Cavey, I've just given me glockenspiel a wipe down with a damp cloth, I know that Klarion would want things to be properly lubricated for our big day. I've been thinking that we could maybe do the jingles for those mildly embarrassing items, taboo health aids and the like, so when they have a pelvic exerciser as a TSV (on the off chance that the usual epilator is out of stock) we could burst into a chorus of 'Stuck In The Widdle With You', and perhaps for the Betty down below dyes, we could be 'Down In The Pube Station At Midnight'. Just a thought...
I have to say that I'm very excited about this new chapter of fame opening up, (cue Klarion), and haven't felt this enthused since my tremendous success winning Masterchef with that inspired recipe of Oven Chips with a Lemsip Jus.