Charlie's eating comments


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I find it interesting how a presenter can bring out such reactions in us. In real life, I'm really tolerant and very patient but for some reason, several qvc presenters (and general tv presenters too to some extent), infuriate me and I can find them so annoying that I have to turn off! Either that or I just mutter to myself! What's that about?!

Charlie is one of the lesser faves. I find him insincere and irritating, not entirely sure what it is exactly but his delivery makes me shudder! The face-stuffing is very unappealing too... It's not like he's starving, and it just comes across as childish. Sure, taste fork-full of the food if you have to and make 'hmm' noises if you must, but shovelling it in like that does nothing to help sell the product, and probably puts several off ;(
Absolutely - made me laugh, too! Talk about a lack of self-awareness.

The irony H, getting pulled up for "dissecting and analysing" presenters comments while er.......dissecting and analysing everyone else's, oh the hypocrisy. :mysmilie_15:

Totally agree with you, manners cost nothing, no need to stuff his mush really, every one who watches QVC knows what follows is a chorus of orgasmic "mmmm mmmm mmmm oh yeah!"
Yes, he's got previous, especially where the dessert items are concerned. And if it's the hour I'm thinking of, the dessert was no sooner put on the worktop than he grabbed a fork and took a piece out of it! I don't think the camera even got a chance to pan in for a close-up! You've got to laugh at him, really, but I'd be furious if I was the guest.
I have heard Charlie being told off before now because he's attacked something which is for display for all of the shows... normally it's one of the showier desserts...
There's nothing wrong with all that food being eaten - I mean you couldn't waste all the things they make. However, it should be eaten off air I think unless it's just a quick taste. Charlie just stuffs it all in his mouth like a pig and Craig's not much better. I have also seen Chloe hanging around to grab food as well. Maybe they should just put Jill Franks on the food shows.


I suspect for QVC the regulations are the same as they claim to be for IW. Anything not eaten during the show cannot be eaten, and must be thrown away. So when they make items which are to be part of the display during all the shows they are basically never going to be eaten ever. Having someone who doesn't consume the food would be even more wasteful... but I do think it would be nice for them to get the crew to sample...

I think if people presenting didn't sample the food, then we'd be complaining about that too... yes, we are contrary... but that's our prerogative! We just don't want to see food stuffed in at such a rate the presenter is rendered incapable of performing the task they are paid for - namely presenting the show! It does make Charlie look like a greedy child as he rams the food in hand over fist. How can he really appreciate any subtlety of flavour or texture the speed at which he's eating?

Mind you, if you want a truely disgusting spectacle - you need to see Peter Simon on IW food shows. He does an "O" face and gurns and gobbles, with mouth open at times. Really nauseating watching for the weak-stomached.
And don't get me started on Ms Everton's "pie butty". Never seen such a horrible thing in my entire life (well a food thing anyway). Can't remember who the guest was on that particular occasion but they were (rightly) speechless at the pure lack of class (OK to eat your local delicacies but maybe not on national TV when you're trying to sell a teapot, or whatever it was).

And don't get me started on Ms Everton's "pie butty". Never seen such a horrible thing in my entire life (well a food thing anyway). Can't remember who the guest was on that particular occasion but they were (rightly) speechless at the pure lack of class (OK to eat your local delicacies but maybe not on national TV when you're trying to sell a teapot, or whatever it was).


Like Chloe but man that sounds awful! I can't say I even knew such a delicacy existed (I assume I'm right in imagining - reluctantly! - some sort of pie between two slices of bread?!) and thought of it's making my tummy ache ;) But given it does, I think it's definitely one for behind closed doors!
Imo Charlie and Chloe are both gannets when there is food about :mysmilie_5:but then I like to see people enjoying their food, but maybe not while presenting on live telly..... lol
When it comes to the food, both Charlie and Chloe are under the delusion that their antics are funny and endearing and show their character. They aren't. I love my food too, but it doesn't mean I abandon my manners when I approach the food table (be it a kitchen, dining, restaurant or buffet table). We can appreciate that they love their food without the carrying on. The rate and quantity Charlie in particular crams food in, it's a wonder he's not on antacids straight after his shows.
I live near Wigan and if you visit the market hall which is directly opposite a College, you`ll frequently see a line of students queuing up to buy a pie or pastie in what`s called locally a barmcake. A barmcake is a larger sized bap. They butter the barmcake, stick a pie or pastie of choice inside it and you can even have mushy peas inside it too.
I`ve never had one myself, never fancied one to be honest, especially as my acid reflux bans me from eating pastry anyway but as a fairly new resident in this area, I must admit I laughed my socks off the first time I saw the pie butty being served. I`ve only lived here for 4 years so I suppose I`m still adjusting to local ways.
My husband has lived here all of his 64 years and was a miner for 25 years and it seems pie barms were popular with the miners who`d buy one from the canteen and eat it as they walked to the pit head to begin their afternoon shift. Down the pit their snap as they called it consisted of a bottle of water or cold tea and very little else because they had nowhere to store their food and even if they tried to eat, everything was covered in coal dust in seconds. Consequently food which could be quickly consumed en route to the pit head cages became popular. Hence the pie barm.
Another strange dish is called Lobby. To me it resembles stew but apparently there`s a difference in ingredients. I haven`t tried that either.

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