I get fed up with the deteriorating levels of simple professionalism and courtesy shown by QVC's presenters. Whether it is talking over/ignoring/interrupting guests, spiteful or belittling comments about co-presenters or the studio team, or innuendos or in-jokes with guests or studio team... or constant interaction with the ipad rather than the guest and the camera. Nobody seems to prepare for shows, so they haven't got a clue about colours or sizes of items. Far too many presenters turn up wearing clothes I'd slob around it at home rather than wear to work.
There is a growing feeling that the presenters are puffed-up with their own importance, and feel superior to their viewers and the guests. The only time this changes is when they encounter someone who even they acknowledge is actually more famous than they are... then we get treated to nausea-inducing fawning.
The rudest presenter bar none is Sarah Griffiths. Next, and undoubtedly jockeying for position, are Debbie and Julia. My opinions of course, and I'm sure some will disagree.
In Chloe's case, like most of the recent intake she's not a natural selly telly presenter, and she has a rather limited repertoire of patter, and plays on her non-nonsense northern lass routine (hence pie butties). A positive take on it is that she's resisting being more conformist to the presenter stereotype, but doesn't preventer her appearing offhand and disrespectful to guests... particularly when they are a well-liked guest like Dominic.