I dont usually comment on here, but i cannot see what you all dislike so much about C & W.The bithching is impossible, and judgment like this is so uncalled for. I too have my own business along with my partner(both work and personal) importing fair trade bright coloured clothing from Nepal and our whole life is filled with the joy of what we do and spend most of our waking time talking and enthusing about it. Ok, the money we make is a bonus, but we do actually do it for the love of it, and cannot help but be excited about each and everyone of our products and wouldnt ever want to do anything else dispite the hard work. In C & W, I see myself and partner:sun::mysmilie_478:, and for all you sceptics, you can actually love your own business and products as much as they do without ulterior motives....so stop knocking them and if you dont like them, then dont watch them...they dont make you turn on...oh and by the way, although i have one CB, im not a collecter, but do enjoy their enthusiam!