Charlie and Charlie Bears


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Got to be honest I am a little surprised to see that Charlie Bears is on throughout today and that there is only one hour that Charlie Brook is on with them, when he wasn't on the TSV at midnight I thought perhaps he was off poorly or on holiday, but nope he is listed on the guide today. Odd, wonder why they haven't got him presenting all the hours, thought this sickly pair and his sickly charm went hand in hand and created more sales for the teddy bears.
I liked the look of today's TSV but there is no way that I could commit to spending over £160 plus P&P over the next 9 months.
On teddy bears, how ever "cute" they might be.
My money is very safe, I just can't be doing with the Charlie bear guests, the smarmy sickly voices does my head in...They are talking to Adults for gawd sakes, not nursery school children....
Now don't get me wrong, I like a teddy bear as much as the next person, and these are lovely bears - BUT this pair of Charlies are ridiculous, the way they oh so slowly manipulate the teddys head from side to side and then at an angle gives me the creeps, and they are teddy bears not puppies or kittens with their 'own personalities'. The woman said this morning, a huge percentage of people leave their teddy bears in hotels when they leave, which just does to show that teddies do travel (?????). AND when one teddy bear range sells out you would think the woman had just lost a loved one, she always says 'OH NO, I'm really sad about that' - does she not want to sell them then! PLUS if I have to listen about how they met one more time I think my head may explode. I know I should switch off and I usually do after about 10 minutes, but its still enough for me to see what a weird pair they are.

Sorry it must have been David Hasslehoff that started me off, I'll calm down now!
Now don't get me wrong, I like a teddy bear as much as the next person, and these are lovely bears - BUT this pair of Charlies are ridiculous, the way they oh so slowly manipulate the teddys head from side to side and then at an angle gives me the creeps, and they are teddy bears not puppies or kittens with their 'own personalities'. The woman said this morning, a huge percentage of people leave their teddy bears in hotels when they leave, which just does to show that teddies do travel (?????). AND when one teddy bear range sells out you would think the woman had just lost a loved one, she always says 'OH NO, I'm really sad about that' - does she not want to sell them then! PLUS if I have to listen about how they met one more time I think my head may explode. I know I should switch off and I usually do after about 10 minutes, but its still enough for me to see what a weird pair they are.

Sorry it must have been David Hasslehoff that started me off, I'll calm down now!

I've never watched any of the Charlie Bear shows, how did they meet speckledhen? :grin:
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The more I listen to MR Charlie Bear the more I think he must be related to Adrian Buckley. Same voice and similar looking.
Now I'm not normally rude about any of the presenters, and I do like teddy bears, but dear god these two just drive me mad, and dare I ask, how old the woman Charlie is, or is it my new telly, showing up her wrinkles, perhaps shouldnt have said that, but I have switched off now so won't comment any more.
Now I'm not normally rude about any of the presenters, and I do like teddy bears, but dear god these two just drive me mad, and dare I ask, how old the woman Charlie is, or is it my new telly, showing up her wrinkles, perhaps shouldnt have said that, but I have switched off now so won't comment any more.

I thought the same thing about Charlotte - she does look fairly haggard lately and I was also wondering what her age was.
I do have 2 Charli Bears or should I say 3 as one is a set of 2 and they are both on sofa's and are really lovely, BUT there is no way I want to forever be buying them and especially not the TSV where you have to collect 4 in the year!! where on earth would you put them all.

Also agree with other comment made about ' If I have to listen to how they met one more time' - I quite agree!!
I don't know why Will and Charlie get such bad press here. They don't annoy me at all. Charlie is upset when there's a sudden sell-out, because she knows that a lot of CB collectors anxious to get hold of that bear may have missed out. (I'm not one, in case you wondered.)

I can't see the problem with them moving the bears around, either. They're not selling laptops or shower cleaner - the bears are meant to have some kind of emotive appeal. Would we want Leighton Denny just to line the bottles of nail varnish up on a shelf and point at them?
I've never watched an hour as I've no reason or inclination to buy a bear but I did see a bit of the 8am show this morning and did a quick calculation on the auto delivery. How flying much I thought!! But if that's what someone wants to spend their hard earned cash on then that's nowt to do with me.

