Chloe and Kathy on Breakfast show.


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Jun 24, 2008
Don't usually get to watch breakfast show but I have just seen Kathy and Chloe and I must say they are two of my favourites. They have no airs and graces just two natural women. I thought Chloe looked really nice she is well groomed with nice makeup and isn't constantly preening like some on Q. Kathy as always a natural attractive woman.
Yes I agree with you. I don't see why so many negative comments have been made about Chloe, imo she comes across as a pleasant down to earth girl who's not full of herself, doesn't shout or gabble nineteen to the dozen and doesn't have any affectations and think she's the queen of QVC. Of course Kathy is always a pleasure to watch whatever show she is presenting.
Chloe does look nice this morning. I've moaned about her looking quite casual ... think it was something along the lines of wearing jeans and a jumper ... but I like her as a presenter and today she's still wearing jeans or perhaps they're leggings but she has a nice top on and a bit of jewellery. She looks good. True to her casual style but smarter.

I'm not keen on the heavy eye make up on anyone, especially me!, but it's part of her personal style and its fine.
One is a very natural beauty and a very unassuming person, which one is that? mmm. As for the Teflon, Silvikrin hair and the black coal Alice Cooper eyes, well, she looks like she should be in a nightclub not presenting on the breakfast show!
If people are going to accuse me of being causing trouble, when Im just posting my opinion. I don't see what was wrong with my reply to this thread, for example. I think there are others who are out for trouble and they may have been at it long before I came back, so why blame it all on me.
If people are going to accuse me of being causing trouble, when Im just posting my opinion. I don't see what was wrong with my reply to this thread, for example. I think there are others who are out for trouble and they may have been at it long before I came back, so why blame it all on me.

Of course you're fully entitled to your opinion but I do feel that some of your posts are now getting rather repetitive and monotonous now.
Fair point but I was just saying that Chloe doesn't look right for the breakfast show. If she toned down the eye make up a bit, its just a bit stark for the mornings. I think anyone would work well alongside Kathy though, she seems such an easy going person to work with. Lets hope she takes a few lessons from Kathy on how to present the products and not yourself!
If people are going to accuse me of being causing trouble, when Im just posting my opinion. I don't see what was wrong with my reply to this thread, for example. I think there are others who are out for trouble and they may have been at it long before I came back, so why blame it all on me.

exactly and some of these threads are clearly started as baiting. everyone is entitled to voice their opinion without someone coming back on them.

i agree about toning it down for mornings. it's a natural thing to do which is why the men on BBC and ITV breakfast shows wear sweaters and the men reading the 9 pm news wear a shirt and tie.
If people are going to accuse me of being causing trouble, when Im just posting my opinion. I don't see what was wrong with my reply to this thread, for example. I think there are others who are out for trouble and they may have been at it long before I came back, so why blame it all on me.

There was nothing in BLs post that a. accused you of causing trouble, or b. blaming it all on you.
ok. Just got feeling some people are doing things on purpose to try and stir up trouble for me. Like its their aim. I have strong opinions but keep having to feel as though I have to apologise for them. I think my post about Chloe in this thread was on topic and valid within the context of the thread and nothing wrong with what I contributed here, so why pounce on me, that's all. If another leaves then we are one less opinion down and one less regukar member, as I have lots of time and lots to contribute. I keep having to apologise for my existence here.

Anyway, I do hope if Chloe is to do the morning show, she tones it down. I think Kathy is maybe a good partner, in as much as Kathy doesn't shout and she tends to give lots of information on the products in a calm manner. Chloe could have worse teachers.
ok. Just got feeling some people are doing things on purpose to try and stir up trouble for me. Like its their aim. I have strong opinions but keep having to feel as though I have to apologise for them. I think my post about Chloe in this thread was on topic and valid within the context of the thread and nothing wrong with what I contributed here, so why pounce on me, that's all. If another leaves then we are one less opinion down and one less regukar member, as I have lots of time and lots to contribute. I keep having to apologise for my existence here.

Anyway, I do hope if Chloe is to do the morning show, she tones it down. I think Kathy is maybe a good partner, in as much as Kathy doesn't shout and she tends to give lots of information on the products in a calm manner. Chloe could have worse teachers.

Tristar, let's make this clear.......I most definitely was not waiting to pounce as you choose to state but read in to it what you will. I have far more important things and worries going on in my life thank you very much. My point was that it was a repetitive post concerning Chloe and, if I remember rightly, we had a whole thread on it which seemed to end up going round and round in circles.

I will repeat....of course, you're entitled to your opinions as is everyone else but perhaps it's time to change the record on this particular topic and that's all I meant. However, I have no power in the way you've interpreted it, only you can decide that!
I really like Chloe....find her very natural and have no issue at all with her look or make up! It's nice that all the presenters have such a different look, wouldn't want them all the same!!
BusyLizzie Im sure you do have more important things to do, but some others might not, that's all. Anyway, back to topic, I think Chloe could learn a lot from Kathy and her relaxed style. Maybe having a more experienced presenter sharing her shifts would be a good way of getting her settled in. maybe this should have been considered before. Maybe I would watch if she were not the only presenter in the hour. I do try and watch the morning show. Always like to see the first daytime airing of the tsv.
chloe is watchable but kathys voice grates on my nerves very quickly so i dont watch if i flick over & she is is .. i wish you had seperate on off buttons for all the people on your telly screen:grin:
chloe is watchable but kathys voice grates on my nerves very quickly so i dont watch if i flick over & she is is .. i wish you had seperate on off buttons for all the people on your telly screen:grin:

Wouldn't that be great! I like Kathy voice. least she doesn't shout. Iv just had misfortune of catching Chloe on Bijoux, just switched on see what was on and she was shouting! Again.
I like Chloe and Kathy, on the other hand I can't stand Craig Rowe... so I never watch anything he is presenting (it works for me) I would hate to think that I was boring fm's by repetitive posts about how much I dislike him...
I like Chloe and Kathy, on the other hand I can't stand Craig Rowe... so I never watch anything he is presenting (it works for me) I would hate to think that I was boring fm's by repetitive posts about how much I dislike him...

Craig was on the other night on a games console some of the noises he was making were so strange ... diving around all over the place making a silly wheeeeeee & whooshhhhhhhhh sound , maybe he can bugger off & do childrens telly because thats what it equated to :giggle:
I have seen repetitive things said on here. My understanding is you should feel free to post your opinion. If others wish to comment then it goes without saying that the original poster will respond. Not really sure what the problem is in all honesty! Live and let live!
Totally agree with the live and let live sentiment, however, at the moment all these threads keep turning into the same treadmill.

Surely having a discussion means varying opinions being expressed. Person A diagreeing with Person B's pinion does not mean that Person A has some personal vendetta against Person B, it just means they have a different opinion. Interesting discussion is made up of lots of different points being made, and I would have thought the majority of us here are in favour of interesting discussion. It doesn't seem interesting to me when it's the exact same points about the same subjects being repeated ad infinitum.

In. My. Opinion.

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