obviously a good seller as far as Q management are concerned. (Doesn't do anything for me; but I don't find her as awful as some of the others)
I thought she looked very thin yesterday and wondered if she has overdone the dieting . or maybe it was the dark hair that made her look different . Whatever it was I was distracted from what she was selling
catherine likes to look good spends an awful lot of time and energy and on the whole she does. shes quite pretty and i suppose with her job its a bonus. thats maybe why shes a presenter. all part of the course looking good sounding good and presenting the items to the best of her ability
catherine likes to look good spends an awful lot of time and energy and on the whole she does. shes quite pretty and i suppose with her job its a bonus. thats maybe why shes a presenter. all part of the course looking good sounding good and presenting the items to the best of her ability

Yes normally I don't mind her and she is well turned out ,its just on this occasion I found myself noticing how thin she has become .Maybe it was the lighting or the Join dress she was wearing.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest gow frequently someone gets a change of hairstyle. Appearance doesn't distract me, but awful voice, accent or mannerisms do. For those reasons I have to mute Chloe and Charlie.

I'm exactly the same, I can't stand CR or RJ voice and I run for the off button as soon as I hear them, even RJ promo speil have me rushing for the mute button. CR always sound like he is so excited to be on telly (jolly hockey sticks) and RJ sound excited and already counting how much money he can sqeeze out of the qvc customers on that particular visit....
I saw a bit of her presenting some clothes programme yesterday and her constant hair flicking was completely distracting.
I'm exactly the same, I can't stand CR or RJ voice and I run for the off button as soon as I hear them, even RJ promo speil have me rushing for the mute button. CR always sound like he is so excited to be on telly (jolly hockey sticks) and RJ sound excited and already counting how much money he can sqeeze out of the qvc customers on that particular visit....

As I have been watching the Olympics I have noticed that CR popping up doing a silly dance in an ad for Ceebeeies!
She does take a lot of care about her appearance, and looks fab most of the time - but... what irritates me is her constant referring to herself. She fishes for compliments all the time, constantly talks about what she does with other presenters or guests away from the screen, and her house must be stacked as she seems to have bought most of the products she's presenting... so in essence, I can't watch her as it's all just me, me, me......
I’m the opposite - not watching Olympics so watching Q more this last few weeks than I have done for past year.

Unfortunately it doesn’t do anything for my blood pressure. The number of presenters who have to be muted are growing by the hour. The newish Eeek guest (on with Dale last night) and the newish presenter Katy have both been added to the list.

As for Chuntley - she comes across as so needy but in fact I don’t think that is the case she is just self obsessed and me me me all the time. Wearing specs when it is a techy programme to make her look a brainy geek -I just want to slap the stupid woman.

Didn’t she say that she was going away from colouring her hair was now her natural colour - well all I can say is that if her natural colour changes on a daily basis see needs to see the doctor as there must be something wrong with her.
I’m the opposite - not watching Olympics so watching Q more this last few weeks than I have done for past year.

Unfortunately it doesn’t do anything for my blood pressure. The number of presenters who have to be muted are growing by the hour. The newish Eeek guest (on with Dale last night) and the newish presenter Katy have both been added to the list.

As for Chuntley - she comes across as so needy but in fact I don’t think that is the case she is just self obsessed and me me me all the time. Wearing specs when it is a techy programme to make her look a brainy geek -I just want to slap the stupid woman.

Didn’t she say that she was going away from colouring her hair was now her natural colour - well all I can say is that if her natural colour changes on a daily basis see needs to see the doctor as there must be something wrong with her.

I agree with this - she is my most unfavorite presenter now. The simpering, the constant attention seeking, the disingenuous 'I'm just a little girl' routine when in fact she's very hard sell wrapped up in that ****** soft little baby voice, look at little me, I'm so vulnerable and unthreatening, now give me your money.
Its the gushing that gets me with CHuntley. I feel like shouting man the lifeboats when she starts, as we are all going to drown!

I wondered if she has a new man and trying different hairstyles to find the one he likes best?
I do wish these QVC presenters would stop fishing for things... It's not an ipad they need to be armed with on screen but a fishing rod and a net!!! If they're not fishing for compliments they're fishing for freebies or fishing for sales of products completely unrelated to the job at hand. QVC presenters - you're there to do a professional job of presenting the scheduled hours and enabling the guests to present the products effectively. We're there to gather enough information to decide to buy or not buy. We haven't tuned in to tell you how lovely you are, or how many gazillions of product A or B we've bought and hoarded.... well some of us anyway.

Catherine is not, in my opinion, the worst QVC presenter has to offer, but she does exceed the rest in terms of sheer neediness. We're not really the therapy she needs for that.
It's the ego thing again and again. Viewers want information about the product they (and the guest) are supposed to be flogging - they don't want (or, at least, I wouldn't want) constant drivel about the presenters families and friends, their personal life and loads of self-promo. It seems to me they think they are doing us a favour by being there, and that it's a legitimate opportunity to promote themselves and/or to angle for freebies. This is the precise reason why I rarely watch a whole hour in anything, even if I'm interested in the product. I'll just go online and look it up as these presenter 'tricks' drive me nuts.

I do wish these QVC presenters would stop fishing for things... It's not an ipad they need to be armed with on screen but a fishing rod and a net!!! If they're not fishing for compliments they're fishing for freebies or fishing for sales of products completely unrelated to the job at hand. QVC presenters - you're there to do a professional job of presenting the scheduled hours and enabling the guests to present the products effectively. We're there to gather enough information to decide to buy or not buy. We haven't tuned in to tell you how lovely you are, or how many gazillions of product A or B we've bought and hoarded.... well some of us anyway.

Catherine is not, in my opinion, the worst QVC presenter has to offer, but she does exceed the rest in terms of sheer neediness. We're not really the therapy she needs for that.
I just saw her briefly tonight. The way she changes her hair colour, I am amazed it doesn't fall out. It looked very long tonight, has she had extensions put in??
I just saw her briefly tonight. The way she changes her hair colour, I am amazed it doesn't fall out. It looked very long tonight, has she had extensions put in??

Only last night i was looking at a video for an item and it showed Chuntley with the brassiest blond hair a la veronica lake. It wasn't that long ago.

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