Mind you that Lollipop Bear is a funny looking bugger. And so is Will. Something slightly creepy about Will I'm so sorry to say.
I've never watched any of the Charlie Bear shows, how did they meet speckledhen? :grin:

ooooh you little devil. As punishment I think you should ring up the studio and ask them on their next show, and then snore loudly towards the end of the story.

You did make me laugh out loud tho!
I thought the same thing about Charlotte - she does look fairly haggard lately and I was also wondering what her age was.
I do have 2 Charli Bears or should I say 3 as one is a set of 2 and they are both on sofa's and are really lovely, BUT there is no way I want to forever be buying them and especially not the TSV where you have to collect 4 in the year!! where on earth would you put them all.

Also agree with other comment made about ' If I have to listen to how they met one more time' - I quite agree!!

Me three! What's happened to her lately, she used to be she looks at least 10 years older, and comes across as nervous and browbeaten...I wonder if alls OK with their relationship. He suddenly looks years younger than her and does most of the talking, whilst she just sits in the background looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights!
she's a bit cheerier in this current hour, but totally agree she has looked very quiet and tired all day. :eek:(
The couple that present the bears, particularly the guy are some of the most incinsere people I've ever seen on Q!
I must say, I concur with the majority of the posts on this topic. I have two charlie bears - Rhubarb and custard - and the quality is reflected in the price; be aware that, as you are not spending the amount of money you would on a steiff, you won't receive a bear of the same quality. I always said that my buying another charlie bear would be quite unlikely, although I did order the tsv today on AD, only to cancel it minutes later. My impression of this couple is the same as that of the OP and other posters; "sickly sweet" describes them perfectly. Each time they make their first appearance, my thought is that they could just be together for business reasons. They do not strike me as being genuine, rather in business to make a profit, which is fair enough, that's what being in business is all about, but don't pretend otherwise. I really don't want to line their pockets by buying into their bears so, despite the fact that I did like this collection - especially Toffee Apple - I would prefer to spend the money £184 approx inc p+p on one of a kind bears or hermann/steiff/antique bears.
She just said that her dad is going into hospital tomorrow. Her parents seem to do a lot for the business, so that's presumably a worry.
I must say, I concur with the majority of the posts on this topic. I have two charlie bears - Rhubarb and custard - and the quality is reflected in the price; be aware that, as you are not spending the amount of money you would on a steiff, you won't receive a bear of the same quality. I always said that my buying another charlie bear would be quite unlikely, although I did order the tsv today on AD, only to cancel it minutes later. My impression of this couple is the same as that of the OP and other posters; "sickly sweet" describes them perfectly. Each time they make their first appearance, my thought is that they could just be together for business reasons. They do not strike me as being genuine, rather in business to make a profit, which is fair enough, that's what being in business is all about, but don't pretend otherwise. I really don't want to line their pockets by buying into their bears so, despite the fact that I did like this collection - especially Toffee Apple - I would prefer to spend the money £184 approx inc p+p on one of a kind bears or hermann/steiff/antique bears.

I disagree with this post. Charlie bears on the whole are very good quality, and in my opinion pound for pound are much better value than Steiff, i own both "brands" and CB beats my Steiff hands down. You say you own Rhubarb and Custard, on that point i can only say that they were not as good qulity as other TSV's. I own a number of CB's, mohair and plush, and if the quality was as you say, i wouldn't have continued to collect.
Now don't get me wrong, I like a teddy bear as much as the next person, and these are lovely bears - BUT this pair of Charlies are ridiculous, the way they oh so slowly manipulate the teddys head from side to side and then at an angle gives me the creeps, and they are teddy bears not puppies or kittens with their 'own personalities'. The woman said this morning, a huge percentage of people leave their teddy bears in hotels when they leave, which just does to show that teddies do travel (?????). AND when one teddy bear range sells out you would think the woman had just lost a loved one, she always says 'OH NO, I'm really sad about that' - does she not want to sell them then! PLUS if I have to listen about how they met one more time I think my head may explode. I know I should switch off and I usually do after about 10 minutes, but its still enough for me to see what a weird pair they are.

Sorry it must have been David Hasslehoff that started me off, I'll calm down now!
:grin: I like this last sentence very much:nod:

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