Christmas in July TSV 23/07/21


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Ahh, Loopy, I just read your posts and I'm soooo sorry for the loss of your cat but it's comforting that he was with you and he just slept away. I suspect he's at the bridge now with my Johnboy and Chancer, Felix and Kitty. They don't leave you though and no doubt you'll find that out in due course.

CC xx
I am so sorry. I, and a lot of posters on here, know exactly how you feel. We had to have our 16 year old dog put to sleep in March, miss him every day and still get tearful thinking about him.
And yes that is Milo. He is a rescue cat although I think that he is the one that others need rescuing from!
He does love his Mum and grudgingly accepts that Mr Twirl isn't going anywhere so tolerates him.
Take care xx
Thank you.
And I’m so sorry that you lost your dog this spring - 16 is obviously the magic number...

I hope Milo has helped you heal - I know it’s not the same but think still having a creature in the home helps.

Am finding the silence eerie and sad!
Keep looking for the little monkey! ;)
poor puss and if buying it gives you comfort then Ok but I think in your heart you know it will naff! Perhaps it’s just not my cuppa
Thank you!
I decided I knew it would be tacky (no offence to those who loved and bought it!) so thanks for helping me not to be persuaded...

I have to say that bc of what I was going through and feeling as I watched the presentation of the pyramids - with Gill Gauntlet and Anne Dawson (both a bit “wet” and sickly for my taste at best of times...!) - it did make me cross!

Know it’s been said before at many times, but maybe it was because I was aware of feeling vulnerable, but the sales techniques can so manipulative.

It’s their job to sell the stuff but the way they were harping on about what a hard year we’ve all had and been through and how low the easy pay is, *reallly* pushing people to buy three and keep one and send them to friends etc etc.
And how it would cheer you up and isn’t just for Christmas and is really special!
Usual nonsense!

Then all the stuff about the symbolism of stars and how special people are stars etc etc blah blah!
Just laid it on very thick and I had to be strong to remind it me it had a strong likelihood of being naff and just eat batteries.

(Sure the people who ordered them will enjoy them and take pleasure in them, think it just annoyed me the way they were being pushed!)
So sorry to hear about Alfie? So sad, but I'm sure with you he had his best life... be sad, but be proud too x
Tacky ornaments...I actually quite like it, and I think it could be quite a mesmerising distraction, though by the time you receive it you might think WTF did I order this thing. If you feel it could give you a bit of comfort then why not. Wishing you all the best.
Oh thanks - one of my old carers who’s now dear friend always said he had the life of a king with me!
He did really ;)
But he totally deserved it and it was mutual connection!

I resisted the ornament as could exactly see myself thinking WTF as you put it!!

Think I’ll keep my eyes out for something more my taste/longer lasting and/or maybe something to store his ashes in longer term...
It`s awful losing a beloved pet. I had my first cat back in the 70`s and she was called Vienna. She was the softest most gentle puss cat. One day she went out and simply never returned. We never found out what had happened to her and trawled the area for weeks. I pinned missing notices to fences, walls and lamposts but we got no response.
My heart goes out to you Loopy and it`s a poor substitute I know but you are at least with your lovely puss right up until the end. God love him.

Thank you, Vienna - and nice to know the origin of the name! So sorry you never found her.

It was an honour to be able to hold him as he passed away...
My thoughts are with you, having been through the same thing with my cat.

You probably know the Rainbow Bridge poem, but in case you don’t …….
Bless you and so sorry you’ve been though the same pain 😢

I’ve seen and even sent friends who lost pets cards referring to the rainbow bridge but I didn’t actually know where it came from so thank you! X
Ahh, Loopy, I just read your posts and I'm soooo sorry for the loss of your cat but it's comforting that he was with you and he just slept away. I suspect he's at the bridge now with my Johnboy and Chancer, Felix and Kitty. They don't leave you though and no doubt you'll find that out in due course.

CC xx

Thank you so much Candy...
Know he’ll always be in my heart same as other family cats tho atm it feels as it’s shattered (my heart)... x
Thank you, Vienna - and nice to know the origin of the name! So sorry you never found her.

It was an honour to be able to hold him as he passed away...
Yep not a very original name for the era Loopy. In the 70`s there was a popular TV series Rising Damp and when our Vienna adopted us (she was found in our shed, very much in labour having kittens ) we named her after Rigsby`s cat. We brought her in from the cold, she had no collar and back then microchipping wasn`t around and she had 4 kittens. We found homes for her babies, had her neutered and she was with us for a few years before she disappeared. She must have been a stray when we found her because she loved being outdoors and would only come in for food and at night but she was a loveable thing and my first ever cat.
And one more...! (Indulge me - sorry!)
On mummy’s lap more recently - sleeping beauty! X

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I've only just found all of your posts & like everyone else I'm so sorry to read about Alfie, a very handsome boy. Nothing takes away the pain, we all know that, but your love, & bravery, for being with him at that moment was a beautiful thing. Alfie obviously had life well lived & was well loved; my heart goes out to you & also to your mum.

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