Chloe on Aurora show


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I took from the comment that if someone objects to the interest from someone of the same sex they may worry about being accused of being homophobic, whereas the same would not apply to unwelcome flirting from a person of the opposite sex.

Yes that's how I took it too.
Whilst I quite like Dale when he is in with Lisa Snowdon I just cringe. Never sure if it is Dale or LS who is more embarrassing.
Whilst I quite like Dale when he is in with Lisa Snowdon I just cringe. Never sure if it is Dale or LS who is more embarrassing.

I can't bear Dale - I just find him smarmy, insincere and arrogant - and just gives me the creeps! Much like Charlie does..! But I did see a show with him and Lisa Snowdon not long ago, and I agree it was extra cringey! Shiver!
Asking if you can wear the friendship bracelet (or any costume pieces) when swimming on holiday. Sexy sounding man says absolutely not as pools have chlorine. Chloe replies, "Is that right? No swimming anyone, no fun!", as if genuinely surprised. Then, as he's explaining that metals react with their environment, she starts grinning at camera and says, "Take your jewelry off and close your eyes," as if to say he's being a bit OTT with his advice. She gave me an instant flashback of when I was in school and some girls would giggle and look to each other as if communicating the teacher was a bit barmy/behind-the-times.

Then she adds when he says he goes to Ozone pools she says that she doesn't think there's any near me, "But there we go," as if dismissing they exist. I live in the sticks, but even I'm aware of one in the nearest city.

Is it just me or does anyone else's hackles go up when a presenter seems to get a bit snarky with guests - particularly the ones that obviously know their stuff and try to advise customers?

I only saw the last 20 minutes or so of this show, and although I don't particularly have a problem with Chloe as a presenter - mainly just not as bad as others IMHO! - she was awful on the Aurora show. I even wondered if she was tipsy!
But think she was either playing up to, or being egged on by the people in the gallery, the way she was making so many innuendos and inappropriate comments. At one point she started reading out the care instruction leaflet - which Dominic himself had written - and just generally taking the p**s. V childish :(
I only saw the last 20 minutes or so of this show, and although I don't particularly have a problem with Chloe as a presenter - mainly just not as bad as others IMHO! - she was awful on the Aurora show. I even wondered if she was tipsy!
But think she was either playing up to, or being egged on by the people in the gallery, the way she was making so many innuendos and inappropriate comments. At one point she started reading out the care instruction leaflet - which Dominic himself had written - and just generally taking the p**s. V childish :(

I can't stand Chloe Everton and can imagine her acting like that, Sky Sports demanded she take her Twitter account down because of all her sexual innuendos. When she done her first show with Bibi Bijoux she was in her element and laughed every time the word "balls" was mentioned, yes this from a sports reader were the world of sport is full of balls. I've seen her giggle and say "we all like a sausage to have a good girth and length" when describing a sausage roll, she's very childish and immature not to mention an absolutely awful presenter.
I can't stand Chloe Everton and can imagine her acting like that, Sky Sports demanded she take her Twitter account down because of all her sexual innuendos. When she done her first show with Bibi Bijoux she was in her element and laughed every time the word "balls" was mentioned, yes this from a sports reader were the world of sport is full of balls. I've seen her giggle and say "we all like a sausage to have a good girth and length" when describing a sausage roll, she's very childish and immature not to mention an absolutely awful presenter.

She does go bit OTT at times and often switch over when she's on!
I only saw the last 20 minutes or so of this show, and although I don't particularly have a problem with Chloe as a presenter - mainly just not as bad as others IMHO! - she was awful on the Aurora show. I even wondered if she was tipsy!
But think she was either playing up to, or being egged on by the people in the gallery, the way she was making so many innuendos and inappropriate comments. At one point she started reading out the care instruction leaflet - which Dominic himself had written - and just generally taking the p**s. V childish :(

I can't stand Chloe Everton and can imagine her acting like that, Sky Sports demanded she take her Twitter account down because of all her sexual innuendos. When she done her first show with Bibi Bijoux she was in her element and laughed every time the word "balls" was mentioned, yes this from a sports reader were the world of sport is full of balls. I've seen her giggle and say "we all like a sausage to have a good girth and length" when describing a sausage roll, she's very childish and immature not to mention an absolutely awful presenter.

Maybe she's on the wrong shopping channel? Sounds like she (and perhaps the juveniles behind the scenes as well) should be over on IW with the end of the pier sideshow that is Peter Simon? Very unprofessional.
She does go bit OTT at times and often switch over when she's on!

I agree, I just channel hopped (when will I ever, ever learn) while waiting for Emmerdale to load and caught her flicking a fly off the table, it upset me and I know some people will say "it's only a fly!" but I personally wouldn't hurt one, so just shows her nature, she could've brushed it away rather than flick it no doubt killing it in the process, if I couldn't stand her then, I certainly can't now,
I agree, I just channel hopped (when will I ever, ever learn) while waiting for Emmerdale to load and caught her flicking a fly off the table, it upset me and I know some people will say "it's only a fly!" but I personally wouldn't hurt one, so just shows her nature, she could've brushed it away rather than flick it no doubt killing it in the process, if I couldn't stand her then, I certainly can't now,

She's has a Brash style and not very likeable but I'm sure she has her fans!
I get fed up with the deteriorating levels of simple professionalism and courtesy shown by QVC's presenters. Whether it is talking over/ignoring/interrupting guests, spiteful or belittling comments about co-presenters or the studio team, or innuendos or in-jokes with guests or studio team... or constant interaction with the ipad rather than the guest and the camera. Nobody seems to prepare for shows, so they haven't got a clue about colours or sizes of items. Far too many presenters turn up wearing clothes I'd slob around it at home rather than wear to work.

There is a growing feeling that the presenters are puffed-up with their own importance, and feel superior to their viewers and the guests. The only time this changes is when they encounter someone who even they acknowledge is actually more famous than they are... then we get treated to nausea-inducing fawning.

The rudest presenter bar none is Sarah Griffiths. Next, and undoubtedly jockeying for position, are Debbie and Julia. My opinions of course, and I'm sure some will disagree.

In Chloe's case, like most of the recent intake she's not a natural selly telly presenter, and she has a rather limited repertoire of patter, and plays on her non-nonsense northern lass routine (hence pie butties). A positive take on it is that she's resisting being more conformist to the presenter stereotype, but doesn't preventer her appearing offhand and disrespectful to guests... particularly when they are a well-liked guest like Dominic.

Please can l say that I am a northern lass and I do try to be "non nonsense" most days! I can categorically say I have NEVER eaten, or heard of a pie butty!
Please can l say that I am a northern lass and I do try to be "non nonsense" most days! I can categorically say I have NEVER eaten, or heard of a pie butty!

Yorkshire born and bred it's a chip butty or a pie. You don't eat a pie sandwich!!!!!
i love his voice but not the jewellery reminds me of avon jewellery

I have a bit of both so can happily say that although my avon bits and pieces are good quality for the price, they're nowhere near as lovely as the Swarovski bits I have. My sister has earrings from Avon that have the Swarovski crystals but they don't sparkle and stand out like a similar pair from Swarovski I have. I'd have said that hers needed a good clean but we had them for Christmas the same year and opened and wore them at the same time, so I've often wondered if the cheaper versions of the brand are a different quality.
Why would anyone put a pie in two slices of bread?! It just sounds like a Londoner's idea of what it's like 'ooop t'North'. I hear that they also think that Northerners put a whippet between two slices of bread, and eat it with a flat cap. And I speak as a Londoner (but with distant northern roots!)

I also find Dominic a bit of a cliché.

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